Set up ELK+Filebead+zookeeper+kafka experiment

1. ELK + Filebeat + kafka + zookeeper architecture

Architecture diagrams are demonstrated separately

The first layer: data collection layer

  • The data collection layer is located on the leftmost business service cluster. Filebead is installed on each business server for log collection, and then the collected original logs are sent to the kafka + zookeeper cluster.

Second layer: message queue layer

  • After the original log is sent to the kafka + zookeeper cluster, it will be stored centrally. At this time, filebead is the producer of the message, and the stored message can be consumed at any time.

The third layer: data analysis layer

  • As a consumer, logstash pulls the original logs back to the kafka + zookeeper cluster node, then analyzes and formats the obtained original logs according to the rules, and finally forwards the formatted logs to the Elasticsearch cluster.

Level 4: Data persistence storage

  • After receiving the data sent by logstash, the Elasticsearch cluster performs operations such as writing to disk, establishing indexes, and finally stores the structured data on the Elasticsearch cluster.

The fifth layer: data query, display layer

  • Kibana is a visual data display platform. When there is a data retrieval request, it reads data from the Elasticsearch cluster, and then performs visual plotting and multi-dimensional analysis.

2. Build ELFK + zookeeper + kafka

Host name ip address Cluster Installation software package
filebead Data hierarchy layer filebead + apache
kafka1 kafka + zookeeper cluster kafka + zookeeper
kafka2 kafka + zookeeper cluster kafka + zookeeper
kafka3 kafka + zookeeper cluster kafka + zookeeper
logstash Data processing layer logstash
node1 ES Cluster Eslasticsearch + node + phantomis + head
node2 ES cluster + kibana display Elasticsearch + node + phantomis + head + kibana

1. Install kafka + zookeeper cluster (,,

2. Install zookeeper service

Turn off the firewall, core protection, and modify the host name

Installation environment, decompression software

Modify configuration file

Create data directory and log directory

Set the myid of three machines

Set up execution scripts for three machines

Put the startup scripts of the three machines into the system management

Start three zookeepers respectively

3. Install kafka service

Upload the installation packages for all three machines and extract them to the specified directory

Backup configuration files

Modify configuration file

  • Configuration file for the host

Configuration file for configuration file

Add kafka to environment variables

Configure kafka startup script

Set automatic startup

Start kafka separately

3.1 kafka command line operation

Create topic --create --zookeeper,, --replication-factor 2 --partitions 3 --topic test

#--zookeeper: Define the zookeeper cluster server address. If there are multiple IPs, separate them with commas.
#--replication-factor: Define partition copy, 1 represents single copy, 2 is recommended
#--partitions: Define the number of partitions
#--topic: define topic name

View all topics in the current server --list --zookeeper,,

View details of a topic --describe --zookeeper,,

Post a message --broker-list,, --topic test

Consuming messages --bootstrap-server,, --topic test --from-beginning

#--from-beginning: All previous data in the topic will be read out

Modify the number of partitions --zookeeper,, --alter --topic test --partitions 6

Delete topic --delete --zookeeper,, --topic test
3.2 Create topic for testing (can be operated on any host)

Create topic

Publish news and consume news

3. Configure the data collection layer filebead (

Close the firewall and change the host name

Install the httpd service and start it

Install filebead and cut to the specified directory

Modify configuration file

Start filebeat service

4. Deploy ES services (,

Install JDK

4.1 Install ES service

Configure local resolution, upload the installation package, install and start

Modify configuration file

View configuration files and create data directories

4.2 Install node plug-in

Installing the operating environment



4.3 Install phantomjs plug-in

Upload and decompress the compressed package

Add the executable file to the environment variables

4.4 Install ES-head

Upload the compressed package and decompress it


4.5 Modify ES configuration file

4.6 Start ES service

4.7 Start ES-head service

5. Deploy logstash (

Install java environment

Install logstash

Create soft links

Create execution docking file

Start service

6. Use ES-head interface to access

7. Install kibana to point to visualization

No demonstration here, refer to the previous blog