hexo builds github technology blog


I have written a few blogs on CSDN before, but I always feel that the interface is not concise enough, and I am not very happy when writing a blog. I want to write a personal blog by myself. I took this opportunity to contact hexo and record it.

PS: The following process is based on the Windows system. Most of the references teach you how to build a github technical blog. I rearranged it according to my actual situation. Students who use Mac OS can refer to 20 minutes to teach you how to use hexo to build a github blog.


Download git and Node.js and perform the installation

Install hexo

NPM is a package management tool installed together with NodeJS, which can solve many problems in NodeJS code deployment. The common usage scenarios are as follows:

  • Allows users to download third-party packages written by others from the NPM server for local use.
  • Allows users to download and install command-line programs written by others from the NPM server for local use.
  • Allows users to upload their own packages or command-line programs to the NPM server for others to use.

Since the new version of Node.js has integrated npm, npm has also been installed before. I prefer to use PowerShell for Windows, which contains some Linux commands, and vim can also be used.
Then install hexo using npm:

npm install -g hexo

During the installation process, I got a warning: This package is no longer maintained, which can be ignored for the time being.

Create a hexo file and install dependencies

After the installation is complete, execute the following command in the folder to create all the files needed for the website in the current directory

hexo init


INFO Start blogging with Hexo!

Indicates that the establishment is complete, execute the following command to install the required dependencies:

npm install

Local browsing

hexo generate
hexo server

Here hexo uses the local port 4000 by default. After I opened it for the first time, I found that I couldn’t access it. After thinking about it, it should have been occupied. Query:

netstat -aon | grep 4000
tasklist | grep last command result last PID

[External link picture transfer failed, the source site may have an anti-leeching mechanism, it is recommended to save the picture and upload it directly (img-Tq0YEzLa-1689613636070)(http://image.rexking6.top/img/hexo_1.png)]

It is Foxit, so manually change the port:

hexo s -p 5000

The s here is the abbreviation of server, and the commonly used abbreviations will be given below. After the above command is executed, the browser visits:, and you can see that the local blog has been set up . The next thing we need to do is deploy to GitHub.

New website project directory

[External link picture transfer failed, the source site may have an anti-leeching mechanism, it is recommended to save the picture and upload it directly (img-GKAZuw17-1689613636071)(http://image.rexking6.top/img/hexo_2.png)]

Pay attention to the format, yourname.github.io

Generate SSH key and add

ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "your email address", press 3 carriage returns, the password is empty.

Under C:\Users\Administrator.ssh, get two files id_rsa and id_rsa.pub. Open id_rsa.pub and copy the full text. Add SSH key, paste it in.

hexo directory structure

├── .deploy #Files that need to be deployed
├── node_modules #Hexo plugin
├── public #generated static webpage file
├── scaffolds #template
├── source #Blog text and other source files, 404, favicon, CNAME should all be placed here
| ├── _drafts #drafts
| └── _posts #article
├── themes #theme
├── _config.yml #Global configuration file
└── package.json

Global configuration _config.yml

# Hexo Configuration
## Docs: http://hexo.io/docs/configuration.html
## Source: https://github.com/hexojs/hexo/
# Site # Site information
title: #title
subtitle: #subtitle
description: #Site description, for search engines
author: #author
email: #email
language: #language
# URL # link format
url: #URL
root: / #Root directory
permalink: :year/:month/:day/:title/ #The link format of the article
tag_dir: tags #tag directory
archive_dir: archives #archive directory
category_dir: categories #category
code_dir: downloads/code
# Directory #directory
source_dir: source #source file directory
public_dir: public #generated web page file directory
#Writing #writing
new_post_name: :title.md #new post title
default_layout: post #Default template, including post, page, photo, draft (article, page, photo, draft)
titlecase: false #The title is converted to uppercase
external_link: true #Open the connection in a new tab
filename_case: 0
render_drafts: false
post_asset_folder: false
relative_link: false
highlight: # syntax highlighting
  enable: true #whether to enable
  line_number: true #display line number
# Category & amp; Tag #Classification and tags
default_category: uncategorized #default category
# Archives
2: Turn on pagination
1: disable pagination
0: disable all
archive: 2
category: 2
tag: 2
# Server # local server
port: 4000 #port number
server_ip: localhost #IP address
logger: false
logger_format: dev
# Date / Time format #Date time format
date_format: YYYY-MM-DD #refer to http://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/
time_format: H:mm:ss
# Pagination # pagination
per_page: 10 #Number of articles per page, set to 0 to disable pagination
pagination_dir: page
#Disqus #Disqus comments, replaced with more to say
# Extensions #Extension plug-in
theme: #theme
plugins: #Plugins, such as those that generate RSS and sitemaps
# Deployment #Deployment, change lmintlcx to username
  type: git
  repo: Just now github created the library address.git
  branch: master


  • Colon: followed by a space
  • repo: Just now github created the library address.git

hexo common commands

hexo help #View help
hexo init #Initialize a directory
hexo new "postName" #New article
hexo new page "pageName" #New page
hexo generate #Generate web pages, you can view the files of the entire website in the public directory
hexo server #Local preview, 'Ctrl + C' off
hexo deploy #deployment.deploy directory
hexo clean #Clear the cache, **It is strongly recommended to clean the cache before each command execution, and delete the .deploy folder before each deployment**


hexo n == hexo new
hexo g == hexo generate
hexo s == hexo server
hexo d == hexo deploy

New article

hexo new "Title"

The file title.md will be generated under the _posts directory

title: Hello World
date: 2015-07-30 07:56:29 #Publish date, generally not changed
categories: hexo #article category
tags: [hexo,github] #Article tags, use this format when there are more than one item

Text, written in Markdown syntax, saved after editing, previewed by hexo server


Execute the following instructions to complete the deployment.

hexo generate
hexo deploy

When I deployed here, it was not successful, and an error occurred

ERROR Deployer not found: git

It turns out that you need to install this:

npm install hexo-deployer-git --save

Execute again, and the following prompt will appear, indicating that the deployment is complete:

[info] Deploy done: git

Click on the Settings of the project on Github, GitHub Pages, prompt Your site is published at https://rexking6.github.io/ (this is my own)


In the process of building a blog, I found that hexo is really simple and easy to use. For someone like me who has never learned the front end, it is really a magic weapon. I also realized the power of github’s ability to deploy websites, and then I wanted to make a deployment record of the two websites, and also bind the Ali domain name and map bed, and I would also write it out.