03-Echarts simplified series: grid gird

Introduction to grid:

One of the components used to define the chart drawing area. It is used to determine the position, size and scale of each graphic in the coordinate system area of the Echarts container, so that multiple grids can be defined in each chart. Each grid The grid is used for an independent coordinate system, and the position and size of the grid are controlled through attributes such as x, y, width, height, etc., and the problem of displaying charts and multiple graphics in different positions is realized evenly or according to the requirements of one’s own development.


①When defining the canvas color backgroundColor, show:true must be set in grid to take effect.

1. Configuration of the option attribute of the legend

// grid grid
    // A single series of charts can be written directly as grid:{}, and multiple series can be written as grid:[{},{},{}]
            id:'1', //Component ID
            show:true, //Whether to display the coordinate system grid
            zlevel:1, //Level size of all graphics
            z:2, //Z value of all graphics in this component
            left:'10%', //The distance between the grid and the left side of the container
            right:'10%', //The distance between the grid and the right side of the container
            top:'10%', //The distance between the grid and the top of the container
            botto:'10%', //The distance between the grid and the bottom of the container
            width:'auto', //Grid width
            height:'auto', //Grid height
            containLabel:true, //Whether the grid area accommodates the scale labels of the coordinate axes and positions them together to prevent label overflow
            backgroundColor: "rgba(156, 29, 29, 1)", //The background color of the grid
            borderWidth:2, //Grid border line width
            borderColor:"rgba(156, 29, 29, 1)", //Grid border color
            shadowColor:"rgba(156, 29, 29, 1)", //The shadow color of the grid
            shadowBlur: 7, //The shadow degree of the grid
            shadowOffsetX:10, //The offset of the shadow in the horizontal direction
            shadowOffsetY:10, //The offset of the shadow in the vertical direction
            // tooltip specific to this coordinate system
                show:true, // Whether to display the prompt component
                trigger:'item', // Trigger type
                //Coordinate indicator configuration items
                    type:"line", //Indicator type
                    axis:'auto', //The coordinate axis of the indicator
                    snap:true, //Whether the indicator automatically snaps to the point
                    z:1, //Z value of indicator
                    animation:true, //Whether to turn on animation
                    animationThreshold:2000, //The threshold of animation. When the number of graphics displayed in a single series is greater than this threshold, the animation will be turned off.
                    animationDuration:1000, //The duration of the initial animation
                    animationEasing:'cubicOut', //Easing effect of initial animation
                    animationDelay:2000, //Delay of initial animation
                    animationDurationUpdate:1000, //The duration of the data update animation
                    animationEasingUpdate:200, //Easing effect of data update animation
                    animationDelayUpdate:200, //Delay of data update animation
                     //Indicator text label style (text container style)
                        show:true, // Whether to display text labels
                        //The following content needs to be set to true in show to take effect
                        precision:'auto', //Display decimal point of text value
                        formatter:"display text", //Text label display settings, writable method
                        margin:3, //label distance from axis
                        color: "rgba(234, 21, 21, 1)",
 //text color
                        fontStyle:'normal', //Font style
                        fontWeight:'normal', //Font weight
                        fontFamily:'sans-serif', //Text font
                        fontSize:15, //font size
                        lineHeigh:10, //line height
                        width:10, //Text display width
                        height:10, //Text display height
                        textBorderColor:'red', //text stroke color
                        textBorderWidth:10, //Text stroke width
                        textBorderType:'solid', //stroke type
                        textBorderDashOffset:10, //The offset when the stroke is a dotted line
                        textShadowColor:'transparent', //text shadow color
                        textShadowBlur:10, //text shadow length
                        textShadowOffsetX:10, //Text shadow horizontal offset
                        textShadowOffsetY:10, //vertical offset of text shadow
                        overflow:'none', //Whether the text is truncated if it exceeds the limit
                        ellipsis:'···', //Display content at the end when text is truncated
                        padding:[5,5,5,5], //text label inner margin
                        backgroundColor:'auto', //Background color of text label
                        borderColor:'red', //border color of text label
                        borderWidth:20, //border width of text label
                        shadowBlur:20, //Text label shadow size
                        shadowColor:'red', //Shadow color
                        shadowOffsetX:20, //The horizontal offset of the shadow of the text label
                        shadowOffsetY:20, //The vertical offset of the shadow of the text label
                    // Indicator vertical mark line style
                        color:'red', //The color of the line.
                        width:10, //Line width
                        type:10, //Type of line
                        dashOffset:10, //Offset of dashed line
                        cap:'butt', //The shape of the end of the line segment
                        join:'bevel', //The shape of the connected parts of the line segments
                        miterLimit:10, // join sets the miter limit ratio for miter
                        shadowBlur:10, //The shadow size of the line
                        shadowColor:'red', //The shadow color of the line
                        shadowOffsetX:20, //Shadow horizontal offset
                        shadowOffsetY:20, //Shadow vertical offset
                        opacity:0.5, //Transparency of the line
                    // indicator horizontal marker line style
                        // Configuration is the same as above
                    // When the indicator type type ='shadow' takes effect, the shadow indicator
                        color: "rgba(194, 91, 91, 1)", //Fill color
                        shadowBlur:10, //The shadow blur degree of the graphic
                        shadowColor:10, //shadow color
                        shadowOffsetX:10, //Horizontal offset distance of shadow
                        shadowOffsetY:10, //Shadow horizontal offset distance
                        opacity:0.5, //Graphic transparency
                // Tips: The style of the suspended layer only takes effect when the trigger is set to item. The style set to axis is triggered by the coordinate axis.
                position:['50%','50%'], //The position of the floating layer of the prompt box
                formatter:'Text content conversion', //Prompt box floating layer content formatter, writable method
                valueFormatter:(value) => '$' + value.toFixed(2), //Format callback function for the numerical display part in tooltip.
                borderColor:'red', //The border color of the floating layer of the prompt box
                borderWidth:5, //The border width of the floating layer of the prompt box
                padding:10, // inner margin of prompt box floating layer
                //Text style in floating layer
                textStyle: {
                    // The text styles are the same, the only difference is where they are written. I will list them here.
                    color: 'red', // color
                    fontStyle: 'normal', // font style
                    fontWeight: 500, //or 'noraml', // font weight
                    fontSize: 16, // font size
                    lineHeight: 20, // line height
                    textBorderWidth: 20, // Text stroke width
                    textBorderColor: 'red', //stroke color
                    textBorderType: 'solid', //stroke type
                    textBorderDashOffset: 20, // dash offset

                    textShadowBlur: 20, // text shadow length
                    textShadowOffsetX: 20, //The shadow is equivalent to the X-axis offset
                    textShadowOffsetY: 20, //The shadow is equivalent to the Y-axis offset
                    overflow: 'truncate', //How to deal with text exceeding the width break and newline
                    ellipsis: '...' // When combined with overflow truncation, display...

2. Anatomy diagram

3. Data series binding grid, basic use

A simpler understanding of the grid is to define two small canvas areas separately in the Echarts container canvas to implement drawing.

The basic usage of binding the canvas area is as follows:

          ··· //Grid one configuration
          ··· //Grid 2 configuration
    //Define the coordinate axis in which grid
        { //Series 1
            gridIndex:0, //defined in grid one
        {//Series 2
            gridIndex:1, //defined in grid two
    yAxis: [
                gridIndex:0, //defined in grid one
                type: 'value'
                gridIndex:1, //defined in grid two
             //Defined in grid one, the first grid does not need to be written
             name:'Email' ,
             //Defined in grid two
             name:'Email' ,