A brief discussion on ClickHouse aggregation and window functions

ClickHouse aggregate and window functions

ClickHouse is a high-performance, columnar storage distributed database that is widely used in real-time data analysis, big data processing and other scenarios. In ClickHouse, aggregate functions and window functions are two very important functions that can help us summarize, count and analyze data. This article will introduce in detail the aggregate functions (such as count, sum, avg, etc.) and window functions (such as row_number, rank, dense_rank, etc.) and other advanced functions in ClickHouse for advanced data analysis.

1. Aggregation function

Aggregation functions are used to aggregate and calculate a set of values, returning a single result. The following are commonly used aggregate functions in ClickHouse:


The COUNT function is used to count the number of records in a table or the number of records that meet certain conditions.


COUNT([DISTINCT] expression)


-- Count the number of records in the table
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_name;

-- Count the number of records that meet certain conditions
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_name WHERE condition;

-- Count the number of distinct values
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT column_name) FROM table_name;

1.2 SUM

The SUM function is used to calculate the sum of values in a column in a table.




-- Calculate the sum of values in a column
SELECT SUM(column_name) FROM table_name;

-- Calculate the sum of values in a column that meet certain conditions
SELECT SUM(column_name) FROM table_name WHERE condition;

1.3 AVG

The AVG function is used to calculate the average value of a column in a table.




-- Calculate the average of a column of values
SELECT AVG(column_name) FROM table_name;

-- Calculate the average of a column of values that meet certain conditions
SELECT AVG(column_name) FROM table_name WHERE condition;

1.4 MIN and MAX

The MIN and MAX functions are used to calculate the minimum and maximum values of a column in the table respectively.




-- Calculate the minimum and maximum values of a column of values
SELECT MIN(column_name), MAX(column_name) FROM table_name;

-- Calculate the minimum and maximum values of a column that meet certain conditions
SELECT MIN(column_name), MAX(column_name) FROM table_name WHERE condition;


The GROUP_CONCAT function is used to concatenate multiple values into a string.


GROUP_CONCAT([DISTINCT] expression [, separator])


-- Concatenate multiple values into a string
SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(column_name) FROM table_name;

-- Concatenate multiple values using custom separators
SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(column_name, ',') FROM table_name;

-- Concatenate different values
SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT column_name) FROM table_name;

2. Window function

Window functions are used to perform calculations on each row of records in a data set, taking into account other rows related to the current row. The following are commonly used window functions in ClickHouse:


The ROW_NUMBER function is used to assign a unique serial number to each row in the result set.


ROW_NUMBER() OVER ([PARTITION BY expression] [ORDER BY expression])


--Assign a unique serial number to each row in the result set
SELECT column_name, ROW_NUMBER() OVER () AS row_number FROM table_name;

-- After partitioning and sorting by a certain column, assign a unique serial number to each row
SELECT column_name, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY column1 ORDER BY column2) AS row_number FROM table_name;


The RANK and DENSE_RANK functions are used to assign a rank to each row in the result set. The RANK function skips rankings when encountering the same value, while the DENSE_RANK function assigns ranks consecutively.


RANK() OVER ([PARTITION BY expression] [ORDER BY expression])
DENSE_RANK() OVER ([PARTITION BY expression] [ORDER BY expression])


--Assign a rank to each row in the result set
SELECT column_name, RANK() OVER (ORDER BY column_name) AS rank FROM table_name;
SELECT column_name, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY column_name) AS dense_rank FROM table_name;

-- After partitioning and sorting by a column, assign a rank to each row
SELECT column_name, RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY column1 ORDER BY column2) AS rank FROM table_name;
SELECT column_name, DENSE_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY column1 ORDER BY column2) AS dense_rank FROM table_name;


The ROWS BETWEEN and RANGE BETWEEN clauses are used to define the calculation range of the window function. The ROWS BETWEEN clause defines the range in terms of row numbers, while the RANGE BETWEEN clause defines the range in terms of values.




-- Calculate the sum of a column value in the current row and the previous two rows
SELECT column_name, SUM(column_name) OVER (ROWS BETWEEN 2 PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) AS sum FROM table_name;

-- Calculate the average of a column value in the current row and the previous two rows
SELECT column_name, AVG(column_name) OVER (RANGE BETWEEN 2 PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) AS avg FROM table_name;

3. Use aggregate functions for data summary

Aggregation functions help us summarize and calculate data. Here are some examples of using aggregate functions for data aggregation:

3.1 Calculate total sales

Suppose we have a table called sales that contains a price column for each sale. We can calculate total sales using the SUM function:

SELECT SUM(price) AS total_sales FROM sales;

3.2 Calculate the sales of each product

If the sales table also contains a product_id column, we can use the GROUP BY clause and the SUM function to calculate each Product sales:

SELECT product_id, SUM(price) AS product_sales FROM sales GROUP BY product_id;

3.3 Calculate monthly sales

If the sales table also contains a date column, we can use the toStartOfMonth function and the GROUP BY clause to calculate each Monthly sales:

SELECT toStartOfMonth(date) AS month, SUM(price) AS monthly_sales FROM sales GROUP BY month;

4. Use window functions for data analysis

Window functions help us perform calculations on each row of records in the data set, taking into account other rows related to the current row. Here are some examples of using window functions for data analysis:

4.1 Calculate the cumulative sales of each product

We can calculate the cumulative sales of each product using the SUM function and the ROWS BETWEEN clause:

SELECT product_id, date, price, SUM(price) OVER (PARTITION BY product_id ORDER BY date ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) AS cumulative_sales FROM sales;

4.2 Calculate the monthly sales growth rate of each product

We can calculate the monthly sales growth rate of each product using the LAG function and the RATIO_TO_REPORT function:

WITH monthly_sales AS (
  SELECT product_id, toStartOfMonth(date) AS month, SUM(price) AS sales FROM sales GROUP BY product_id, month
SELECT product_id, month, sales, (sales - LAG(sales) OVER (PARTITION BY product_id ORDER BY month)) / LAG(sales) OVER (PARTITION BY product_id ORDER BY month) AS growth_rate FROM monthly_sales;

5. Use advanced functions for data analysis

ClickHouse also provides many advanced functions, such as array functions, expression indexing, etc., which can help us perform advanced data analysis. Here are some examples of using advanced features for data analysis:

5.1 Use array functions to analyze multi-valued attributes

Suppose we have a table named user_events which contains an array column named tags. We can count the number of events for each tag using the ARRAY JOIN clause and the COUNT function:

SELECT tag, COUNT(*) AS event_count FROM user_events ARRAY JOIN tags AS tag GROUP BY tag;

5.2 Use expression index to optimize query performance

Suppose we often need to query sales data within a specific date range. We can create an expression index called date_index to improve query performance:

CREATE INDEX date_index ON sales (toStartOfDay(date));

We can then take advantage of the expression index at query time using the FINAL clause and the WHERE clause:

SELECT * FROM sales FINAL WHERE toStartOfDay(date) BETWEEN '2021-01-01' AND '2021-12-31';

By using aggregate functions, window functions, and other advanced features in ClickHouse, we can easily perform advanced data analysis. The following is a summary of this article:

  • Use aggregate functions for data aggregation, such as calculating total sales, sales per product, and sales per month.
  • Use window functions for data analysis, such as calculating cumulative sales and monthly sales growth rate for each product.
  • Use advanced features for data analysis, such as using array functions to analyze multi-valued attributes and using expression indexes to optimize query performance.

In actual applications, you may need to select appropriate aggregation functions, window functions, and advanced functions based on specific business scenarios and needs to achieve efficient data processing and analysis. Hopefully this article has provided you with useful information on how to use ClickHouse for advanced data analysis.


This article introduces in detail the aggregate functions (such as count, sum, avg, etc.) and window functions (such as row_number, rank, dense_rank, etc.) in ClickHouse. By using these functions, you can easily summarize, compile statistics, and analyze your data. In actual applications, you may need to select appropriate aggregation functions and window functions based on specific business scenarios and requirements to achieve efficient data processing and analysis.