The three cores of React component instances-refs

0x00 Preface

  • CTF encryption and decryption collection
  • CTF Web Collection
  • Cybersecurity knowledge base
  • Traceability related

All the tools in this article can be followed by Haoyuedangkongw official account and send keywords to obtain tools.

0x01 character refs

refs is the id in the document

1. Get ref

class Demo extends React.Component {<!-- -->
            render() {<!-- -->
                return (
                        <input ref="input1" type="text" placeholder="Click the button to prompt data" /> & amp;nbsp;
                        <button onClick={<!-- -->this.showData}>Click the data on the left side of my prompt</button> & amp;nbsp;
                        <input type="text" placeholder="Click the button to prompt data" />

            showData = () => {<!-- -->

        ReactDOM.render(<Demo/>, document.getElementById("test"))

2. Structure assignment

 <script type="text/babel">
        class Demo extends React.Component {<!-- -->
            render() {<!-- -->
                return (
                        <input ref="input1" type="text" placeholder="Click the button to prompt data" /> & amp;nbsp;
                        <button onClick={<!-- -->this.showData}>Click the data on the left side of my prompt</button> & amp;nbsp;
                        <input onBlur={<!-- -->this.showData2} type="text" placeholder="Click the button to prompt data" />

            showData = () => {<!-- -->
                const {<!-- -->input1} = this.refs

            showData2=()=>{<!-- -->

        ReactDOM.render(<Demo/>, document.getElementById("test"))

3. Reasons why string type refs are obsolete

  • low efficiency

0x02 refs of callback function

1. Implementation

<script type="text/babel">
        class Demo extends React.Component {<!-- -->
            render() {<!-- -->
                return (
                        <input ref={<!-- -->c=>this.input1 = c} type="text" placeholder="Click the button to prompt data" /> & amp;nbsp;
                        <button onClick={<!-- -->this.showData}>Click the data on the left side of my prompt</button> & amp;nbsp;
                        <input ref={<!-- -->c=>this.input2 = c} onBlur={<!-- -->this.showData2} type="text" placeholder="Click the button to prompt data" /> &nbsp;

            showData = () => {<!-- -->
                const {<!-- -->input1} = this

            showData2=()=>{<!-- -->
                const {<!-- -->input2} =this

        ReactDOM.render(<Demo/>, document.getElementById("test"))

2. Number of calls

After updating the state, the component is populated with null before calling

 <script type="text/babel">
        class Demo extends React.Component{<!-- -->

            state={<!-- -->isHot:false}

            render(){<!-- -->
                const {<!-- -->isHot} =this.state
                return (
                        <h2>The weather today is {<!-- -->isHot?'hot':'cool'}</h2>
                        <input ref= {<!-- -->(c)=>{<!-- -->this.input1=c;console.log(c)}} type="text"/>
                        <button onClick={<!-- -->this.showInfo}>Click on the data I am prompted to enter</button>
                        <button onClick={<!-- -->this.changeWeather}>Click me to change the weather</button>

            showInfo = ()=>{<!-- -->
                const {<!-- -->input1} =this

            changeWeather =()=>{<!-- -->
                const {<!-- -->isHot} =this.state
                this.setState({<!-- -->isHot:!isHot})


3. Class binding method

<script type="text/babel">
        class Demo extends React.Component{<!-- -->

            state={<!-- -->isHot:false}

            render(){<!-- -->
                const {<!-- -->isHot} =this.state
                return (
                        <h2>The weather today is {<!-- -->isHot?'hot':'cool'}</h2>
                        {<!-- -->/* <input ref= {(c)=>{this.input1=c;console.log(c)}} type="text"/>*/}
                        <input ref= {<!-- -->this.saveInput} type="text"/>
                        <button onClick={<!-- -->this.showInfo}>Click on the data I am prompted to enter</button>
                        <button onClick={<!-- -->this.changeWeather}>Click me to change the weather</button>

            saveInput = (c)=>{<!-- -->

            showInfo = ()=>{<!-- -->
                const {<!-- -->input1} =this

            changeWeather =()=>{<!-- -->
                const {<!-- -->isHot} =this.state
                this.setState({<!-- -->isHot:!isHot})


0x03 createRef

React.createRef is dedicated to dedicated personnel, and each ref must be recreated separately.

1. Create an instance

<script type="text/babel">
        class Demo extends React.Component{<!-- -->

            myRef = React.createRef()

            state={<!-- -->isHot:false}

            render(){<!-- -->
                const {<!-- -->isHot} =this.state
                return (
                        <input ref= {<!-- -->this.myRef} type="text"/>
                        <button onClick={<!-- -->this.showInfo}>Click on the data I am prompted to enter</button>

            showInfo = ()=>{<!-- -->




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