docker install sftpgo

Introduction to sftpgo

sftpgo is a full-featured and highly configurable SFTP server with optional HTTP/S, FTP/S and WebDAV support. Supports multiple storage backends: local file system, encrypted local file system, S3 (compatible) object storage, Google Cloud Storage, Azure Blob Storage, SFTP.

Official website:

Project address:

sftpgo installation

Prepare a Linux server. Taking Ubuntu 22.04 server as an example, the docker environment has been installed.

Create sftpgo data storage directory

mkdir -p /data/sftpgo/{<!-- -->data,home}
chown -R 1000:1000 /data/sftpgo/


SFTPGo uses two main volumes:

  • /srv/sftpgo handles persistent data. The default home directory for SFTP/FTP/WebDAV users is /srv/sftpgo/data/ .
  • /var/lib/sftpgo is the home directory of the sftpgo system user defined within the container. This is also the container working directory where the host key will be created when using the default configuration.

Run the sftpgo container

docker run -d --name sftpgo \
    --restart always \
    -p 8080:8080 \
    -p 2022:2022 \
    -p 8090:8090 \
    --mount type=bind,source=/data/sftpgo/data,target=/srv/sftpgo \
    --mount type=bind,source=/data/sftpgo/home,target=/var/lib/sftpgo \
    -e TZ=Asia/Shanghai \

SFTPGo uses the following default configured TCP ports:

  • 2022 is used for SFTP services.
  • 8080 is used for the web administrator user interface.
  • 8090 for webdav

View container running status

root@ubuntu:~# docker ps
44d9d989172c drakkan/sftpgo:v2.5.4 "sftpgo serve" 3 hours ago Up 3 hours>2022/tcp, :::2022->2022/tcp,>8080/ tcp, :::8080->8080/tcp,>8090/tcp, :::8090->8090/tcp sftpgo

Access Web GUI

Access its web GUI. To do this, simply open your local system browser and point it to the server or desktop IP address where SFTPGo is installed, port number 8080.

For example:


Create admin user

After accessing the web GUI, it will ask you to create an administrator account.

Create a new sftp user

Once you have SFTPGo’s dashboard, you can create a new user to access the stored data using any web or local client (such as Filezilla). Click on the User option. Then click on the + icon.

Add the username and password you want to use. You can also add a public key if needed.

You can choose local if using a local file system, but other options such as AWS S3 and Google Cloud Storage are also available.

When the Home Dir is not specified, it defaults to /srv/sftpgo/data/admin1, and the default is maintained here.

Access user web client interface

Visit the following URL in your browser and log in using your new user account details

The login interface is as follows:

Here users can easily upload and download files.

Test sftp connection

Test the connection using sftp command

Now test new users. The Linux operating system comes with the sftp command by default. Test the connection to the sftpgo server on the Linux client.

After connection, you can execute the help command to view the supported parameters, and use the put or get command to upload and download files.

root@ubuntu:~# sftp -P 2022 [email protected]
The authenticity of host '[]:2022 ([]:2022)' can't be established.
ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:Op + 5ORK2iLBucnxiL6xRnfPl + D + wXURVS7qOk4WeUMM.
This key is not known by any other names
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
Warning: Permanently added '[]:2022' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
([email protected]) Password:
Connected to

Test the connection using winscp client

Enter the username and password created on SFTPGo, and use port 2022. An example configuration is as follows:

Use raidrive client to test the connection. This tool supports various connection methods such as sftp and webdav.

You can use sftp as a local disk in local windows This computer

SFTPGo is mounted as WebDav

Those who want to use a remote server to store their file system like any other local disk can mount it as WebDav with the help of SFTPGo.

Mount WebDav on Windows

First, make some changes in the system registry. Press the Win + R keys and enter regedit to open the registry. Switch to the following path


Now, double-click on “BasicAuthLevel” and change the value 1 to 2. Press the OK button.

Restart the WebDav service:

Run PowerShell as administrator and type the given commands one by one.

net stop webclient
net start webclient

Go to This PC or My Computer on Windows and select Map network drive from the menu.

Enter the address and port number of SFTPGo in the following format.


When it asks for your username and password, do so.

The drive will soon be mounted like any local drive on the system.

Mount WebDav on Linux

Install davfs2 on the linux client, taking ubuntu as an example

root@ubuntu:~# apt install -y davfs2
root@ubuntu:~# mount.davfs -V

Create mounting directory

$ sudo mkdir /mnt/dav

Use the mount command to mount the WebDAV shared directory, providing the username and password created on SFTPGo

mount -t davfs -o noexec /mnt/dav/

View mount results

root@ubuntu:~# df -h|grep mnt 1.3T 763G 509G 61% /mnt/dav

sftpgo based on restic incremental backup

Use restic to perform incremental backup of the data in the /data path of a Linux server.

Install restic on the Linux server that needs to be backed up, taking the ubuntu operating system as an example

bzip2 -d restic_0.16.0_linux_amd64.bz2
mv restic_0.16.0_linux_amd64 /usr/local/bin/restic
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/restic

Use the restic command to create a repository on the sftpgo server

root@ubuntu:~# export RESTIC_PASSWORD="123456"
root@ubuntu:~# restic init -r sftp://admin1@[]:2022//restic-repo
The authenticity of host '[]:2022 ([]:2022)' can't be established.
ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:Op + 5ORK2iLBucnxiL6xRnfPl + D + wXURVS7qOk4WeUMM.
This key is not known by any other names
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
subprocess ssh: Warning: Permanently added '[]:2022' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
([email protected]) Password:
created restic repository 81e4c7ae2d at sftp://admin1@[]:2022//restic-repo

Please note that knowledge of your password is required to access
the repository. Losing your password means that your data is
irrecoverably lost.

Back up all data in the /data/ directory under linux to sftpgo through restic

root@ubuntu:~# export RESTIC_PASSWORD="123456"
root@ubuntu:~# export RESTIC_REPOSITORY="sftp://admin1@[]:2022//restic-repo"
root@ubuntu:~# restic backup /data/
([email protected]) Password:
repository 81e4c7ae opened (version 2, compression level auto)
created new cache in /root/.cache/restic
no parent snapshot found, will read all files

Files: 7197 new, 0 changed, 0 unmodified
Dirs: 1886 new, 0 changed, 0 unmodified
Added to the repository: 393.453 MiB (150.566 MiB stored)

processed 7197 files, 395.592 MiB in 0:03
snapshot a5be14c4 saved

Log in to the sftpgo client to view backup data

When the /data/ directory data changes, execute the above command repeatedly to continuously create incremental snapshots and view historical backup snapshots:

root@ubuntu:~# restic snapshots
([email protected]) Password:
repository 81e4c7ae opened (version 2, compression level auto)
ID Time Host Tags Paths
-------------------------------------------------- ----------
a5be14c4 2023-10-21 18:11:44 ubuntu /data
dcda67da 2023-10-21 18:13:57 ubuntu /data
2eeff04f 2023-10-21 18:14:02 ubuntu /data
-------------------------------------------------- ----------
3 snapshots

Select a snapshot to restore data to local

root@ubuntu:~# restic restore a5be14c4 --target /tmp/restor-data
([email protected]) Password:
repository 81e4c7ae opened (version 2, compression level auto)
restoring <Snapshot a5be14c4 of [/data] at 2023-10-21 18:11:44.118135197 + 0800 CST by root@ubuntu> to /tmp/restor-data
Summary: Restored 9084 Files (395.592 MiB) in 0:03
root@ubuntu:~# ls /tmp/restor-data/