Encryption and Decryption Debugging Dynamic Debugging Technology (2) – Common Breakpoints


common breakpoints

1.INT 3 breakpoint



2. Hardware breakpoint


We give the example of hardware interrupt

remove hardware breakpoint

3. Memory breakpoint




the difference


4. Memory access one-time breakpoint

5. Message breakpoint



6. Conditional breakpoints

(1) Interrupt by register condition

(2) Interrupt by memory condition

7. Conditional record breakpoint

We debugged a program in (1) and then we started to continue learning

Common breakpoints

here has

INT 3 breakpoint
hardware breakpoint
memory breakpoint
Message breakpoint, etc.

1.INT 3 breakpoint

We can use the command bp or F12 to breakpoint in OllyDbg

INT3 breakpoint is to replace the code at this position in the program

Replace with INT3

INT3 is a soft interrupt instruction
Trigger in x86 frame for debugging
INT3 is the most commonly used breakpoint

Among them, the soft interrupt is triggered by the code rather than the interrupt triggered by the hardware problem

In ollydbg, in fact, when we press F2, the program will set INT3 here, but ollydbg hides it

What is displayed is the instruction before the interrupt

INT3 machine code is 0xCC also called CC instruction

When the program executes to the exception caused by the INT3 instruction

The debugger will catch the exception
thus stopping at the breakpoint
Then restore the code at the breakpoint to the previous code

The advantage of INT3 is that you can set an infinite number of breakpoints
The disadvantage is that changing the code is easy to be detected by software


If the software prevents the API from being broken
Some software detects whether the first address of the API is 0xCC

Here is the detection method

Detection in C language
This method is to get the address of the detection function
then read the first byte
Judging whether it is CC
Here is the detection code for MessageBoxA

BYTE Mark = 0;
(FARPROC & amp;) Uaddr = GetProcAddress (LoadLibrary("user32.dll"),"MessageBoxA");
Load the MessageBoxA function in the user32.dll library
Mark = *((BYTE*))Uaddr; Set Mark as a pointer to Uaddr
if(Mark == 0xCC) to determine whether the first byte is 0xCC or INT3
    return TRUE

After the program is executed, set a breakpoint on MessageBoxA and the program will find


If we want to avoid detection, set the breakpoint at the end or inside of the function

For example, set the breakpoint on the next line of the function entry so that we can bypass the detection

2. Hardware breakpoint

Hardware breakpoints are related to the BRx debug register

x in the RBx debug register can be a number from 0 to 3

The RBx debug register is used to set a hardware breakpoint when the CPU executes to the set address
It will trigger an interrupt and then hand it over to the debugger for debugging

DRx debug register has 8 registers (DR0~DR7) some of which have their own characteristics

DR0~DR3: Debug address registers are used to save addresses that need to be monitored, such as setting hardware breakpoints

DR4~DR5: reserved, undisclosed role

DR6: Debug Register Set Status Register

DR7: Debug register group control register


The principle of hardware breakpoint is

Use DR0 DR1 DR2 DR3 to set the address (set up to 4 breakpoints)
Then use DR7 to set the status

The function of the hardware execution breakpoint is the same as that of the CC instruction execution breakpoint
However, the hardware does not modify the first byte of the address to CC, so it is more difficult to detect

When the debugger detects the address in DR0~DR3, it will trigger an interrupt and hand it over to the debugger

Instead of modifying the code to break 

Hardware interrupts can also be set in ollydbg

We give examples of hardware interrupts

Or the previous TraceMe.exe

In the register window of the CPU window, right-click -> view debug registers

Then we set the hardware interrupt at 004013AA

Then F9 executes the program

We found that DR0 becomes the interrupt address

After we set the breakpoint
In fact, OllyDbg is set as an interrupt address in DR0~DR3
Then set the corresponding control bit in DR7

When the program debugs to the middle segment address, the CPU will send an exception message to OllyDbg

Then you can interrupt

Delete hardware breakpoint

Debug -> Hardware Breakpoints

Of course there are shortcut keys

Press F4 at the address to perform a hardware interrupt and automatically delete the breakpoint after the interrupt

Compared with INT3 interrupt, hardware interrupt is not easy to be detected by the program and runs faster
The disadvantage is that only 4 breakpoints can be set

3. Memory breakpoint

OllyDbg can set memory access breakpoints or memory write breakpoints


Give non-accessible and non-writable attributes to the set address

In this way, when accessing and writing, an exception will occur

OllyDbg catch exception

Compare whether the exception is that we set the breakpoint address

If it is, interrupt and the user will operate
Because the comparison is performed every time to determine whether to interrupt, the execution speed will be slow

Therefore, OllyDbg may only set a breakpoint for memory interruption due to execution considerations

There are 3 states of program running, which are read, write and execute

mov dword ptr [405528], edx writes to memory
mov dword ptr edx,[405528] read memory data


Debugging TraceMe.exe with OllyDbg

We can see that this is an assembly instruction written into memory

We use this memory breakpoint

We need to go to the data panel

First follow this address in the data panel

Then F9 to run

Found him interrupted at this address


If we want to delete the interrupt, right click -> delete memory breakpoint

In this scenario, hardware breakpoints can also achieve the same effect as memory breakpoints
A single hardware write/access breakpoint can be set to 1 byte, 2 bytes, 4 bytes
And no matter how large the selected data range is, only the first 4 bytes will work

Still in the memory address, select the hardware to write to the address and then select the word, which is 4 bytes

will still interrupt the next instruction at this address


The hardware write/access breakpoint is interrupted at the next line of execution
A memory breakpoint is to interrupt at the instruction of the trigger point

You can also set memory access breakpoints for code

Right click on the code, memory access and then run the program, it will break at this place


 Where memory is executed, it can also be interrupted by memory access

The memory access breakpoint will not modify the code, and will not modify the code like INT3 and be verified by the program

So if you encounter program verification and hardware breakpoints fail, you can use memory breakpoints

4. Memory access one-time breakpoint

Windows uses segment paging management for memory

in OllyDbg

Press ALT + M to view memory

There are many segments here and each segment has inaccessible read write execute attributes

Right click on the corresponding segment

This can be used to set this type of breakpoint for the entire memory

This breakpoint is a one-time breakpoint. The segment where it is located will be interrupted when it is read or executed.

After the break, the breakpoint will be deleted

If you want to capture calls or return a module

This type of breakpoint is particularly useful
There are also breakpoints

Set a breakpoint on memory access This breakpoint is roughly the same as the set breakpoint on access command

The difference is that this memory access breakpoint is not a one-time

And this breakpoint is to be used under the NT framework

and only used in this framework

5. Message breakpoint

Windows itself is message-driven If there is no suitable breakpoint when debugging

You can try to use message breakpoint

When a specific window receives a specific message
A message breakpoint interrupts the program

The difference between a message breakpoint and an INT3 breakpoint is:

INT3 breakpoints can be set before the program starts
The message breakpoint can only be set after the window is created and intercept the message

When the user clicks a button, moves the cursor, or enters text into a text box

A message is sent to the current form
All sent messages have 4 parameters

1 hwnd (window handle)
1 msg (message number)
2 longs (32-bit long parameters)

Windows uses the handle to identify the handle it represents

e.g. clicking a button
Windows recognizes which button was pressed by the handle
Then send a relative message to notify the program

We pass the example


Trace Me

We run the program directly with F9

We enter the user name and serial number, enter casually and then do not click check

Let’s enter the message window first

This is the window we have now, and it is also where we break the message window

We find the check line

Mark a message breakpoint

In the message column, select the function of 202

Our check type is a button button, so if we click this button
The WM_LBUTTONUP message will be sent, so we need to interrupt at this message

Then we go back to the program and click check

He will interrupt in the Windows system code to pass the message

At this time, we are in the airspace of the system and in the bottom code of the system
It does not belong to the TraceMe program code, so we cannot return to the program airspace through the shortcut key ALT + F9 or CTRL + F9

We use shortcut keys ALT + M

Follow this TraceMe program and then its code segment because we want to go back to the code segment and find this key function

So we put a breakpoint here When the program finishes executing the underlying code, it will return to the program code

 means that after clicking check, he will send a message to windows

Then the message is delivered, return to the program, and we are back in the airspace of the program.

We put a breakpoint on F2

F9 to execute

The code here is the message loop of the program

This code is a message loop
Constantly processing TraceMe messages
At this time, the button event will not be directly processed

If we do a F7 single-step trace

will re-enter the system code

Here we re-enter the system code

then we repeat

Set a breakpoint in the program code area and execute

Indicates whether to pass the button message

let’s go on

Successfully reached the place in the program where the button passes the message


ALT + B to delete

6. Conditional breakpoint

during debugging
We often expect to be able to meet what condition guess will break

These are called conditional breakpoints.

Moreover, in OllyDbg, you can set and break according to conditions such as registers, memory, and messages.

A conditional breakpoint is a normal INT3 breakpoint with a conditional expression

When the debugger encounters such a breakpoint, the breakpoint evaluates the expression

If the result is non-zero or the expression is valid

Then the breakpoint will take effect

(1) interrupt by register condition

Open Conditional_bp.exe

Find 00401476

Then set the condition here

or in the command line plugin

bp 401476 eax==0400000

Then the program executes here. If eax=0400000, an interruption will occur

(2) Interrupt by memory condition

We continue to use this program to

Let’s assume that this program needs to open a file

Then use the CreatFileA function This function is used to open a file

The structure of the function is given here

HANDLE CreateFile{
    LPCTSTR lpFileName, pointer to file name
    DWORD dwDesireAccess, access mode
    DWORD dwShareMode, share mode
    LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, pointer to security attributes
    DWORD dwCreationDistribution, how to create the file
    DWORD dwFlagsAndAttribute, file attribute
    HANDLE hTemplateFile Handle to copy file

After we understand, run the program to see if there is a button to open the folder

here we are

Found that CreateFileA was called four times

So there must be this function, so we breakpoint this function

Then re-execute the program

breakpoint at this

Then we go to the stack

It is found that the parameters of the function have been pushed into the stack, so here we can make a breakpoint

But we need to know where this is on the stack

so we

Suppose we need to get filename, then it is stored at the address of esp + 4

[esp + 4] This is to get the first parameter, which is the memory address of filename
[[esp + 4]] This is to get the first parameter, which is the string stored in the memory address of filename

Suppose we need to get the string

[STRING[esp + 4]]=="c:\1212.txt"

This is what will be returned When the CreateFileA function opens c:\1212.txt, what is stored in the filename of this function

Using the command line is the following

bp CreateFileA,[STRING[esp + 4]]=="c:\1212.txt"

rerun the program

Here is where the breakpoint is when the program opens 1212.txt

7. Conditional record breakpoint

Conditional record breakpoint

In addition to the role of conditional breakpoints, it can also record function expressions or parameter values of functions at breakpoints
You can also set the number of breakpoints, each time the pause condition is met, the counter -1

Or take the CreateFileA function as an example

In the first instruction of this program

or SHIFT + F4

Enter conditional record breakpoint

pay attention to this

 If it is [esp + 4] in the expression, then it is the address

We'll just set the pointer to the ASCII string

This works just like [STRING] does

Then we make sure to start executing

A breakpoint occurs

Then the shortcut key ALT + L to open the log data window

Our data emerges

This is where the usual interruption ends