Python realizes the angle of xml and json files, and enhances the brightness data set

Basic idea: use your own script, after making labels through labelImg or labelme, solve the problem of too few model training data sets.

1. XML data set perspective data enhancement

import cv2
import math
import numpy as np
import os
import pdb
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

class ImgAugemention():
    def __init__(self):
        self. angle = 90

    # rotate the image
    def rotate_image(self, src, angle, scale=1.):
        w = src. shape[1]
        h = src. shape[0]
        # convert angle into rad
        rangle = np.deg2rad(angle) # angle in radians
        # Calculate the width and height of the new image
        nw = (abs(np. sin(rangle)*h) + abs(np. cos(rangle)*w))*scale
        nh = (abs(np. cos(rangle)*h) + abs(np. sin(rangle)*w))*scale
        # Query the rotation matrix from OpenCV
        rot_mat = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((nw*0.5, nh*0.5), angle, scale)
        # Compute the movement from the old center to the new center
        # with the rotation
        rot_move =, np.array([(nw-w)*0.5, (nh-h)*0.5, 0]))
        # the move only affects the translation, so update the translation
        # part of the transform
        rot_mat[0, 2] + = rot_move[0]
        rot_mat[1, 2] + = rot_move[1]
        # map
        return cv2. warpAffine(
            src, rot_mat, (int(math. ceil(nw)), int(math. ceil(nh))),

    def rotate_xml(self, src, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, angle, scale=1.):
        w = src. shape[1]
        h = src. shape[0]
        rangle = np.deg2rad(angle) # angle in radians
        # now calculate new image width and height
        # get width and height of changed image
        nw = (abs(np. sin(rangle)*h) + abs(np. cos(rangle)*w))*scale
        nh = (abs(np. cos(rangle)*h) + abs(np. sin(rangle)*w))*scale
        # ask OpenCV for the rotation matrix
        rot_mat = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((nw*0.5, nh*0.5), angle, scale)
        # calculate the move from the old center to the new center combined
        # with the rotation
        rot_move =, np.array([(nw-w)*0.5, (nh-h)*0.5, 0]))
        # the move only affects the translation, so update the translation
        # part of the transform
        rot_mat[0, 2] + = rot_move[0]
        rot_mat[1, 2] + = rot_move[1]
        # rot_mat: the final rot matrix
        # get the four center of edges in the initial martix, and convert the coord
        point1 =, np.array([(xmin + xmax)/2, ymin, 1]))
        point2 =, np.array([xmax, (ymin + ymax)/2, 1]))
        point3 =, np.array([(xmin + xmax)/2, ymax, 1]))
        point4 =, np.array([xmin, (ymin + ymax)/2, 1]))
        # concat np.array
        concat = np.vstack((point1, point2, point3, point4))
        # change type
        concat = concat.astype(np.int32)
        rx, ry, rw, rh = cv2.boundingRect(concat)
        return rx, ry, rw, rh

    def process_img(self, imgs_path, xmls_path, img_save_path, xml_save_path, angle_list):
        # assign the rot angles
        mun = 1
        for angle in angle_list:
            for img_name in os.listdir(imgs_path):
                # split filename and suffix
                n, s = os.path.splitext(img_name)
                # for the sake of use yol model, only process '.jpg'
                if s == ".jpg":
                    img_path = os.path.join(imgs_path, img_name)
                    img = cv2.imread(img_path)
                    rotated_img = self. rotate_image(img, angle)
                    # write image
                    # cv2.imwrite(img_save_path + n + "_" + str(angle) + "d.jpeg", rotated_img)
                    cv2.imwrite(img_save_path + "%d.jpg" % mun , rotated_img)
                    print("log: [%sd] %s is processed." % (angle, img))
                    xml_url = img_name.split('.')[0] + '.xml'
                    xml_path = os.path.join(xmls_path, xml_url)
                    tree = ET. parse(xml_path)
                    root = tree. getroot()
                    for box in root.iter('bndbox'):
                        xmin = float(box. find('xmin'). text)
                        ymin = float(box. find('ymin'). text)
                        xmax = float(box. find('xmax'). text)
                        ymax = float(box. find('ymax'). text)
                        x, y, w, h = self.rotate_xml(img, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, angle)
                        # change the coord
                        box.find('xmin').text = str(x)
                        box.find('ymin').text = str(y)
                        box.find('xmax').text = str(x + w)
                        box.find('ymax').text = str(y + h)
                        box.set('updated', 'yes')
                    # write into new xml
                    # tree.write(xml_save_path + n + "_" + str(angle) + "d.xml")
                    tree.write(xml_save_path + "%d.xml" % mun)
                    mun + = 1
                print("[%s] %s is processed." % (angle, img_name))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    img_aug = ImgAugemention()
    imgs_path = '/home/ubuntu/ball_img/img/'
    img_save_path = '/home/ubuntu/ball_img/angle_img/'

    xmls_path = '/home/ubuntu/ball_img/xml/'
    xml_save_path = '/home/ubuntu/ball_img/angle_xml/'
    # Degrees to rotate all images
    angle_list = [-2, -1.5, -1, -0.8, -0.5, -0.2, 0, 0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1, 1.5, 2] # angle
    img_aug.process_img(imgs_path, xmls_path, img_save_path, xml_save_path, angle_list)

2. XML data set brightness data enhancement

# coding=utf-8
import os
import cv2
import math
import numpy as np
import shut-off
from PIL import Image
from PIL import ImageEnhance

1. Contrast: the brightness under the white screen (the brightest time) divided by the brightness under the black screen (the darkest time);
2. Color saturation: chroma divided by lightness refers to the vividness of the color, also known as the purity of the color;
3. Hue: Adjusting in the negative direction will show red, and adjusting in the positive direction will increase yellow. Good for fine-tuning skin tone objects;
4. Sharpness: It is an index that reflects the sharpness of the image plane and the sharpness of the image edge.

def compute(img):
    per_image_Rmean = []
    per_image_Gmean = []
    per_image_Bmean = []
    per_image_Bmean.append(np.mean(img[:, :, 0]))
    per_image_Gmean.append(np.mean(img[:, :, 1]))
    per_image_Rmean.append(np.mean(img[:, :, 2]))
    R_mean = np.mean(per_image_Rmean)
    G_mean = np.mean(per_image_Gmean)
    B_mean = np.mean(per_image_Bmean)
    return math.sqrt(0.241 * (R_mean ** 2) + 0.691 * (G_mean ** 2) + 0.068 * (B_mean ** 2))

def fun_color(image, coefficient, path_save):
    # Chroma, the enhancement factor is 1.0 is the original image
    # Chroma Boost 1.5
    # Chroma reduction by 0.8
    enh_col = ImageEnhance. Color(image)
    image_colored1 = enh_col.enhance(coefficient)
    image_colored1. save(path_save)

def fun_Contrast(image, coefficient, path_save):
    # Contrast, the enhancement factor is 1.0 is the original picture
    # Contrast enhancement 1.5
    # Contrast reduction 0.8
    enh_con = ImageEnhance. Contrast(image)
    image_contrasted1 = enh_con.enhance(coefficient)
    image_contrasted1. save(path_save)

def fun_Sharpness(image, coefficient, path_save):
    # Sharpness, the enhancement factor is 1.0 is the original picture
    # sharpness enhancement 3
    # Reduce sharpness by 0.8
    enh_sha = ImageEnhance. Sharpness(image)
    image_sharped1 = enh_sha.enhance(coefficient)
    image_sharped1. save(path_save)
def fun_bright(image, coefficient, path_save):
    # brighten by 1.5
    # darken by 0.8
    # Brightness enhancement, an enhancement factor of 0.0 will produce a black image; a value of 1.0 will keep the original image.
    enh_bri = ImageEnhance. Brightness(image)
    image_brightened1 = enh_bri.enhance(coefficient)
    image_brightened1. save(path_save)
def show_all():
    file_root = "C:/Users/xx/Desktop/kaiguan/image/"
    xml_root = "C:/Users/xx/Desktop/kaiguan/xml/"
    save_root = "C:/Users/xx/Desktop/kaiguan_aug/JPEGImages/"
    xml_save = "C:/Users/xx/Desktop/kaiguan_aug/Annotations/"
    list_file = os.listdir(file_root)
    cnt = 0
    for img_name in list_file:
        cnt + = 1
        print("cnt=%d,img_name=%s" % (cnt, img_name))
        path = file_root + img_name
        name = img_name. replace(".jpg", "")
        image = Image. open(path)
        list_coe = [0.5,1,3]
        for val in list_coe:
            # Brightness
            path_save_bright = save_root + name + "_bri_" + str(val) + ".jpg"
            fun_bright(image, val, path_save_bright)

            # hue
            path_save_color = save_root + name + "_color_" + str(val) + ".jpg"
            fun_color(image, val, path_save_color)

            # contrast
            path_save_contra = save_root + name + "_contra_" + str(val) + ".jpg"
            fun_Contrast(image, val, path_save_contra)

            # sharpness
            path_save_sharp = save_root + name + "_sharp_" + str(val) + ".jpg"
            fun_Sharpness(image, val, path_save_sharp)

def my_aug():
    file_root = '/home/ubuntu/ball_img/angle_img/'
    save_root = '/home/ubuntu/ball_img/light_img/'
    xml_root = '/home/ubuntu/ball_img/angle_xml/'
    xml_save = '/home/ubuntu/ball_img/light_xml/'
    list_file = os.listdir(file_root)
    cnt = 0
    mun = 1041
    for img_name in list_file:
        cnt + = 1
        print("cnt=%d,img_name=%s" % (cnt, img_name))
        path = file_root + img_name
        name = img_name. replace(".jpg", "")
        image = Image. open(path)
        img = cv2.imread(path)
        mean_1 = compute(img)
        cof = 0.0
        if mean_1 != 0:
            cof = 0.7
        # if mean_1 < 40:
        # cof = 0.8
        # elif mean_1 < 50:
        # cof = 0.8
        # elif mean_1 < 60:
        # cof = 0.8
        # elif mean_1 < 70:
        # cof = 0.8
        # elif mean_1 < 80:
        # cof = 0.8
        # elif mean_1 < 90:
        # cof = 0.8
        # elif mean_1 < 100:
        # cof = 0.8
        # elif mean_1 < 110:
        # cof = 0.3
        # elif mean_1 > 130:
        # cof = 0
             cof = 0.81

        cof_contrast = 0.0
        if cof>1:
            cof_contrast = 1.5
            cof_contrast = 0.9
        xmlpath = xml_root + name + '.xml'
        # path_save_bright = save_root + name + '.jpg'
        # path_save_bright_xml = xml_save + name + '.jpg'
        path_save_bright = save_root + '%d.jpg' % mun
        path_save_bright_xml = xml_save + '%d.jpg' % mun
        mun + = 1
        shutil.copy(xmlpath,path_save_bright_xml.replace(".jpg", ".xml"))
        fun_bright(image, cof, path_save_bright)

        # path_save_sharp = save_root + name + "_sharp_" + str(3) + '.jpg'
        # path_save_sharp_xml = xml_save + name + "_sharp_" + str(3) + '.jpg'
        # shutil.copy(xmlpath, path_save_sharp_xml.replace(".jpg", ".xml"))
        # fun_Sharpness(image, 2, path_save_sharp)

        # path_save_contra = save_root + name + "_contra_" + str(cof_contrast) + ".jpg"
        # path_save_contra_xml = xml_save + name + "_contra_" + str(cof_contrast) + ".jpg"
        # shutil.copy(xmlpath, path_save_contra_xml.replace(".jpg", ".xml"))
        # fun_Contrast(image, cof_contrast, path_save_contra)

        # path_save_color = save_root + name + "_color_" + str(0.5) + ".jpg"
        # path_save_color_xml = xml_save + name + "_color_" + str(0.5) + ".jpg"
        # shutil.copy(xmlpath,path_save_color_xml.replace(".jpg", ".xml"))
        # fun_color(image, 1.5, path_save_color)

if __name__ == "__main__":


Three, json data set angle data enhancement

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import sys
import json
import io
import random
import re
import cv2
import numpy as np
from random import choice
import math
source_path = r'datasets'
destination_path = r'data_aug'


# angle=[]
# for item in range(0,-10,-2):
# angle.append(item)

angle = [-4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4] # angle setting

for angle_item in angle:
    article_info = {}
    data_json = json. loads(json. dumps(article_info))
    data_json['version'] = '5.0.1'
    data_json['flags'] = {}
    data_json["lineColor"] = [
    data_json["fillColor"] = [
    def file_name(file_dir):
        L = []
        for root, dirs, files in os. walk(file_dir):
            for file in files:
                if os.path.splitext(file)[1] == '.json':
                    L.append(os.path.join(root, file))
            return L
    def rotation_point(img, angle, pts):
        cols = img. shape[1]
        rows = img. shape[0]
        M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((cols / 2, rows / 2), angle, 1)
        heightNew = int(cols * math. fabs(math. sin(math. radians(angle))) + rows * math. fabs(math. cos(math. radians(angle))))
        widthNew = int(rows * math. fabs(math. sin(math. radians(angle))) + cols * math. fabs(math. cos(math. radians(angle))))
        M[0, 2] + = (widthNew - cols) / 2
        M[1, 2] + = (heightNew - rows) / 2
        img = cv2. warpAffine(img, M, (widthNew, heightNew))
        pts = cv2.transform(np.asarray(pts, dtype=np.float64).reshape((-1, 1, 2)), M)
        return img,pts
    def rotate_image(img, angle, pts, scale=1.):
        w = img. shape[1]
        h = img. shape[0]
        rangle = np.deg2rad(angle)
        nw = (abs(np. sin(rangle)*h) + abs(np. cos(rangle)*w))*scale
        nh = (abs(np. cos(rangle)*h) + abs(np. sin(rangle)*w))*scale
        rot_mat = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((nw*0.5, nh*0.5), angle, scale)
        rot_move =, np.array([(nw-w)*0.5, (nh-h)*0.5,0]))
        rot_mat[0, 2] + = rot_move[0]
        rot_mat[1, 2] + = rot_move[1]
        img = cv2.warpAffine(img, rot_mat, (int(math.ceil(nw)), int(math.ceil(nh))), flags=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4)
        pts = cv2.transform(np.asarray(pts, dtype=np.float64).reshape((-1, 1, 2)), rot_mat)
        # cv2.imwrite("test/0.jpg", img)
        return img,pts

    for name in enumerate(file_name(source_path)):
        shape_json = []
        m_path = name[1]
        dir = os.path.dirname(m_path)
        file_json =, 'r', encoding='utf-8')
        json_data = file_json. read()
        data = json. loads(json_data)
        data_json['imageData'] = None
        data_name = data['imagePath']
        data_path = os.path.join(dir,data_name)
        object_name = os.path.splitext(data['imagePath'])[0]
        for i in range(len(data['shapes'])):
            m_name_0 = data['shapes'][i]['label']
            print('m_name_0=', m_name_0)
            item_point = []
            for j in range(len(data['shapes'][i]['points'])):
            data_json_rec = data['shapes'][i]['shape_type']
            img = cv2.imread(data_path)
            # im_rotate,item_point = rotation_point(img, angle_item,np.asarray(item_point))
            im_rotate, item_point = rotate_image(img, angle_item, np.asarray(item_point))
            item_point = np. squeeze(item_point). tolist()
            (filename, extension) = os.path.splitext(data_name)
            data_new_picture_name = os.path.join(destination_path ,filename + ".".join([str(angle_item), "jpg"]))
            data_new_json_name = os.path.join(destination_path , filename + ".".join([str(angle_item), "json"]))
            data_json['imagePath'] = filename + ".".join([str(angle_item) , "jpg"])
            cv2.imwrite(data_new_picture_name, im_rotate)
            im_rotate = cv2.imread(data_new_picture_name)
            data_json['imageWidth'] = im_rotate. shape[1]
            data_json['imageHeight'] = im_rotate. shape[0]
            shape_json_item = {"label": m_name_0,
                               "points": item_point, "shape_type": data_json_rec}
        data_json['shapes'] = shape_json
        data_info = json. dumps(data_json, ensure_ascii=False)
        fp = open(data_new_json_name, "w + ")
        json.dump(data_info, fp, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
        fp. close()
        fp = open(data_new_json_name, "r")
        for x in fp. readlines():
            y = x.replace(""", """)
            z = y.replace(""{", "{")
            w = z. replace("}"", "}")
            fp. close()
            fp = open(data_new_json_name, "w + ")
            fp. write(w)
            fp. close()
    for file in os.listdir(destination_path):
        n , s = os.path.splitext(file)
        if s == ".json":
            json_path = os.path.join(destination_path, file)
            # json_ = json. dumps(json_file)
            with open(json_path, 'r') as json_file:
                data = json. load(json_file)
                data_ = json. dumps(data, indent=4)
                with open(json_path, 'w') as f_out:

Reference article:

1. Deep learning data enhancement, while modifying the xml file (python)_python data enhancement code and automatically updating annotations_Summer’s Huan’s Blog-CSDN Blog

2. 42. Use k3det in mmrotate for rotating target detection, and perform mnn deployment and ncnn deployment_sxj731533730’s blog-CSDN blog