Solving UnicodeDecodeError: utf-8 codec cant decode byte 0xd3 in position 238: invalid continuation b

Table of Contents

Solving UnicodeDecodeError: ‘utf-8’ codec can’t decode byte 0xd3 in position 238: invalid continuation byte

Method 1: Specify the correct encoding

Method 2: Ignore error characters

Method 3: Use other encodings to try decoding

Method 4: Convert file encoding

in conclusion

Solving UnicodeDecodeError: ‘utf-8’ codec can’t decode byte 0xd3 in position 238: invalid continuation byte

When processing text data, you often encounter ??UnicodeDecodeError?? errors, especially when reading files using ??utf-8?? encoding. This error usually means that the file contains undecodable characters, causing decoding to fail. In this article, we will introduce several ways to solve this problem.

Method 1: Specify the correct encoding

The most common workaround is to specify the correct encoding to ensure that the characters in the file are decoded correctly. When using the ??open?? function to open a file, you can specify the correct encoding by specifying the ??encoding?? parameter. For example, if the file uses the ??gbk?? encoding, you can pass ??encoding='gbk'?? to ??open? ? function.

pythonCopy codewith open('file.txt', 'r', encoding='gbk') as f:
    #Read file content

By specifying the correct encoding, we can avoid ??UnicodeDecodeError?? errors.

Method 2: Ignore wrong characters

If there are only a few characters in the file that cannot be decoded, we can use the ??errors='ignore'?? parameter to ignore these error characters and continue to decode other characters.

pythonCopy codewith open('file.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as f:
    # Read the file content and ignore error characters

Using the ??errors='ignore'?? parameter, we can ignore error characters during decoding, thereby avoiding ??UnicodeDecodeError?? errors.

Method 3: Use other encodings to try decoding

If the specified encoding still cannot decode the characters in the file, we can try to use another encoding to decode. You can use the ??chardet?? library to detect the actual encoding of a file and attempt to decode it using the detected encoding.

pythonCopy codeimport chardet
#Detect file encoding
with open('file.txt', 'rb') as f:
    raw_data =
    result = chardet.detect(raw_data)
    encoding = result['encoding']
# Decode the file using the detected encoding
with open('file.txt', 'r', encoding=encoding) as f:
    #Read file content

By using the chardet library to detect the actual encoding of the file and decoding it using the detected encoding, we can resolve the UnicodeDecodeError error.

Method 4: Convert file encoding

If the characters contained in the file are not in ??utf-8?? encoding, you can try to convert the file encoding to ??utf-8?? encoding. You can use the ??iconv?? command or other text editing tools to convert the file encoding.

bashCopy code$ iconv -f gbk -t utf-8 file.txt > new_file.txt

By converting the file encoding to ??utf-8?? we can avoid the ??UnicodeDecodeError?? error.


The ??UnicodeDecodeError?? error is a common problem when working with text data. Through several methods introduced in this article, we can solve this error. We can specify the correct encoding, ignore incorrect characters, try to use other encoding decoding or convert the file encoding. Choose the appropriate method to resolve the ??UnicodeDecodeError?? error based on the specific situation to ensure that text data can be processed correctly. I hope this article will help you solve the ??UnicodeDecodeError?? error! If you have more questions, please feel free to ask.

Suppose we have a file named ??data.txt?? with the following content:

plaintextCopy codeHello, Hello, 

We want to use Python to read the contents of this file and correctly decode the characters. The following is a sample code, combined with actual application scenarios:

pythonCopy codeimport chardet
#Detect file encoding
with open('data.txt', 'rb') as f:
    raw_data =
    result = chardet.detect(raw_data)
    encoding = result['encoding']
# Decode the file using the detected encoding
with open('data.txt', 'r', encoding=encoding) as f:
    content =

Running the above code, the output is:

plaintextCopy codeHello, Hello, 

By using the chardet library to detect the actual encoding of the file, and decoding the file using the detected encoding, we can read the contents of the file correctly and avoid UnicodeDecodeError. ?Error.

In computers, characters are stored as numbers. Encoding is a rule, the process of mapping characters to numerical codes. Encoding determines how characters are converted into a sequence of bytes for storage, transmission, and processing. Encoding plays a vital role when processing text data. Common encoding methods include ASCII, UTF-8, UTF-16, GBK, etc. Different encoding methods use different rules to represent the mapping relationship between characters and bytes. Among them, UTF-8 is a universal Unicode encoding method. It uses variable-length encoding and uses different numbers of bytes to represent characters according to different ranges of characters, thereby achieving support for all characters worldwide. UTF-8 encoding has good compatibility and can represent ASCII characters and characters in other languages. In Python, encoding is done via the encode method of type str and the bytes type ?decode?? method to achieve. The ??encode?? method encodes a string into a byte sequence, and the ??decode?? method decodes a byte sequence into a string. Common encoding methods can be specified through the ??encoding?? parameter of the ??encode?? method of type ??str?? For example??utf-8??, ??gbk??, etc. When dealing with text data, we need to ensure that we use the correct encoding for decoding. If an incorrect encoding method is used, decoding may fail and a ??UnicodeDecodeError?? error will be thrown. Therefore, the correct encoding method is very important for scenarios such as reading files, network communication and processing text data. To solve the encoding problem, we can use the ??chardet?? library to detect the actual encoding of the file. The ??chardet?? library can analyze the statistical characteristics of byte sequences and deduce the most likely encoding method. By detecting how the file is actually encoded, we can correctly decode the characters in the file. To sum up, encoding is the rule for converting characters into byte sequences, which determines the mapping relationship between characters and bytes. When processing text data, you need to ensure that you use the correct encoding for decoding to avoid ??UnicodeDecodeError?? errors. By using tools like the chardet library, we can detect the actual encoding of a file and correctly decode the characters in the file.

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