Data structure: unordered_map and unordered_set

Table of Contents 1.Framework 2. Structure unordered_map unordered_set 3. Modifications to HashTable Change template parameters 4. Add an iterator a. Structure b. Operator overloading c.HashTable encapsulates iterator d.Iterators of unordered_map and unordered_set 1.Frame 1. Reuse HashTable ~~> Add template parameter KeyOfT to obtain Key value unordered_map passes K, V unordered_set passes K 2. Add iterator: […]

(STL hash) unordered_map

1. unordered series containers In C++98, STL provides a series of associative containers with red-black tree structures at the bottom, including set, multiset, map and multimap. The time complexity of query operations for these containers is O ( log N ) O(logN)O(logN), where N is the number of elements in the container. In order to […]


1.unordered series associative containers In C++98, STL provides a series of associative containers with a red-black tree structure at the bottom. However, when there are many nodes, the query efficiency is not ideal. Therefore, in C++11, STL provides There are four unordered series of associative containers. These four containers are basically similar to the associative […]

C++ custom STL container memory allocator (map, set, vector, string, unordered_map, unordered_set)

Notice: When using the C++ 11/14 standard, you should comment the following code and restore the above commented code, that is, set the compiler option standard to: -std=cxx1z, -std=cxx2a. // C++17…cxx1z //template <class _Iter> //constexpr void* _Voidify_iter(_Iter _It) noexcept { // if constexpr (std::is_pointer<_Iter>::value) { // return const_cast<void*>(static_cast<const volatile void*>(_It)); // } // else { […]

Unordered series associative containers–detailed explanation and usage examples of hash structure

Directory unordered series associative containers unordered_map Hash Hash concept Hash function Direct addressing method: Division with remainder method: Hash collision Resolve hash collisions Closed hash: Open hash: Underlying structure hash table–code implementation: Use hash structure to implement set: Use hash structure to implement map: Applications of hashing bitmap bitmap concept Bitmap implementation bloom filter Bloom […]

GTS GtsUnofficialApisUsageTestCases Failed

GTS test GtsUnofficialApisUsageTestCases fails as follows: junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: There are 102 violation(s);- &gt;getProgress()F/BLOCKED/LINKING / Landroid/window/BackEvent;- &gt;getSwipeEdge()I / BLOCKED / LINKING / Landroid/window/BackEvent;- &gt;getTouchX()F / BLOCKED / LINKING / Landroid/window/BackEvent;- &gt;getTouchY()F / BLOCKED / LINKING;- &gt;getProgress()F/BLOCKED/LINKING / Landroid/window/BackEvent;- &gt;getSwipeEdge()I / BLOCKED / LINKING / Landroid/window/BackEvent;- &gt;getTouchY()F / BLOCKED / LINKING […]

How to insert ordered and unordered lists into Word documents through C# code

Foreword: When editing a Word document, using an ordered list or an unordered list can help us better organize the document content and make its logical relationship more intuitive and easy to understand. For example, create multiple subtitles in the article, or list multiple matters of the same type, etc. An ordered list arranges the […]

Bayesian quantile regression, lasso and adaptive lasso Bayesian quantile regression analysis of immunoglobulin and prostate cancer data…

Original link: Bayesian regression quantiles have received widespread attention in the recent literature. This paper implements Bayesian coefficient estimation and variable selection in regression quantiles (RQ), Bayesian with lasso and adaptive lasso penalty< strong>(Click “Read the original text” at the end of the article to get the completecode data). Abstract Further modeling capabilities for […]

Using Android development based on RK3399 development board + unoR3 development board to realize the robot head and face tracking function

Hardware: RK3399 development board x1 unoR3 development board x1 UVC camera x1 TB6612fng motor drive circuit x1 DC worm motor x2 Third-party library OpenCV3.8.0 for Android CH34XUARTDriver Development tools and environment Android Studio 4.1.2 Arduino 1.8.9 JDK 1.8 NDK 21.1.6352462 unoR3 pin definition is as follows #define PWMA 5 //Duty cycle pin of Motor1 #define […]