Description of ResourceQuota object on K8s

Description of the ResourceQuota resource object and its role in the cluster

Definition description

Division and design of resource groups in the cluster

  • In a cluster with 32 GiB of memory and 16-core CPU resources, Team A is allowed to use 20 GiB of memory and 10-core CPU resources, Team B is allowed to use 10 GiB of memory and 4-core CPU resources, and 2 GiB of memory and 2 are reserved The core’s CPU resources are available for future allocation.

Node disk usage in the cluster docker

docker system df
  • Command description Docker’s resource ratio in the system

yaml file description

{<!-- --> "apiVersion": "v1",

    "kind": "ResourceQuota",

    "metadata": {<!-- -->

        "annotations": {<!-- -->},

        "name": "kf-resource-quota",

        "namespace": "public-resource"


    "spec": {<!-- -->

        "hard": {<!-- -->

            "cpu": "31",

            "memory": "201Gi",

            "": "1"





In Kubernetes (K8s), ResourceQuota is a resource quota mechanism used to limit the usage of various resources within the namespace. It helps administrators and developers ensure fair distribution and rational utilization of resources in multi-tenant environments.

Resource types that ResourceQuota can limit include Pod, CPU, memory, storage, etc. How it works is that when you create a ResourceQuota object, you need to define the resource type and quantity of the limit. Then, this ResourceQuota object will be applied to the corresponding namespace to restrict the use of resources in the namespace.

Specifically, ResourceQuota objects can restrict the following resources:

  1. Pods: You can limit the number of Pods that can run in the namespace.

  2. CPU and memory: You can limit the amount of CPU and memory usage within the namespace.

  3. Storage: You can limit the usage of storage resources in the namespace, including the number of persistent volume claims (PersistentVolumeClaims), etc.


In Kubernetes (K8s), ResourceQuota is a resource quota mechanism used to limit resource consumption in a namespace. It helps administrators achieve fine-grained control over resource allocation and management in the cluster.

ResourceQuota can be understood as a quota, which defines the resource limit available in the namespace, including computing resources such as CPU and memory, as well as the number of objects such as storage volumes and Pods. ResourceQuota allows administrators to limit resource usage at the namespace level to ensure more fair and controllable resource allocation among different users or teams.

When users create resources (such as Pods, Services, etc.) in the namespace, Kubernetes’ quota system will track the resource usage of the cluster to ensure that the resource usage does not exceed the hard resource limit defined in ResourceQuota. If a resource creation or update request violates a quota constraint, the request will report an error (HTTP 403 FORBIDDEN) and give the constraint that may be violated in the message.

The ResourceQuota admission controller is responsible for observing the incoming request and ensuring that it does not violate any constraints defined by the ResourceQuota resource in the corresponding namespace. If quotas are enabled for computing resources (such as cpu and memory) under the namespace, users must set request values (request) and constraint values (limit) for these resources, otherwise the quota system will deny the creation of Pods. This forces each (new) Pod to set a limit for this resource, thus ensuring fair distribution and efficient utilization of system resources.

The ResourceQuota resource object in Kubernetes is used to define and enforce resource limits on a per-namespace basis. It allows administrators to allocate and control resource quotas for different teams or tenants within the cluster.

ResourceQuota allows you to set limits on various types of resources, including CPU, memory, and storage. When a ResourceQuota object is created, it specifies the maximum quantity of each resource that can be used within a namespace.

Here’s an example of a ResourceQuota YAML file:

apiVersion: v1

kind: ResourceQuota


  name: quota-example

  namespace: example-namespace



    pods: "10"

    cpu: "4"

    memory: 4Gi

    storage: 10Gi

In this example, the ResourceQuota limits the namespace “example-namespace” to a maximum of 10 pods, 4 CPU units, 4Gi of memory, and 10Gi of storage.

The Role of ResourceQuota in a Cluster:

  • Resource Allocation: ResourceQuota allows administrators to allocate and control resource quotas for different namespaces or tenants in the cluster. It helps in achieving fair resource allocation and utilization by limiting the amount of resources each namespace can consume.

  • Resource Management: ResourceQuota ensures that namespaces do not exceed their allocated resource limits. If a namespace tries to allocate resources beyond its quota, the requests will be denied and an error message will be returned. This helps in preventing resource contention and ensuring stability and performance of the cluster.

  • Multi-Tenancy: ResourceQuota enables the cluster to support multiple tenants or teams, each with its own resource limits. This allows for better isolation and resource management within the cluster, ensuring that one team’s workload does not impact others.

  • Quota Enforcement: ResourceQuota acts as an admission control mechanism, enforcing the defined resource limits for each namespace. It checks resource requests and limits of pods and other resources against the specified quotas, preventing resource overconsumption and ensuring compliance with resource management policies.

Overall, ResourceQuota plays a crucial role in ensuring efficient resource utilization and allocation within a Kubernetes cluster. It helps in managing resource usage, enforcing limits, and maintaining performance and stability of the cluster.

On the other hand

In the cosmic realm of Kubernetes, where clusters and pods flourish, there exists a unique object known as ResourceQuota. Within the vast expanse of this intergalactic system, where infinite possibilities await, ResourceQuota serves as the guardian of resources, ensuring harmony and balance throughout the universe.

Imagine a distant planet, teeming with intelligent creatures known as Kubernetes Masters. These Masters possess immense powers, capable of creating and managing vast networks of pods and containers. However, with great power comes great responsibility. To prevent any single entity from hoarding all the resources, ResourceQuota emerges as the cosmic arbiter, imposing limits and boundaries on the Masters’ creations.

As a thrilling space novel unfolds, we follow the journey of Captain Cluster, a courageous explorer with a heart as vast as the cosmos. Assigned to a mission on the resource-rich planet, Captain Cluster encounters ResourceQuota for the first time. Instantly mesmerized, they delve deep into its cryptic magic.

Within ResourceQuota, Captain Cluster witnesses a dazzling array of attributes. Just like stars in a cluster, these attributes control the unlimited energy and potential within the Kubernetes cluster. CPU, memory, storage, and the enigmatic Pods’ are all governed by ResourceQuota.

ResourceQuota exerts its influence, casting boundaries that dictate how much power each Kubernetes Master can wield. When Captain Cluster assigns a quota, it’s akin to placing a cosmic enchantment upon the Kubernetes ecosystem. The Masters must adhere to their imposed limits, preventing resource depletion and ensuring fairness among all their creations.

Aboard their starship, Captain Cluster configures the ResourceQuota, carefully calculating the precise allocations for CPU, memory, and storage. They envision a galaxy where each pod and container receives its rightful share, optimizing the utilization of resources whilst guarding against excessive consumption. The delicate balance of the Kubernetes cluster becomes Captain Cluster’s ultimate quest.

Throughout their cosmic odyssey, Captain Cluster encounters a dilemma. In a distant nebula, they stumble upon a rogue Kubernetes Master, a dazzling but reckless entity determined to override ResourceQuota. This rebel disregards the rules, hoarding resources and disrupting the harmony of the cluster. The cosmic scales teeter on the brink of imbalance.

With a spark of ingenuity, Captain Cluster sets out to confront the rogue Master. Armed with the knowledge of ResourceQuota, they craft a strategic plan to restore equilibrium. Utilizing a flurry of commands and configurations, they reinforce the cosmic boundaries, relegating the rogue Master to a realm of resource scarcity.

As Captain Cluster brings harmony back to the universe, they reflect on the significance of ResourceQuota. It serves as a guiding star, ensuring fairness and responsible resource allocation within the Kubernetes cluster. Through its magic, ResourceQuota helps create a thriving ecosystem where every pod and container flourishes, unlocking the true potential of Kubernetes.

And so, the story of ResourceQuota intertwines with the cosmic tapestry of Kubernetes, leaving an indelible mark on the intergalactic adventure. As Captain Cluster continues to explore the vastness of the Kubernetes universe, they do so with a newfound appreciation for the cosmic guardian that is ResourceQuota.