chatgpt enables python: runcmd in Python

runcmd in Python

Python is a feature-rich programming language that can be used not only for data science and machine learning, but also for text processing and system administration. One of the very useful libraries is subprocess, which allows us to run external commands in Python, which is widely used in system management and automation.

In this article, we will learn about Python’s runcmd function, which is part of the subprocess library and helps us execute any command in Python. We will use some simple examples to show the use of runcmd and explain how to use it safely and how to process the output of the command.

What is runcmd

The runcmd function is part of the subprocess library and it can run any command in Python. It allows us to execute command line tools available on any operating system and get the results of those commands. We can do this by passing command line arguments to the runcmd function.

The following is the basic definition of the runcmd function:, *, stdin=None, input=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, shell=False, timeout=None, check=False, encoding=None, errors=None)


  • args: The command to execute, which can be a string or a list of strings.
  • stdin: A file descriptor or file object for passing input.
  • input: The standard input to be passed to the command.
  • stdout: A file descriptor or file object for receiving output.
  • stderr: A file descriptor or file object for receiving standard error output.
  • shell: Whether to execute the command in the shell.
  • timeout: The maximum time for command execution.
  • check: If True, an exception will be thrown when the command execution fails.
  • encoding: Encoding of input and output.
  • errors: How to handle encoding errors.

How to use runcmd

Let’s look at some examples of using the runcmd function. First, we will execute a simple system command ls -la to list all files and folders in the current directory.

import subprocess

result =['ls', '-la'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

The output might look like this:

total 16
drwxr-xr-x 4 me staff 128 Sep 29 12:56 .
drwxr-xr-x 5 me staff 160 Sep 29 12:37 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 me staff 544 Sep 29 12:56

In this example, we first import the subprocess library, and then use the run function to execute the ls -la command. Next, we set the stdout parameter to subprocess.PIPE to read the results from the command’s standard output. Finally, we use the decode function to decode the result from a byte string to a Unicode string and output it to standard output.

Let’s look at another slightly more complicated example. Next, we will use the curl command to download a file from the web server and save it to the local file system.

import subprocess

url = ''
result =['curl', '-o', 'sample.txt', url], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

In this example, we set url to the URL of the file we want to download. Then, we use the run function to execute the curl -o sample.txt url command, which will download the file to the local file system. Note that we pass the -o parameter to the curl command in order to specify the filename to save to. Finally, we output the standard output of the command to the standard output stream.

Use runcmd safely

Although the runcmd function is very convenient for executing commands in Python, there are also some potential security issues. For example, command injection attacks are possible if we accidentally allow user input into our commands. Therefore, we should take appropriate measures to ensure that our use of the runcmd function is safe.

Here are some steps we can take:

Use parameters instead of shell mode

When we use the runcmd function, we should use parameters to pass commands instead of shell mode. This is because shell mode can allow users to execute arbitrary commands, which can lead to security issues. For example, if we allow users to enter rm -rf /, then this command will delete all files on the entire system!

Here’s an example using arguments instead of shell patterns:

import subprocess

path = '/path/to/file'
result =['rm', '-f', path], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

In this example, we use arguments to pass the rm -f /path/to/file command instead of using shell mode. This will ensure that the command will only delete the specified files and not all files on the entire system.

Validate input

When we allow user input into our commands, we should validate the input to make sure they are correct. For example, if we receive a filename from the user, we should make sure it represents a file that actually exists, and is in an acceptable format.

Here is an example of validating input:

import os
import subprocess

path = input('Enter a file path: ')
if not os.path.isfile(path):
    print('Error: The specified file does not exist')
    result =['ls', '-la', path], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

In this example, we first ask the user to enter a file path. Then, we check if the file exists using the os.path.isfile function. If the file does not exist, an error message is output. Otherwise, we use the runcmd function to execute the ls -la command and output the result of the command on the file.

Whitelist of executable commands

We can maintain a whitelist of executable commands to ensure we only execute commands we trust. This way, if we allow the user to execute commands, we will only execute the commands in this whitelist.

The following is an example of using the executable command whitelist:

import subprocess

whitelist = {<!-- -->'ls', 'cat', 'echo'}
command = input('Enter a command: ')

if command not in whitelist:
    print('Error: The specified command is not allowed')
    result = subprocess. run([command], stdout=subprocess. PIPE)

In this example, we use the whitelist collection to maintain a list of allowed commands. Then, we ask the user to enter a command. If the entered command is not in the whitelist, we output an error message. Otherwise, we use the runcmd function to execute the command and output it to the standard output stream.


Python’s runcmd function allows us to easily execute any system command in Python. However, we should be aware of security issues and make sure we are safe using the runcmd function. By using arguments instead of shell patterns, validating input, and maintaining a whitelist of executable commands, we can reduce the potential security risks of the runcmd function.

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