k8s jenkins master-slave setting

System Management–System Configuration–Node Management–Configure Clouds–Configure Cluster


  1. Name: kubernetes-prod
  2. Kubernetes address: https://kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local
  3. Use Jenkins Proxy: unchecked
  4. Kubernetes service certificate key: empty
  5. Disable HTTPS certificate checking: Unchecked
  6. Kubernetes namespace: empty
  7. Credentials: None
  8. WebSocket: Unchecked
  9. Direct Connection: unchecked
  10. Jenkins address: http://jenkins.dayi-devops.svc.cluster.local:8080/jenkins
  11. Jenkins channel: empty
  12. Connection Timeout: 30
  13. Read Timeout: 60
  14. Number of Containers: 20
  15. Pod Labels:
    1. Pod Labels:
      1. key: jenkins
      2. Value: jnlp
    2. Maximum number of connections to the Kubernetes API: 32
    3. Seconds to wait for pods to be running: 600
  16. Pod Templates
    1. Pod Templates
      1. Name: jnlp-slave
      2. Namespace: prod
      3. List of tags: jnlp-slave
      4. Usage: only allow jobs bound to this machine to run
      5. Parent’s Pod Template Name: empty
  17. container list
    1. Container Template
      1. Name: jnlp
      2. Docker image: wanyan.cn-hangzhou.cr.aliyuncs.com/yyh-prod/jenkins-jnlp:v2
      3. Always pull images: unchecked
      4. Working directory: /home/jenkins
      5. Command to run: jenkins-agent
      6. Command parameters: empty
      7. Assign Pseudo-Terminal: Checked
    2. Environment Variables: (the default configuration does not operate)
    3. environment variable
      1. Volume (Host Path Volume)
        1. Host path: /var/run/docker.sock
        2. Mount path: /var/run/docker.sock
      2. Host Path Volume
        1. Host path: /usr/bin/docker
        2. Mount path: /usr/bin/docker
      3. Host Path Volume
        1. Host path: /etc/localtime
        2. Mount path: /etc/localtime
      4. Persistent Volume Claim
        1. Declaration value: webapps-data
        2. Read-only: unchecked
        3. Mount path: /data/webapps
      5. Notes
        1. Concurrency Limit: empty
        2. Pod Retention: Default
        3. Agent’s idle survival time (minutes): empty
        4. Pod Lifetime (seconds): Empty
        5. Timeout (seconds) to connect to Jenkins: 1000
        6. Raw YAML for the Pod: empty
        7. Yaml merge strategy: Override
        8. Show raw yaml in console: check
    4. Pull the Secret of the mirror
      1. Image Pull Secret
        1. Name: aliregistry-secret
        2. Service Account: jenkins-prod
        3. Run As User ID: 0 (started by root user)
        4. Run As Group ID: empty
        5. Supplemental Groups: empty
        6. Host Network: Unchecked
        7. node selector: empty
      2. Workspace Volume: Persistent Volume Claim Workspace Volume
        1. Declaration value: jenkins-jnlp-local
        2. Read-only: unchecked
      3. node properties
        1. Tool location: unchecked

Jenkins front-end application configuration

  1. Parametric build process
    1. Git parameters
      1. Name: Branch
      2. Description: Select the branch for the release
      3. Argument type: branch or label
      4. Default: master
    2. option parameter
      1. Name: Namespace
      2. option: prod
      3. Description: Select a publishing environment
    3. option parameter
      1. Name: deploy_env
      2. option: deploy
      3. Description: deploy releases new code

Pipeline script


// item
// Need to modify the directory where the front-end project is deployed
def project_webdir = "channelcenter"
// Need to modify the git address of the corresponding service
def git_address = "http://gitlab.wanyan.com/web/channel-center-web.git"
// authentication
def git_auth = "gitlab-creds" //git login auth

pipeline {
    agent { label 'jnlp-slave' }

    parameters {
        gitParameter branch: '', branchFilter: '.*', defaultValue: 'master', description: 'Select branch for release', name: 'Branch', quickFilterEnabled: false, selectedValue: 'NONE', sortMode: 'NONE', tagFilter: '*', type: 'PT_BRANCH_TAG' //PT_BRANCH_TAG gets branch and TAG
        //gitParameter branch: '', branchFilter: '.*', defaultValue: 'master', description: 'select the branch to publish', name: 'Branch', quickFilterEnabled: false, selectedValue: 'NONE', sortMode: 'NONE', tagFilter: '*', type: 'PT_BRANCH' //PT_BRANCH only gets branches
        choice (choices: ['prod'], description: 'select the publishing environment', name: 'Namespace')
        choice choices: ['deploy'], description: '''deploy release new code''', name: 'deploy_env'
    stages {
        stage('Pull code'){
            steps {
                //build quietPeriod: 3, job: 'yyh_devops'
                checkout([$class: 'GitSCM',
                branches: [[name: "${params.Branch}"]],
                doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false,
                extensions: [], submoduleCfg: [],
                userRemoteConfigs: [[credentialsId: "${git_auth}", url: "${git_address}"]]

        stage('code compilation'){
           when { environment name: 'deploy_env', value: 'deploy' }
           steps {
             sh """
                cnpm install --unsafe-perm --registry=https://registry.npm.taobao.org
                cnpm run build:prod

        stage('deployment') {
           when { environment name: 'deploy_env', value: 'deploy' }
           steps {
             sh """
                rsync -avz --delete dist/ /data/webapps/${project_webdir}


Jenkins backend application configuration

  1. Parametric build process
    1. Git parameters
      1. Name: Branch
      2. Description: Select the branch for the release
      3. Argument type: branch or label
      4. Default: master
    2. option parameter
      1. Name: Namespace
      2. option: prod
      3. Description: Select a publishing environment
    3. option parameter
      1. Name: deploy_env
      2. Options: deploy or rollback
      3. Description: deploy releases new code rollback rollback
    4. character parameter
      1. Name: version
      2. Default: 0
      3. Description: Select rollback version number
      4. Clear blank characters: Unchecked

Pipeline script

pipeline {
    agent { label 'jnlp-slave' }

    environment {
        // public
        registry = "wanyan.cn-hangzhou.cr.aliyuncs.com"
        // project
        project = "yyh-prod"
        app_name = "${JOB_NAME}"
        workdir = "/home/dayiops/${JOB_NAME}"
        image_name = "${registry}/${project}/${app_name}:${BUILD_NUMBER}"
        // Need to modify the port number of the corresponding service
        app_port = "8890"
        // Need to modify the git address of the corresponding service
        git_address = "http://gitlab.wanyan.com/basic-service/auth-center.git"
        // Need to modify the gitlab group corresponding to the microservice
        git_groups = "basic-service"
        // Roll back the mirrored version
        rollback_image_name = "${registry}/${project}/${app_name}:${version}"
        // authentication
        docker_registry_auth = "jenkins-aliregistry-creds" //Harbor login auth
        git_auth = "gitlab-creds" //git login auth


    parameters {
        gitParameter branch: '', branchFilter: '.*', defaultValue: 'master', description: 'Select branch for release', name: 'Branch', quickFilterEnabled: false, selectedValue: 'NONE', sortMode: 'NONE', tagFilter: '*', type: 'PT_BRANCH_TAG' //PT_BRANCH_TAG gets branch and TAG
        //gitParameter branch: '', branchFilter: '.*', defaultValue: 'master', description: 'select the branch to publish', name: 'Branch', quickFilterEnabled: false, selectedValue: 'NONE', sortMode: 'NONE', tagFilter: '*', type: 'PT_BRANCH' //PT_BRANCH only gets branches
        //choice (choices: ['1', '3', '5', '7'], description: 'Replica Count', name: 'ReplicaCount')
        choice (choices: ['prod'], description: 'select the publishing environment', name: 'Namespace')
        choice choices: ['deploy', 'rollback'], description: '''deploy release new code rollback rollback''', name: 'deploy_env'
        string defaultValue: '0', description: 'Select rollback version number', name: 'version', trim: false
    stages {

            stage('Pull code'){
                steps {
                    build quietPeriod: 3, job: 'yyh_devops'
                    checkout([$class: 'GitSCM',
                    branches: [[name: "${params.Branch}"]],
                    doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false,
                    extensions: [], submoduleCfg: [],
                    userRemoteConfigs: [[credentialsId: "${git_auth}", url: "${git_address}"]]
            stage('code compilation'){
                when { environment name: 'deploy_env', value: 'deploy' }
                steps {
                  sh """
                     mvn clean package -Dmaven.test.skip=true -U
            stage('build image'){
                when { environment name: 'deploy_env', value: 'deploy' }
                steps {
                    dir("${WORKSPACE}/${JOB_NAME}") {
                     withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: "${docker_registry_auth}", passwordVariable: 'password', usernameVariable: 'username')]) {
                     sh """
                       echo '
                         FROM ${registry}/yyh/centos-jdk:8-jre
                         LABEL author='yhh'
                         ENV PROJECT="${JOB_NAME}"
                         #ENV JAVA_OPTS="-Dspring.profiles.active=production-server -Xms1024M -Xmx1024M"
                         ENV TZ=Asia/Shanghai
                         ENV LANG=en_US.UTF-8
                         RUN mkdir /home/dayiops/${JOB_NAME} -p
                         WORKDIR /home/dayiops/${JOB_NAME}
                         ADD target/${JOB_NAME}.jar ${workdir}/
                         EXPOSE ${app_port}/tcp
                         ENTRYPOINT ["java","-Dspring.profiles.active=k8s${Namespace}","-Dmaven.wagon.http.ssl.insecure=true","-Dmaven.wagon.http .ssl.allowall=true","-server","-Xms1024M","-Xmx1024M","-XX: + HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError","-jar","$ {JOB_NAME}.jar"]
                       docker login -u ${username} -p '${password}' ${registry}
                       docker build -t ${image_name} .
                       docker push ${image_name}
            stage('deploy to K8S platform'){
                when { environment name: 'deploy_env', value: 'deploy' }
                steps {
                  dir("$WORKSPACE/../yyh_devops/${git_groups}/${JOB_NAME}") {
                     sh """
                       sed -i 's#{APP_NAME}#${JOB_NAME}#g' k8s-deployment.yaml
                       sed -i 's#{APP_PORT}#${app_port}#g' k8s-deployment.yaml
                       sed -i 's#{IMAGE_NAME}#${image_name}#' k8s-deployment.yaml
                       sed -i 's#{NAME_SPACE}#${Namespace}#' k8s-deployment.yaml
                       sed -i 's#{ADD_ENV_LABEL}#${Namespace}#' k8s-deployment.yaml
                       kubectl apply -f k8s-deployment.yaml
                     //kubernetesDeploy configs: 'k8s-deployment.yaml'
            stage("Service startup check"){
                when { environment name: 'deploy_env', value: 'deploy' }
                steps {
                    sleep 63
                    timeout(time: 31, unit: 'SECONDS') {
                        waitUntil {
                            script {
                                def podstatus = sh (
                                    returnStdout: true,
                                    //script: "kubectl get deployment -n test | grep auth-center-api | awk \'{print \$1}\'"
                                    script: "kubectl get replicasets -n ${Namespace} |grep ${JOB_NAME} | awk \'{if (\$2 >=1 & amp; & amp; \$4 == 0) print \ "podnotready"}\'"
                                def notrun_podname = sh (
                                    returnStdout: true,
                                    //script: "kubectl get deployment -n test | grep ${JOB_NAME} | awk \'{print \$1}\'"
                                    script: "kubectl get pod -n ${Namespace} |grep ${JOB_NAME} |awk \'{if (\$2 == "0/1") print \$1} \'"
                                podstatus = podstatus. trim()
                                notrun_podname = notrun_podname.trim()
                                echo "********${JOB_NAME} service startup status is ${podstatus}********"
                                if( podstatus == "podnotready" ) {
                                    //echo "${JOB_NAME} service failed to start, rechecking service running status..."
                                    echo "Service startup status checking..."
                                    sleep 10
                                    return false
                                } else {
                                    echo "********${JOB_NAME} service started successfully...********"
                                    return true
            stage('roll back the specified image'){
                when { environment name: 'deploy_env', value: 'rollback' }
                steps {
                    dir("$WORKSPACE/../yyh_devops/${git_groups}/${JOB_NAME}") {
                      sh """
                      sed -i 's#{APP_NAME}#${JOB_NAME}#g' k8s-deployment.yaml
                      sed -i 's#{APP_PORT}#${app_port}#g' k8s-deployment.yaml
                      sed -i 's#{IMAGE_NAME}#${rollback_image_name}#' k8s-deployment.yaml
                      sed -i 's#{NAME_SPACE}#${Namespace}#' k8s-deployment.yaml
                      sed -i 's#{ADD_ENV_LABEL}#${Namespace}#' k8s-deployment.yaml
                      kubectl apply -f k8s-deployment.yaml
                      //kubernetesDeploy configs: 'k8s-deployment.yaml'

Backend application Dockerfile template

# cat Dockerfile

                     FROM dayi-registry.cn-hangzhou.cr.aliyuncs.com/yyh/centos-jdk:8-jre
                     LABEL author=yhh

                     ENV PROJECT="gateway"

                     #ENV JAVA_OPTS="-Dspring.profiles.active=production-server -Xms1024M -Xmx1024M"
                     ENV TZ=Asia/Shanghai

                     RUN mkdir /home/dayiops/gateway -p

                     WORKDIR /home/dayiops/gateway

                     ADD target/gateway.jar /home/dayiops/gateway/

                     EXPOSE 8081/tcp

                     ENTRYPOINT ["java","-Dspring.profiles.active=k8sprod","-server","-Xms2048M","-Xmx2048M","-XX: + HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError\ ","-jar","gateway.jar"]

gitlab k8s template


apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: {APP_NAME}
  namespace: {NAME_SPACE}
    app: {APP_NAME}
    env: {ADD_ENV_LABEL}
  - name: http
    port: {APP_PORT}
    protocol: TCP
    targetPort: {APP_PORT}
    app: {APP_NAME}
    env: {ADD_ENV_LABEL}
  sessionAffinity: None
  type: ClusterIP
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: {APP_NAME}
  namespace: {NAME_SPACE}
    app: {APP_NAME}
    env: {ADD_ENV_LABEL}
  replicas: 1
      app: {APP_NAME}
      env: {ADD_ENV_LABEL}
      maxSurge: 1
      maxUnavailable: 0
    type: RollingUpdate
        app: {APP_NAME}
        env: {ADD_ENV_LABEL}
      - name: aliregistry-secret
          - podAffinityTerm:
                - key: app
                  operator: In
                  - {APP_NAME}
              topologyKey: kubernetes.io/hostname
            weight: 100
        - name: TZ
          value: Asia/Shanghai
        -name: LANG
          value: en_US.UTF-8
        image: {IMAGE_NAME}
        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
        name: {APP_NAME}
        - name: http
          containerPort: {APP_PORT}
          protocol: TCP
          failureThreshold: 2
          initialDelaySeconds: 30
          periodSeconds: 10
          successThreshold: 1
            port: {APP_PORT}
          timeoutSeconds: 2
          failureThreshold: 2
          initialDelaySeconds: 30
          periodSeconds: 10
          successThreshold: 1
            port: {APP_PORT}
          timeoutSeconds: 2
            cpu: 1000m
            memory: 1024Mi
            cpu: 200m
            memory: 256Mi
        - mountPath: /data/logs
          name: logs
        - mountPath: /etc/localtime
          name: localtime
          readOnly: true
      dnsPolicy: ClusterFirstWithHostNet
      restartPolicy: Always
        fsGroup: 2049
        runAsGroup: 2049
        runAsUser: 2049
      - emptyDir: {}
        name: logs
      - hostPath:
          path: /etc/localtime
          type: File
        name: localtime

Dependent task configuration (this task will be executed every time the backend is released)

Name: yyh_devops

Pipeline yyh_devops

Pipeline script

node('jnlp-slave') {
    stage('Git Clone') {
        git credentialsId: 'gitlab-creds', url: 'http://gitlab.taeteadata.com/kubernetes/yyh-devops-prod.git'