033-Third generation software development-Fixed area screenshots

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Third generation software development-fixed area screenshots

Article directory

  • Third generation software development-fixed area screenshots
    • Project Introduction
    • Fixed area screenshot
      • QWidget version
      • QML version
    • Free screenshots
    • Free screenshot 2

Keyword 3,
Keyword 4,
Keyword 5

Project introduction

Welcome to our QML & C++ project! This project combines the power of QML (Qt Meta-Object Language) and C++ to develop excellent user interfaces and high-performance backend logic.

In the project, we leveraged QML’s declarative syntax and visual design capabilities to create a modern user interface. Through intuitive coding and reusable components, we can quickly develop rich and diverse interface effects and animation effects. At the same time, we use QML’s powerful integration capabilities to easily integrate the underlying logic and data model of C++ into the front-end interface.

On the backend side, we use C++ to write high-performance algorithms, data processing, and computational logic. C++ is a powerful programming language that offers excellent performance and scalability. Our team is committed to optimizing code and reducing resource consumption to ensure that our projects run efficiently on a variety of platforms and devices.

Whether you’re interested in QML and C++ development or need us to build complex user interfaces and backend logic for you, we’re ready to support you. Please feel free to contact us and let’s build a modern, high-performance QML & C++ project together!


?The price of this column will increase after the third generation soft development update.

Fixed area screenshot

In fact, I haven’t found a good screenshot tool under Ubuntu. I used to use Snipaste under Windows. It turned out that the author has not developed a Linux version, and the project also has the need for screenshots. However, our screenshots are very simple, just fix a certain The area is saved as a picture. To put it bluntly, it is to save a certain control as a picture.

QWidget version

This function existed under QWidget before. I will first look for the implementation code under QWidget.

 * @brief XXXXXXX::snapshot
 * Snapshot function
 * This is not enabled yet
void XXXXXXX::snapshot(QString path)

    QRect rect = ui->widget_customPlot->geometry(); // Screenshot area
    QPixmap p = ui->widget_customPlot->grab(rect); // Get whose RGB
#ifdef QT_NO_DEBUG
        qWarning()<<"save snapshot failed" << LOCATION;
    QString filePathName = "widget";
    filePathName + = QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh-mm-ss-zzz");
    filePathName + = ".png";
        qDebug()<<"save snapshot failed";


QML version

With experience under QWidget, I believe Qt has also made this interface for us under Qml, so Baidu will download it. code show as below

function snapshot()
        result.saveToFile("./T_Image/" + UserProfile.userName
                          "/" + turing_QCustomPlotForThyroid_up
                          "_" + turing_QCustomPlotForThyroid_u
                          "_" +
                          Math.floor(new Date()) +
                          ".png") // save to file
        screenshotImage.source = result.url;
        screenshotRect.visible = true

Someone will find that other codes have been added here. Yes, I also wrote a simple animation for him, similar to the screenshot on our mobile phone, zoomed to the lower right corner and made small. The code is as follows:

/// Screenshot display box
    width: parent.width
    height: parent.height
    visible: false
    color: "transparent"
    Image {
        id: screenshotImage
        anchors.fill: parent
        anchors.margins: 2
ParallelAnimation {
    id: screenshotAnimation
    running: false
    NumberAnimation { target: screenshotRect; property: "y";from: 0; to: rect_drawArea.height-10; duration: 300}
    NumberAnimation { target: screenshotRect; property: "width"; from: rect_drawArea.width; to: 10; duration: 300}
    NumberAnimation { target: screenshotRect; property: "height"; from: rect_drawArea.height; to: 10; duration: 300}

The above code only shrunk and disappeared, so I was lazy and gave it a timer.

        repeat: false
        interval: 300
        running: false
        onTriggered: screenshotRect.visible = false


Free screenshots

! ! ! The following code is not implemented in the project

To use QT QML to implement free screenshots, you need to use Qt’s QPixmap and QWidget classes, as well as QML’s Canvas element and Image element. The following is a simple sample code that can use QML to implement the free screenshot function in a Qt Quick application:
First, include the necessary header files in the main.cpp file and create a Stopwatch class inherited from QObject to control the starting and stopping of screenshots:

#include <QApplication>
#include <QDeclarativeView>
#include <QDeclarativeContext>
class Stopwatch : public QObject
{<!-- -->
   Q_INVOKABLE bool isRunning() const;
public slots:
   void start();
   void stop();
   bool m_running;

Then add the necessary header files and declarations in the main.h file:

#ifndef MAIN_H
#define MAIN_H
#include <QApplication>
#include <QDeclarativeView>
#include <QDeclarativeContext>
#include <QPixmap>
#include <QWidget>
#include <QMouseEvent>
#include <QKeyEvent>
class Stopwatch;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   QDeclarativeView *view = new QDeclarativeView();
   QDeclarativeContext *context = view->getContext();
   Stopwatch *stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
   context->setContextProperty("stopwatch", stopwatch);
   QWidget *root = new QWidget();
   QPixmap *screenshot = new QPixmap(root->size());
   context->setContextProperty("screenshot", screenshot);
   QCanvas *canvas = new QCanvas();
   context->setContextProperty("canvas", canvas);
   return app.exec();
#endif // MAIN_H

In the main.cpp file, you need to implement the isRunning() method and start() method of the Stopwatch class:

{<!-- -->
   m_running = false;
bool Stopwatch::isRunning() const
{<!-- -->
   return m_running;
void Stopwatch::start()
{<!-- -->
   m_running = true;
void Stopwatch::stop()
{<!-- -->
   m_running = false;

Next, you can use Canvas and Image elements in QML to implement the free screenshot function. Here is a simple QML code example:

import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
Rectangle {
   id: root
   width: 640
   height: 480
   Canvas {
       width: root.width
       height: root.height
       onPaint: {
           var screenshot = stopwatch.screenshot
   Image {
       id: screenshot
       source: "screenshot.png"
       anchors.fill: parent
   Keys.onPressed: {
       if (event.key === Keys.Space) {
   Keys.onReleased: {
       if (event.key === Keys.Space) {

The above code uses the Canvas element to draw the screenshot and displays the screenshot in an Image element. In the Keys.onPressed and Keys.onReleased event handlers, you can use QKeyEvent to capture keyboard events to control the starting and stopping of screenshots.
To use this code, you need to include the main.qml file in your Qt Quick application and add the above code in the file. Then, run the app and take screenshots freely on the screen.

Free screenshot 2

! ! ! For reference only

import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
import QtQuick.Window 2.0

Window {
    visible: true
    width: 800
    height: 600
    title: "Free screenshots"

    Rectangle {
        id: selectionRect
        color: "transparent"
        border.color: "red"
        border.width: 2
        visible: false

        property int startX: 0
        property int startY: 0

        MouseArea {
            id: mouseArea
            anchors.fill: parent
            hoverEnabled: true

            onPressed: {
                selectionRect.visible = true
                selectionRect.startX = mouseX
                selectionRect.startY = mouseY

            onPositionChanged: {
                if (mouseArea.pressed) {
                    var width = mouseX - selectionRect.startX
                    var height = mouseY - selectionRect.startY
                    selectionRect.x = selectionRect.startX
                    selectionRect.y = selectionRect.startY
                    selectionRect.width = width
                    selectionRect.height = height

            onReleased: {
                captureScreen(selectionRect.x, selectionRect.y, selectionRect.width, selectionRect.height)
                selectionRect.visible = false

    function captureScreen(x, y, width, height) {
        var screen = Qt.application.screens[0]
        var grab = screen.grabWindow(0, x, y, width, height)
        var fileDialog = Qt.createQmlObject("import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2; FileDialog {}", window)
        fileDialog.title = "Save screenshot"
        fileDialog.selectExisting = false
        fileDialog.onAccepted: {

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