Microservices Design Principles: Build Resilient and Maintainable Applications

Article directory

      • 1. Single responsibility principle
      • 2. Independence and autonomy
      • 3. Resilience and fault tolerance
      • 4. API Gateway
      • 5. Logging and Monitoring
      • 6. Version management
      • 7. Automated deployment and continuous integration
      • 8. Security
      • 9. Data consistency
      • 10. Documentation and Communications
      • Expand your thinking
      • in conclusion

Welcome to the Architecture Design Column~Microservice Design Principles: Build Flexible and Maintainable Applications

  • ☆* o(≧▽≦)o *☆Hi~I am IT·Chen Han
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With the rapid development of modern software development, microservice architecture has become one of the popular paradigms for building applications. The core idea of microservices is to split large applications into small, independent service units, each unit responsible for a specific function or domain. Microservices architecture has many advantages, including resiliency, maintainability, and scalability. This article will dive into the key principles of microservices design, show you how to build resilient and maintainable microservices applications, and provide sample code to illustrate these principles in action.

1. Single responsibility principle

In microservice design, the single responsibility principle is crucial. Each microservice should focus on solving a specific problem or domain and should not contain multiple unrelated functions. This helps ensure the cohesion of microservices, making them easier to maintain and scale.

Sample code:

public class OrderService {<!-- -->
    //Order-related business logic

In the above example, OrderService is a microservice that focuses on processing order-related business logic. This microservice will not include functionality that is not related to user management or inventory management.

2. Independence and autonomy

Each microservice should be independent and it should not depend on the internal implementation details of other microservices. This independence allows microservices to be developed, tested, and deployed independently without being affected by other microservices. To achieve autonomy, microservices typically use their own database rather than sharing it.

Sample code:

public class ProductController {<!-- -->
    private ProductService productService;
    public Product getProduct(@PathVariable Long id) {<!-- -->
        return productService.getProduct(id);

In the above example, the ProductController microservice communicates with the ProductService microservice through the HTTP interface. They are independent and each microservice has its own responsibilities and data storage. .

3. Resilience and fault tolerance

Microservice architecture emphasizes elasticity and fault tolerance. This means that even if one microservice fails, the entire system can still continue to function. To achieve resiliency, techniques such as circuit breaker mode, load balancing, and autoscaling can be used.

Sample code:

public class CircuitBreakerConfig {<!-- -->
    // Configure circuit breaker

In the above example, we use Spring Cloud’s circuit breaker configuration to achieve fault tolerance for microservices. If a microservice fails, the circuit breaker will automatically open after a period of time to prevent further requests to the failed microservice.

4. API Gateway

Microservices applications often contain multiple microservices, each of which may have different interfaces and protocols. To simplify communication between clients and microservices, API gateways are often used. The API gateway acts as the entry point for all microservices and is responsible for routing requests, authentication, authorization, and load balancing.

Sample code:

public class ApiGatewayApplication {<!-- -->
    public static void main(String[] args) {<!-- -->
        SpringApplication.run(ApiGatewayApplication.class, args);

In the above example, we used Spring Cloud’s Zuul to create an API gateway that routes requests to different microservices.

5. Logging and monitoring

Logging and monitoring in microservices applications are critical for troubleshooting and performance optimization. Each microservice should generate detailed logs, including requests and responses

should information. Additionally, monitoring tools can be used to track the performance metrics and health of microservices.

Sample code:

public class OrderService {<!-- -->
    public Order createOrder(OrderRequest request) {<!-- -->
        log.info("Creating order for user: {}", request.getUserId());
        //Order creation logic
        return order;

In the above example, the OrderService microservice uses Slf4j to generate logs to record the details of order creation. These logs help developers track the behavior of their applications.

6. Version management

Microservice applications may be updated frequently, so version management is crucial. Each microservice should have a clear version number, and backward compatibility should be maintained when changing the microservice interface to avoid breaking client applications that depend on that microservice.

Sample code:

public class ProductControllerV1 {<!-- -->
    // Product interface for version 1

public class ProductControllerV2 {<!-- -->
    // Product interface for version 2

In the above example, we use different version numbers to manage different versions of the product interface. This allows client applications to choose which version of the interface to use.

7. Automated deployment and continuous integration

To keep microservice applications maintainable, it is recommended to use automated deployment and continuous integration tools. These tools can automate the building, testing, and deployment of microservices to ensure that every change is fully tested and verified.

Sample code:

  - test

In the above example, we used a CI/CD pipeline to define the build, test, and deployment phases for automated deployment and continuous integration.

8. Security

The security of microservices applications is critical. Each microservice should implement appropriate authentication and authorization mechanisms to ensure that only authorized users can access them.

Sample code:

public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {<!-- -->
    protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {<!-- -->

In the above example, we use Spring Security to configure the security of the microservice, where the /private/** endpoint requires authentication, while the /public/** endpoint is public.

9. Data consistency

Data consistency in microservices applications can be challenging because different microservices may use different databases. To ensure data consistency, strategies such as distributed transactions, event-driven architecture, or eventual consistency can be used.

Sample code:

public class OrderService {<!-- -->
    public Order createOrder(OrderRequest request) {<!-- -->
        // Create Order
        //Deduct inventory
        return order;

In the above example, we use the @Transactional annotation to implement distributed transactions to ensure that order creation and inventory deduction are an atomic operation.

10. Documentation and Communications

Communication in microservices applications is critical. Each microservice should provide clear documentation so client applications understand how to communicate with them, including API endpoints, request and response formats.

Sample code:

public class ProductController {<!-- -->
    public Product getProduct(@PathVariable Long id) {<!-- -->
        // Get product information
        return product;

In the above example, the ProductController microservice provides an API endpoint to obtain product information, which can be accessed by client applications through GET requests.

Expand your thinking

The implementation of microservices design principles may vary depending on different scenarios and requirements. When building microservice applications, you also need to consider factors such as testing, containerization, deployment strategies, load balancing, service registration and discovery, continuous monitoring, and more. In addition, microservice architecture will also introduce new challenges, such as the complexity of distributed systems, service call delays and data replication. Therefore, in practical applications, these factors need to be considered comprehensively to build elastic and maintainable microservice applications.


Microservices architecture provides powerful tools for building resilient and maintainable applications. By following key principles such as single responsibility principle, independence and autonomy, resiliency and fault tolerance, API gateway, logging and monitoring, version management, automated deployment and continuous integration, security, data consistency, and documentation and communication, developers can Build microservice applications with high availability and scalability. Microservice design principles are the basis for the success of microservice architecture. They help reduce the complexity of development and maintenance and improve the reliability and maintainability of the system.

In a real project, various design principles need to be weighed on a case-by-case basis to achieve the best balance of performance and maintainability. Microservice architecture is a dynamic and evolving field. Continuous learning and improvement are the key to building successful microservices.

application key. Hopefully this article has provided you with an in-depth understanding of microservices design principles and will help you build better microservices applications.

End Thank you for your support and encouragement!
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