Using JsSIP for audio and video calls in Vue

JsSIP official website address:

  1. Download the JsSIP plug-in: npm install jssip;
  2. Introduced into the project: import JsSIP from “jssip”;
  3. Initialize SIP
let currentSession;
let userAgent;
let peer;
var msg_log = null;
sip_init () {<!-- -->
      let _this = this;
      msg_log = {<!-- -->
      el: document.querySelector(".message"),
log(msg) {<!-- -->
       console.log("msg", msg);
       this.titleText = msg;
       this.el.innerHTML + = `<span class="success">${<!-- -->new Date().toLocaleTimeString()}:${<!-- -->msg}</ span>`;
       error(msg) {<!-- -->
        console.log("error", msg);
      this.titleText = msg;
        this.el.innerHTML + = `<span class="error">${<!-- -->new Date().toLocaleTimeString()}:${<!-- -->msg}</ span>`;
        const selfVideo = document.querySelector("#selfVideo");
        //Local loading is completed. Peer loading is completed.
        const socket = new JsSIP.WebSocketInterface(`wss://192.168.XX.XXX:16376`);
        const configuration = {<!-- -->
          sockets: [socket],
          uri: `sip:[email protected]:16376;transport=wss`, // loginPhone is an 11-digit number starting with 1
          password: "XXXXXX", // Password
          register: true, // automatic registration
          session_timers: false,
        var ua = new JsSIP.UA(configuration);
        ua.on("connected", () => {<!-- -->
          // msg_log.log("Connecting")
        ua.on("connecting", () => {<!-- -->
          // msg_log.log("Wiring")
        ua.on("disconnected", () => {<!-- -->
          // msg_log.error("Cancel connection")
          console.error("Cancel connection")
        ua.on("registered", () =>{<!-- -->
          // msg_log.log(`--${name === "offer" ? 2001 : 2002}Registration successful`);
        ua.on("registrationExpiring", () => {<!-- -->
          // msg_log.log("Registration is about to expire, re-register")
          console.log("Registration is about to expire, re-register")
        ua.on("registrationFailed", () => {<!-- -->
          // msg_log.error("Registration failed")
          console.error("Registration failed")
        ua.on("unregistered", () => {<!-- -->
          // msg_log.log("Cancel registration")
          console.log("Cancel registration")
        ua.on("sipEvent", () => {<!-- -->
          // msg_log.log("sipEvent")
        ua.on("newRTCSession", function (data) {<!-- -->
          const {<!-- --> session, request, originator } = data;
          if (originator === "remote") {<!-- -->
            // msg_log.log("The other party called~~~");
          } else {<!-- -->
            // msg_log.log("Making a call~~~");
          currentSession = session;
          // connecting
          session.on("connecting", () => {<!-- -->
            // msg_log.log("Triggered when the call is connected")
          // Connection accepted
          session.on("accepted", () => {<!-- -->
            _this.videoSpinner = true;
            // msg_log.log("Triggered when call is accepted")
          session.on("sdp", () => {<!-- -->
            // msg_log.log("Exchange sdp signaling event triggered")
          session.on("failed", () => {<!-- -->
            console.log("Call failure event triggered")
          session.on("reinvite", () => {<!-- -->
            // msg_log.log("Renegotiation event triggered");
            audioElement.srcObject = null;
            // own video stream
            // if (session._connection.getLocalStreams().length > 0) {<!-- -->
            // selfVideo.srcObject = session?._connection.getLocalStreams()[0];
            // }
            //Accessed video stream
            // if (session?._connection.getRemoteStreams().length > 0) {<!-- -->
            // remoteVideo.srcObject = session?._connection.getRemoteStreams()[0];
            // }
          session.on("progress", () => {<!-- -->
            if (originator === "remote") {<!-- -->
              // msg_log.log("Call me~~~~~~~~~··");
              session.answer({<!-- -->
                mediaConstraints: {<!-- --> audio: true, video: _this.callType === 'video' ?true:false },
                // mediaStream: localStream,
              // msg_log.log("I answered the call");
            // msg_log.log("The listening event is triggered in progress");
          session.on("confirmed", () => {<!-- -->
            // msg_log.log("Call confirmation--Set media streaming to audio and video");

            // play video
            if (_this.callType === "video") {<!-- -->
              const remoteVideo = document.querySelector("#remoteVideo");
              selfVideo.srcObject = null;
              remoteVideo.srcObject = null;

              // own video stream
              // if (session._connection.getLocalStreams().length > 0) {<!-- -->
              // // After answering, judge localStream
              // selfVideo.srcObject = session?._connection.getLocalStreams()[0];
              // }
              //Accessed video stream
              if (session?._connection.getRemoteStreams().length > 0) {<!-- -->
                remoteVideo.srcObject = session?._connection.getRemoteStreams()[0];
            }else if (_this.callType === "audio") {<!-- -->
              // Voice playback
              const stream = new MediaStream();
              const receivers = currentSession.connection?.getReceivers();
              if (receivers)
                receivers.forEach((receiver) => stream.addTrack(receiver.track));
                audioElement.srcObject = stream;
                // Play at the end
                audioElement.oncanplay = () => {<!-- -->

          session.on("peerconnection", (data) => {<!-- -->
            // msg_log.log("Peer connection event triggered");
          session.on("connecting", (data) => {<!-- -->
            peer = session._connection;
            // msg_log.log("Peer connection established, connecting");
          session.on("ended", () => {<!-- -->
            // msg_log.log("Call ended")
        userAgent = ua;
 4. Make a call
call() {<!-- -->
      let _this = this;
      const eventHandlers = {<!-- -->
        progress: function (e) {<!-- -->
          console.log("call is in progress");
        failed: function (e) {<!-- -->
          _this.titleText = "The other party has hung up!";
          _this.$message.error("No answer!")
          _this.VoiceVisible = false;
          _this.ViewsVisible = false;
          console.log("call failed: ", e);
        ended: function (e) {<!-- -->
          _this.$message.error("Call ended")
          console.log("call ended : ", e);
        confirmed: function (e) {<!-- -->
          console.log("call confirmed");
      const opt = {<!-- -->
        mediaConstraints: {<!-- -->
          audio: true,
          video: _this.callType === 'video' ?true:false
      // callPhone The phone number to call`sip:${<!-- -->this.callPhone}@192.168.XX.XXX:16371`, opt);
  1. hang up the phone
    userAgent.stop(); // websocket will be disconnected and needs to be re-registered
    userAgent.terminateSessions() // websocket will not disconnect