[Framework] Unified data format return

?Author introduction: Hello everyone, I am Xiao Yang
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1, Introduction to unified data format return

Unified data return refers to standardizing and uniformly processing the returned data during interface development to ensure that the format and structure of the returned data are consistent.

A unified data return format can be achieved by using the @ControllerAdvice annotation combined with the ResponseBodyAdvice interface.

  • The @ControllerAdvice annotation is used to define a global notification class, which can be used to define some global processing logic, such as exception handling, data binding, data formatting, etc. The class declared by this annotation can contain exception handling methods, pre-binding and post-binding interception methods, and other general processing logic.
  • The ResponseBodyAdvice interface is an interface provided by the Spring framework to intercept the response body. It can process the response data before the response body is returned to the client. By implementing this interface, data can be uniformly encapsulated, formatted or processed in the interceptor to achieve a unified data return format.

2. Implementation process of unified data format return

1, create a unified data return processing class

public class ResponseAdvice implements ResponseBodyAdvice {<!-- -->

2, rewriting two methods in ResponseBodyAdvice

2.1, supports method rewriting


Note: This method indicates whether to execute the subsequent beforeBodyWrite method. This method returns false by default, which means that no subsequent code operations, that is, data processing, will be performed. Only when true is returned, the subsequent beforeBodyWrite method will be executed.

2.2, beforeBodyWrite method rewriting


Note: This method implements the rewriting of the returned data format so that it returns a unified data format.

3, implementation code returned by unified data format

public class ResponseAdvice implements ResponseBodyAdvice {<!-- -->
    public boolean supports(MethodParameter returnType, Class converterType) {<!-- -->
        //Here you can determine whether the response body needs to be processed based on conditions
        // Returning true directly here means processing the response body of all requests.
        return true;

    public Object beforeBodyWrite(Object body, MethodParameter returnType, MediaType selectedContentType, Class selectedConverterType, ServerHttpRequest request, ServerHttpResponse response) {<!-- -->
        // The response body is processed here, and operations such as encapsulation and formatting can be performed.
        HashMap<String,Object> result = new HashMap<>();
        //Return the processed data
        return result;

4. Note on the implementation of unified data format return

During unified data processing, if the return type of your unified data processing method is String, an error will be reported when returning.

The specific execution process when returning is:

  1. The method returns a String type.
  2. Processing before performing unified data return: Convert String to HashMap.
  3. Convert HashMap into application/json string and return it to the front end.

According to the conclusion of the source code, the type of original data will be judged during the data conversion process, and the corresponding message converter will be selected to convert the data.

  • If the type of the original data is String, StringHttpMessageConverter will be used for type conversion.
  • If the original data is not String, other appropriate HttpMessageConverter will be used for type conversion.

Since the unified data processing method returns the String type, StringHttpMessageConverter will be selected for conversion in the third step. However, StringHttpMessageConverter cannot directly convert the HashMap object into a string, thus causing an error.

Note: StringHttpMessageConverter will only process string type data by default, so when using StringHttpMessageConverter, you cannot directly convert the HashMap object Convert directly to a string, while HttpMessageConverter can convert HashMap to a string.

To resolve this issue, you can do one of the following:

  1. Remove StringHttpMessageConverter: In the Spring MVC configuration, you can consider removing StringHttpMessageConverter so that the return value of type String will no longer be treated as The object that needs to be converted to JSON. This can be achieved by overriding the configureMessageConverters method in the configuration class:

    public class WebConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer {<!-- -->
        public void configureMessageConverters(List<HttpMessageConverter<?>> converters) {<!-- -->
            converters.removeIf(converter -> converter instanceof StringHttpMessageConverter);

    Note: This will use the default HttpMessageConverter to handle the return value without type conversion errors.

  2. Separate processing of String type return values: During the processing before unified data return, the type of the return value can be checked. If the type is String, the string is returned directly to the front end without converting HashMap to JSON. This can be achieved through a custom unified data return processing class:

    public class GlobalExceptionHandler {<!-- -->
        public Object handleException(Exception ex) {<!-- -->
            if (ex instanceof YourCustomException) {<!-- -->
                //Handle custom exception logic
                return "Your custom error message";
            } else if (ex instanceof AnotherException) {<!-- -->
                // Handle another exception logic
                return "Another error message";
            } else {<!-- -->
                //Other exception handling logic
                return "Generic error message";

    Note: In the above example, different processing is performed according to the data type, and the corresponding string is directly returned to the front end.

Through the above method, you can solve the problem of error reporting caused by the return type of the unified data processing method being String, and perform special processing as needed. Please choose the appropriate solution based on your specific situation.


That’s all for this blog! If you have any other questions that you can’t solve yourself, you can leave a message in the comment area!

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