Bayesian quantile regression, lasso and adaptive lasso Bayesian quantile regression for immunoglobulin, prostate cancer data…

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Bayesian regression quantiles have received much attention in the recent literature, and this paper implements Bayesian coefficient estimation and variable selection in regression quantiles (RQ), Bayesian with lasso and adaptive lasso penalty < strong>(Click “Read the original text” at the end of the article to get the complete code data).


Further modeling capabilities for summarizing results, plotting path plots, posterior histograms, autocorrelation plots, and plotting quantiles are also included.

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Regression quantiles (RQ) were proposed by (Koenker and Gilbert, 1978) to model conditional quantiles of outcomes of interest as functions of predictors. Since its introduction, quantile regression has been a topic of great interest in the theoretical community and has been heavily used in many research fields, such as econometrics, marketing, medicine, ecology, and survival analysis (Neelon et al., 2015; Davino et al., 2013; Hao and Naiman, 2007). Suppose we have a sample of observations {(xi , yi);i = 1, 2, – -, n}, where yi represents the dependent variable and xi represents the k-dimensional vector of covariates.


Tobit RQ provides a method for describing the relationship between a non-negative dependent variable and a covariate vector, which can be expressed as a quantile regression model in which the data of the dependent variable is not fully observed. There is a considerable literature on the Tobit quantile regression model, we can refer to Powell (1986), Portnoy (2003), Portnoy and Lin (2010) and Kozumi and Kobayashi (2011) for an overview. Consider this model.


where yi is the observed dependent variable, y?i is the corresponding underlying unobserved dependent variable, and y0 is a known point. It can be shown that the RQ coefficient vector β can be continuously estimated by the solution of the following minimization problem

Yu and Stander (2007) proposed a Bayesian approach to Tobit RQ, using ALD to compute the error and using the Metropolis-Hastings (MH) method to draw β from its posterior distribution.

Real data example

We consider real data examples.

IgG data

This dataset includes serum concentrations of immunoglobulin G (grams per liter) in 298 children aged 6 months to 6 years and is discussed in detail by Isaacs et al. (1983) and also used by Yu et al. (2003). data set. To illustrate, a Bayesian quantile regression model for this dataset (which can be fitted below).

rq(serum concentration~age, tau=0.5)

The summary function provides estimates and 95% confidence intervals


Plot the data, then superimpose the five fitted RQ lines on the scatterplot.

R> for (i in 1:5) {
 + taus=c(0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95)
 + rq(tau=taus\[i\])
 + abline(fit, col=i)
 + }
R> for (i in 1:5) {
 + fit = rq(age + I(age^2),tau=taus\[i\])
 + curve(,add=TRUE)
 + }


Figure 2: Scatterplot and RQ fit of IgG data.

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This figure shows a scatter plot of immunoglobulin G for 298 children aged 6 months to 6 years. Superimposed on this plot are the RQ line (left panel) and RQ line (left panel) and RQ curve (right panel) for {.05, .25, .50, .75, .95}.

The graph can be used to assess the convergence of Gibbs sampling to a stationary distribution. We only report the path plot and posterior histogram for each parameter for τ = 0.50 in Figure 1. We use the following code


Graphical summaries of the rendering results of Gibbs sampling can be made by generating path diagrams, posterior histograms, and autocorrelation diagrams. Path and Histogram, Path and Autocorrelation, Histogram and Autocorrelation, and Path, Histogram, and Autocorrelation. This function also has an option. In Figure 3, the path plot of the coefficients of the IgG data shows that the sampling jumps from one remote region of the posterior space to another with relatively few steps. Furthermore, the histogram shows that the marginal densities are actually the expected smooth univariate normal.


Figure 3: Path and density plots of the coefficients for the Immunoglobulin G dataset when τ = 0.50.

Prostate Cancer Data

In this subsection, we illustrate the performance of Bayesian quantile regression on the prostate cancer dataset (Stamey et al., 1989). This dataset investigates the relationship between prostate-specific antigen (LPSA) levels and eight covariates in patients awaiting radical prostatectomy.

These covariates are: cancer log volume (lcavol), prostate log weight (lweight), age (age), benign prostate log volume (lbph), seminal vesicle invasion (svi), and capsule penetration ( lcp), Gleason score (Gleason) and percentage of Gleason score 4 or 5 (pgg45).

In this subsection we assume that the dependent variable (lpsa) has mean zero and the predictors have been standardized to have mean zero. To illustrate, we consider the Bayesian lasso RQ(method=”BLqr”) when τ=0.50. In this case we use the following code

R> x=as.matrix(x)
R> rq(y~x, tau = 0.5, method="BLqr")


Modeling methods can be used to identify active variables in regressions.


Convergence of the corresponding Gibbs sampling was assessed by generating path plots and marginal posterior histograms of the samples. Therefore, the plot can be used to provide a graphical check on the convergence of the Gibbs sampler by examining the path plot and marginal posterior histogram using the following code.

plot(fit, type="trace")

The results of the above code are shown in Figure 4 and Figure 5, respectively. The path diagram in Figure 4 shows that the generated samples traverse the posterior space rapidly, and the histogram of the marginal posterior in Figure 5 shows that the conditional posterior distribution is actually the desired stationary univariate normal.



Wheat data

Let us consider a wheat dataset. This dataset comes from the National Wheat Planting Development Program (2017). This wheat data consists of 584 observations across 11 variables. The dependent variable is the percentage increase in wheat yield per 2500 square meters. The covariates were urea fertilizer (U), wheat seed sowing date (Ds), wheat seed sowing rate (Qs), laser flat field technique (LT), compound fertilizer application (NPK), planter technique (SMT), mung bean crop planting ( SC), crop herbicide (H), crop high potassium fertilizer (K), trace element fertilizer (ME).

The command below gives the posterior distribution of Tobit RQ for τ=0.50.

rq(y~x, tau=0.5, methods="Btqr")


Also fits Bayesian lassoTobit quantile regression and Bayesian adaptive lassoTobit quantile regression. When τ=0.50, the function can be used to obtain the posterior mean and 95% confidence interval for Tobit quantile regression.



In this article, we have illustrated Bayesian coefficient estimation and variable selection in quantile regression (RQ). In addition, this paper implements Bayesian Tobit quantile regression with lasso and adaptive lasso penalty. Further modeling is also included to summarize results, plot path plots, posterior histograms, autocorrelation plots, and plot quantitative plots.


Alhamzawi, R., K. Yu, and D. F. Benoit (2012). Bayesian adaptive lasso quantile regression. Statistical Modeling 12 (3), 279–297.

Brownlee, K. A. (1965). Statistical theory and methodology in science and engineering, Volume 150. Wiley New York.

Davino, C., M. Furno, and D. Vistocco (2013). Quantile regression: theory and applications. John Wiley & amp; Sons.


This article is an excerpt from Bayesian Quantile Regression, Lasso and Adaptive Lasso Bayesian Quantile Regression Analysis , click “Read the original text” to get the complete information of the full text.

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