2023/10/26–C#–Null, double question mark? ? , immutable array, multidimensional array, traversal array


// Features:
//1. Indicates a null reference that does not refer to any object, no memory space is created, and a null reference pointer is stored;
//2.Null type is System.Nullable the type of this struct
//3. For value types, the assignment cannot be directly null, but the reference type can
//4.Default value of null reference type variable

//int value type cannot be directly assigned to null;
//string reference type can be assigned null directly;
//int a = null;
//Example 1: Null can also be assigned to the int type

 Nullable<int> a = null;
 //float f = null;
 Nullable<float> f = null;

 string b = "123";
 b = null;
 if (b == "123" || b == null)

//The difference between null and string null value and string space
//1.null means no memory space is created,
//2. A string null value of “” or string.Empty will actually allocate space;
//3. String spaces ” ” will allocate space. Spaces are also symbols corresponding to ACSII.

Example: Determination of input account format:

string strTest2 = null;
string strTest3 = "";
string strTest31 = string.Empty;
string strTest4 = " ";
Console.WriteLine("Please enter your account number:");
string strTest = Console.ReadLine();

if (strTest == null || strTest == string.Empty || strTest.Trim() == "")
    Console.WriteLine("Account format error!!");
    string newStr = strTest.Trim();

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2.Double question mark? ? (coalescing operator)

// Function:
//Nullable type is used when assigning values to non-nullable types.
//Used to determine if a variable is null and return a specified value
//scenes to be used:
//The Null coalescing operator defines a default value for type conversion,
//In case the value of a nullable type is Null


 // ? nullable type
   int? tempIntA = null;
   //tempIntA = 10;
   int tempIntB;
   // If tempIntA is null, tempIntB takes the value 100. Otherwise, takes tempIntA.
   tempIntB = tempIntA  100;
   Console.WriteLine(tempIntB); // 100

   string tempStr = null;
   tempStr = "456";
   // Reference types can also be used, which is equivalent to an if statement
   string tempStr2;
   tempStr2 = tempStr  "10086";

   tempStr2 = tempStr == null ? "12306" : tempStr;

3. Immutable array (one-dimensional array)

// Meaning:
// An immutable array is a fixed-size sequential collection that stores elements of the same type.
// Features:
//The array is a reference type
// Arrays can only contain elements of the same type
// The array is marked with subscript (index value) elements


Define array:
datatype[] arrayName;
// int integer type
//int[] array type


int aa = 1;
int[] aarry = { aa, 2, 3, 4 };
// Loop through the output array elements
foreach (int i in aarry)

How to initialize elements in an array:

Data type [] array name = new data type [length];
Data type [] array name = {value 1, value 2, …}
Data type [] array name = new data type [length] {value 1, value 2,…}
Data type [] array name = new data type [length can be ignored] {value 1, value 2,…}


 int s = 1;
 //int[] array type can expand the array length during initialization
 int[] intSum = { 1, 2, 3, 5, 4, 6, 7 };
 // During initialization, determine the length of the array. If written, it must be filled! ! !
 //The content length of the array must be consistent with the length of the array
 float[] floatArray = new float[4] { 10.2f, 56.8f, 28.6f, 3.6f };
 // During initialization, the length of the array is uncertain. The number of array contents determines the final length of the array.
 string[] stringArray = new string[] { };

 // During initialization, determine the length of the array. The length of the array can be assigned later.
 bool[] boolArray = new bool[4];

Store the element at index 0

boolArray[0] = true;
boolArray[1] = false;
boolArray[2] = false;
boolArray[3] = true;

Use array elements

 string str1 = stringArray[0];
 string str2 = stringArray[1];
 Console.WriteLine(str1 + str2);

//Modify array elements
floatArray[2] = 50.0f;

*** //Array out of bounds (C# exception)

When modifying an array element, when modifying an element that does not exist in the array:
//System.IndexOutOfRangeException: “Index exceeds array bounds.”
//floatArray[4] = 60.0F;

4. Multidimensional array:

Meaning: array nested array form, commonly used two-dimensional array

Two-digit array format: string [,] strArray =new string[number of arrays, number of array elements]


 int[] intArray = new int[2] {2,4};
 int[,] intArray1 = new int[2, 3] { {1,2,3}, {5,6,7}};
Two-dimensional array access elements:

int val = a[2,3];

Modify elements of two-dimensional array:


Traverse two-dimensional array elements
 for (int i = 0; i < studentArray.GetLength(0); i + + ) {
                for (int j = 0; j < studentArray.GetLength(1);j + + ) {
                    Console.WriteLine(studentArray[i, j]);
//item represents the elements in the two-dimensional array
foreach (var item in intArray1)
Other multi-dimensional array formats: For example, three-dimensional array string [,,] strArray =new string[number of arrays, number of array elements]
int[,,] val = new int[3, 3, 3] { { { 10, 2, 3 }, { 4, 5, 6 }, { 7, 8, 9 } },

                          { { 10, 11, 12 }, { 13, 14, 15 }, { 16, 17, 18 } },

{ { 19, 20, 21 }, {22, 23, 24 }, { 25, 26, 27 } } };
Three-dimensional array access elements:

int val = a[2,2,2];

Three-dimensional array modification elements:


Traverse three-dimensional array elements
 int[,,] tempArray = new int[2, 2, 2] { { {1,2 },{3,4 } },{ {5,6 },{7,8 } } };
            for (int i = 0; i < tempArray.GetLength(0); i + + )
                for (int j = 0; j < tempArray.GetLength(1); j + + )
                    for (int k = 0; k < tempArray.GetLength(2); k + + ) {