Solving pywintypes.com_error: (-2147221005, Invalid class string, None, None)

Table of Contents

wrong reason


1. Make sure the class string of the COM object is correct

2. Install the correct COM components

3. Check the registration information of the COM object

4. Ensure that the number of Python and COM components is consistent

5. Update and upgrade related software

6. Reach out to the development community for help

Hello everyone, I recently encountered a common error during development in Python: pywintypes.com_error: (-2147221005, ‘Invalid class string’, None, None). In this article, I will share why I encountered this error and how I solved it.

Error reason

This error usually occurs when using Python’s win32com library to interact with COM objects. It indicates that there was a problem creating or manipulating a COM object involving an invalid class string.


Here are several ways to resolve this error:

1. Make sure the class string of the COM object is correct

First, you need to make sure that the class string of the COM object you are using is correct. A class string is a unique identifier for a COM object and is used to find and create COM objects in the system. This error occurs if the class string is wrong or does not exist. Please check the class string in your code and make sure it is consistent with the COM object you want to use.

2. Install the correct COM component

If you are using third-party COM components, make sure you have installed them correctly. Sometimes, this error is caused by missing or incorrectly installed related COM components.

3. Check the registration information of the COM object

If the COM object has been installed correctly but this error still occurs, there may be a problem with the registration information of the COM object. You can try to re-register the COM object using the ??regsvr32?? command. Open a command prompt, switch to the directory where the COM object is located, and run the following command:??regsvr32 ??.

4. Make sure that the number of bits in Python and COM components are consistent

This error can also occur if your Python is a 64-bit version and the COM component you are using is a 32-bit version (or vice versa). Please make sure that the Python and COM components you install are consistent.

Sometimes, this error can be caused by using an old version of the software. Try updating and upgrading the Python, win32com libraries, and other related software you are using to see if that solves the problem.

6. Asking for help from the development community

If you have tried the above methods and still cannot resolve this error, then it is recommended that you seek help from the Python development community. Raise your issue in forums, social media, and the developer community with more details and error messages. Other developers may have similar experiences and provide solutions. I hope the above method will help solve the error pywintypes.com_error: (-2147221005, ‘Invalid class string’, None, None). If you have any questions or other solutions, please share them in the comments below. Thanks!

Practical application scenario: This error usually occurs when using Python’s ??win32com? library to interact with COM objects. COM (Component Object Model) is a technology used to achieve interoperability of software components and is commonly used in application development on Windows platforms. Using the ??win32com? library, we can call the methods and properties of COM objects in Python. Sample code: Below is a sample code that uses the ?win32com?? library to interact with Excel and shows how to resolve the pywintypes.com_error error.

pythonCopy codeimport win32com.client
def open_excel_file(file_path):
        excel = win32com.client.Dispatch("Excel.Application")
        workbook = excel.Workbooks.Open(file_path)
        # Perform Excel operations
    except win32com.client.pywintypes.com_error as e:
        print("pywintypes.com_error: ", e)
        # Perform error handling
# Call the function to open the Excel file

In this sample code, we create an instance of the Excel application using the ??win32com.client.Dispatch?? method, and then use the ??Workbooks.Open?? The method opens an Excel file. In practical applications, you can perform Excel operations according to specific needs. When a pywintypes.com_error error occurs, we use the ??except?? statement to capture the error and perform corresponding error handling. It should be noted that ??"example.xlsx"?? in the example code is an example Excel file path. You need to modify it to the Excel file path you want to operate based on your actual situation. I hope the above example code can help you understand how to use the win32com library to interact with COM objects in practical applications, and help you solve the pywintypes.com_error error. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

COM (Component Object Model) is a technology used to achieve interoperability of software components, originally introduced by Microsoft on the Windows platform. It provides a standard way for different programming languages and applications to communicate with each other, share objects, and call functions. A COM component is a reusable software module created based on COM technology. It is an independent entity that encapsulates specific functions and can be called and used by other applications. COM components have the following characteristics:

  1. Reusability: COM components are independent software modules that can be reused in multiple applications, thereby achieving code reuse and modular development.
  2. Encapsulation: COM components encapsulate functions in an independent entity, hiding internal implementation details and only exposing necessary methods and properties for external calls.
  3. Cross-language and cross-platform: COM components can be developed using different programming languages and can be used on different operating system platforms, such as Windows, Linux, etc.
  4. Dynamic linking: COM components are deployed and called using dynamic link libraries (DLLs), which can be dynamically loaded and unloaded at runtime, providing greater flexibility. The development of COM components usually includes the following steps:
  5. Define interface: COM components define the methods and properties they provide to the outside world through interfaces. An interface is a contract between a COM component and an external application, describing the behavior and functionality of the component.
  6. Implement component: According to the interface definition, developers implement the specific functions of the COM component. During the implementation process, any programming language can be used for development.
  7. Registered component: A COM component needs to be registered in the operating system so that other applications can find and call it. The registration process writes the COM component information into the system registry.
  8. Calling components: Other applications can call registered COM components through the COM interface. The application calls the component’s methods, sets properties and obtains results through the COM interface. COM components are widely used in software development on Windows platforms, especially in the fields of enterprise applications and system integration. For example, various applications in the Microsoft Office suite (such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.) are implemented through COM components, allowing developers to interact with Office applications using various programming languages. To sum up, a COM component is a reusable independent entity that encapsulates specific functions. Through interface definition and dynamic linking, it achieves interoperability between different programming languages and applications. It plays an important role in software development, providing flexible, scalable and maintainable solutions.