canvas custom canvas, add on the canvas (border image text)

Let me talk about my functional requirements first:
Through the canvas, customize the size of an area, in this area: add background images, overlay pictures in pictures, draw inner and outer borders, set text (text font and size color)


The background picture is Naruto and Hinata. The one in the lower right corner belongs to the overlay effect of the pictures in the picture. The lower left and lower right are two area frames drawn separately

If you don’t need to use the function of uploading pictures, this step can be skipped, just look at the canvasdiv() method below
1. In the small picture in the lower right corner, what I do is to upload a picture. There is a button to upload the attached picture. This uses element-ui. I have pasted the code below. You can also choose not to upload and get a picture locally. pictures are also available

<el-form-item label="Attachment upload" prop="dh">
          <el-upload class="upload-demo" action="" :on-preview="handlePreview" :on-remove="handleRemove"
              :before-remove="beforeRemove" :on-change="uploadTU" :auto-upload="false" :limit="1"
              list-type="picture" :on-exceed="handleExceed" :file-list="fileList">
              <el-button size="small" type="primary">Click to upload the attached image</el-button>
              <div slot="tip" class="el-upload__tip">Only upload jpg/png files, and no more than 500kb</div>
//The method of uploading and calling the attached picture, here is mainly to obtain the address of the picture,
//Here this.futuimage will be used when making drawings, so I want to save this image address here
uploadTU(file, filelist) {<!-- -->
   this.futuimage = file.url

Image on canvas, custom text, line drawing

1. First define a canvas container

<div id="div">
    <canvas id="canvas"></canvas>

2. This method writes a click event trigger by myself. I use a button to trigger it. I won’t write the button code.

//The method of image generation pdn
       canvasdiv(dataUrl) {<!-- -->
            var canvas = document. getElementById("canvas");
            canvas. width = 1545;
            canvas.height = 855;
            var ctx = canvas. getContext("2d");

//Here is the background image, what I get is the local image
            var image = new Image();
            //You can put png pictures here, or you can put the base64 of pictures
            image.src = './img/beijingtu.png';

//Legend image
            var tuli = new Image();
            tuli.src = './img/xiao.png';
// picture attached
            var futu = new Image();
            futu.src = this.futuimage; //This is the base64 of the picture, mainly to explain to everyone that this type of data can be placed
//Starting from this step, the canvas is started, and pictures, text, and borders are set on the canvas
            image.onload = function () {<!-- -->
                var imgwidth = 1400; //Background image width
                var imgheight = 750; //background image height
                var left = (canvas. width - imgwidth) / 2;
                var top = (canvas. height - imgheight) / 2;
//The first parameter image is the local png image I read, I tried to put base64 here
//The second parameter left is the x coordinate, and the third parameter top is the y coordinate. Do you understand the coordinate axes x and y
//The fourth and fifth parameters are the width and height of the background image, the unit is px
//Tell me more about the first parameter image to see what you need to put, but I found that the base64 image cannot be adaptive
                ctx.drawImage(image, left, top, imgwidth, imgheight); //Background image to canvas
                ctx.moveTo(left - 20, top - 20); // move the brush to coordinates x and y
                ctx.lineTo(left + imgwidth + 20, top - 20); // draw a line from the pen position to coordinates x and y
                ctx.lineTo(left + imgwidth + 20, top + imgheight + 20); // draw a line from the current position to
                ctx.lineTo(left - 20, top + imgheight + 20); //.From the current position...
                ctx.closePath(); //closed line
                ctx.lineWidth = 3; //line width
                ctx.strokeStyle = 'black'; // stroke color
                ctx.stroke(); //Render a straight line (stroke)

                // innermost box
                ctx.moveTo(left, top); //Move the brush to the coordinates
                ctx.lineTo(left + imgwidth, top); // draw a line from the pen position to the coordinates
                ctx.lineTo(left + imgwidth, top + imgheight); // draw a line from the current position to
                ctx.lineTo(left, top + imgheight); // from current position
                ctx.closePath(); //closed line
                ctx.lineWidth = 1; //line width
                ctx.strokeStyle = 'black'; // stroke color
                ctx.stroke(); //Render a straight line (stroke)
//Look at the legend in the lower left corner of the effect picture, the background color is white, mainly because the color of the filled area needs to add this line of code
                ctx.beginPath(); //Enable path drawing, without it, the color of the area cannot be filled,
                ctx.moveTo(left, imgheight / 4 * 3 + top); //Move the brush to the coordinates
                ctx.lineTo(left + this.tuli_width, imgheight / 4 * 3 + top); // draw a line from the pen position to the coordinates
                ctx.lineTo(left + this.tuli_width, imgheight + top); // draw a line from the current position to
                ctx.lineTo(left, imgheight + top); //.From the current position
                ctx.closePath(); //closed line
                ctx.fillStyle = 'white';
                ctx.fill(); //Set closed graphics fill
                ctx.lineWidth = 1; //line width
                ctx.strokeStyle = 'black'; // stroke color
                ctx.stroke(); //Render a straight line (stroke)

                ctx.beginPath(); //Enable path drawing, without it, the color of the area cannot be filled
                ctx.moveTo(imgwidth - 300 + left, imgheight / 4 * 3 + top); //Move the brush to the coordinates
                ctx.lineTo(left + imgwidth, imgheight / 4 * 3 + top); // draw a line from the pen position to the coordinates
                ctx.lineTo(left + imgwidth, imgheight + top); // draw a line from the current position to
                ctx.lineTo(imgwidth - 300 + left, imgheight + top); //.From the current position
                ctx.lineWidth = 1; //line width
                ctx.strokeStyle = 'black'; // stroke color
                ctx.fillStyle = 'white';
                ctx.fill(); //Set closed graphics fill
                ctx.stroke(); //Render a straight line (stroke)
                ctx.closePath(); //closed line
                ctx.drawImage(futu, imgwidth - 300 + left, imgheight / 4 * 3 + top + 20, 300, imgheight / 4 - 20); //add pictures

                //The horizontal line below the two words in the attached picture
                ctx.moveTo(imgwidth - 300 + left, imgheight / 4 * 3 + top + 25); //Move the brush to the coordinates
                ctx.lineTo(left + imgwidth, imgheight / 4 * 3 + top + 25);
                ctx.lineWidth = 1; //line width
                ctx.strokeStyle = 'black'; // stroke color
                ctx.stroke(); //Render a straight line (stroke)

                // draw text (text content, x coordinate, y coordinate)
                ctx.font = "13px serif"; //text size
                ctx.fillStyle = "black"; //text color
                ctx.textAlign = "center"; //text center

                ctx.font = "23px Song Simplified"
                ctx.fillText("Title", canvas.width / 2, canvas.height - 835);

                ctx.font = "15px bold"
ctx.fillText("Legend", left + 75, imgheight / 4 * 3 + top + 17);
                ctx.fillText("small image area", imgwidth - 150 + left, imgheight / 4 * 3 + top + 17);

                ctx.font = "13px bold"
                ctx.fillText("custom text", left - 10, canvas.height - 835);
                ctx.fillText("1:50000", canvas.width / 2, canvas.height - 12);
                ctx.fillText(that.getCurrentTime(), left + imgwidth - 20, canvas.height - 12);
                ctx. fillText("XXX", left - 10, canvas. height - 12);

                //Display the effect of the generated picture--the second picture
                var base64 = canvas. toDataURL();
                document.getElementById("base64Img").src = base64;

                const download = document. getElementById("download");
                var ba64 = canvas.toDataURL("image/png");

                // Click on the image to download
                // canvas. onclick = function () {<!-- -->
                // //;
                // var input1 = document. getElementById("upload");

                // if (typeof FileReader === 'undefined') {<!-- -->
                // alert("Sorry, your browser does not support FileReader");
                // input1.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
                // } else {<!-- -->
                // // console. log(typeof FileReader);
                // input1.addEventListener('change', that.readFile(), false);
                // /*input1.addEventListener('change', function (e){<!-- -->
                // // console.log([0]);
                // console. log(this. files[0]);
                // }, false); */
                // }
                // };