MacOS ventura bypasses configuration lock

Macbook pro 2021 jump configuration lock

1. What is a configuration lock?

As the name suggests, the configuration lock is a machine customized and purchased by some companies in the United States from Apple. These machines are generally used by internal employees. There is no difference between this machine and a normal machine. It is also an unlocked triple network machine, and its functions are exactly the same as a normal machine. !

2. Can I get configuration lock?

The answer is definitely yes, otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this article. First of all, you need to determine whether the configuration lock you want to buy is foreign or domestic. Note that there is an essential difference here. Foreign configuration lock machines such as Amazon’s are enterprise monitoring machines and can skip supervision. As for domestic ones, please note that all domestic ones are rental machines. Be careful not to buy domestic configuration locks, or you will be locked! ! ! ! !

3. Skip configuration lock

After buying a configuration lock, we must first restore and erase it, then reinstall the system. I won’t go into details here. You can refer to the b station and other documents to read.
Here I will mainly talk about making a USB flash drive for macos system and installing macos ventura. There are official Apple documents here for your reference. Here I happen to have another mac computer at hand, and I use the apple store to download the corresponding installation package to create it.

You can also refer to the video on station b

  1. You need to have a USB flash drive of 16GB or above on hand
  2. You need to download it from the apple store before you can execute the boot USB disk creation instructions. sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ –volume /Volumes/MyVolume
  3. Remember not to use Chinese characters in the USB disk name

4.After the USB disk is created

 After the USB flash drive is created, you can directly refer to Apple’s official documentation and select the created USB flash drive for installation,

5. The highlight is coming

 Skip the configuration lock. I also referred to other articles here and posted them directly. You can also refer to this document, it’s pretty much the same anyway.

Step one: Reinstall the system

 Press and hold the power button to turn off the computer, then press and hold it again to boot into recovery mode, erase the hard drive, and then restart to install the system.
     **Note: When formatting a Macintosh HD disk, please note that the size of the disk after formatting should be 37k. If it is not this size, please use Disk Utility to repair it! ! ! ! **

Step 2: Execute the code

 After the system is installed and restarted, long press the power button to shut down when connected to WiFi. Press and hold to boot into recovery mode, open Safari, enter the address of this article, and copy the following code:

echo -e "${CYAN}*-------------------*-------------------- -*${NC}"
echo -e "${YEL}* Check MDM - Skip MDM Auto for MacOS by *${NC}"
echo -e "${RED}* SKIPMDM.COM *${NC}"
echo -e "${RED}* Phoenix Team *${NC}"
echo -e "${CYAN}*-------------------*-------------------- -*${NC}"
echo ""
PS3='Please enter your choice: '
options=("Autoypass on Recovery" "Reboot")
select opt in "${options[@]}"; do
case $opt in
"Autoypass on Recovery")
echo -e "${GRN}Bypass on Recovery"
if [ -d "/Volumes/Macintosh HD - Data" ]; then
   diskutil rename "Macintosh HD - Data" "Data"
echo -e "${GRN}Create a new user / T?o User m?i"
        echo -e "${BLU}Press Enter to continue, Note: Leaving it blank will default to the automatic user / Nh?n Enter  ti?p t?c, L?u y: có th? kh?ng ?i ?n s? t? ng nh?n User m?c nh"
  echo -e "Enter the username (Default: Apple) / Nh?p tên User (M?c nh: Apple)"
read realName
  realName="${realName:= Apple}"
    echo -e "${BLUE}Nh?n username ${RED}WRITE WITHOUT SPACES / VI?T LI?N KH?NG D?U ${GRN} (M?c nh: Apple)"
      read username
  echo -e "${BLUE}Enter the password (default: 1234) / Nh?p m?t kh?u (m?c nh: 1234)"
    read passw
        echo -e "${GREEN}Creating User / ?ang t?o User"
  #Create user
    dscl -f "$dscl_path" localhost -create "/Local/Default/Users/$username"
      dscl -f "$dscl_path" localhost -create "/Local/Default/Users/$username" UserShell "/bin/zsh"
dscl -f "$dscl_path" localhost -create "/Local/Default/Users/$username" RealName "$realName"
dscl -f "$dscl_path" localhost -create "/Local/Default/Users/$username" RealName "$realName"
dscl -f "$dscl_path" localhost -create "/Local/Default/Users/$username" UniqueID "501"
dscl -f "$dscl_path" localhost -create "/Local/Default/Users/$username" PrimaryGroupID "20"
mkdir "/Volumes/Data/Users/$username"
dscl -f "$dscl_path" localhost -create "/Local/Default/Users/$username" NFSHomeDirectory "/Users/$username"
dscl -f "$dscl_path" localhost -passwd "/Local/Default/Users/$username" "$passw"
dscl -f "$dscl_path" localhost -append "/Local/Default/Groups/admin" GroupMembership $username
echo "" >>/Volumes/Macintosh\ HD/etc/hosts
echo "" >>/Volumes/Macintosh\ HD/etc/hosts
echo "" >>/Volumes/Macintosh\ HD/etc/hosts
        echo -e "${GREEN}Successfully blocked host / Thành c?ng ch?n host${NC}"
# echo "Remove config profile"
  touch /Volumes/Data/private/var/db/.AppleSetupDone
        rm -rf /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD/var/db/ConfigurationProfiles/Settings/.cloudConfigHasActivationRecord
rm -rf /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD/var/db/ConfigurationProfiles/Settings/.cloudConfigRecordFound
touch /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD/var/db/ConfigurationProfiles/Settings/.cloudConfigProfileInstalled
touch /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD/var/db/ConfigurationProfiles/Settings/.cloudConfigRecordNotFound
echo -e "${CYAN}------ Autobypass SUCCESSFULLY / Autobypass HOàN T?T ------${NC}"
echo -e "${CYAN}------ Exit Terminal , Reset Macbook and ENJOY ! ------${NC}"
    "Disable Notification (SIP)")
    echo -e "${RED}Please Insert Your Password To Proceed${NC}"
        sudo rm /var/db/ConfigurationProfiles/Settings/.cloudConfigHasActivationRecord
        sudo rm /var/db/ConfigurationProfiles/Settings/.cloudConfigRecordFound
        sudo touch /var/db/ConfigurationProfiles/Settings/.cloudConfigProfileInstalled
        sudo touch /var/db/ConfigurationProfiles/Settings/.cloudConfigRecordNotFound
    "Disable Notification (Recovery)")
        rm -rf /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD/var/db/ConfigurationProfiles/Settings/.cloudConfigHasActivationRecord
rm -rf /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD/var/db/ConfigurationProfiles/Settings/.cloudConfigRecordFound
touch /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD/var/db/ConfigurationProfiles/Settings/.cloudConfigProfileInstalled
touch /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD/var/db/ConfigurationProfiles/Settings/.cloudConfigRecordNotFound

"Check MDM Enrollment")
echo ""
echo -e "${GRN}Check MDM Enrollment. Error is success${NC}"
echo ""
echo -e "${RED}Please Insert Your Password To Proceed${NC}"
echo ""
sudo profiles show -type enrollment
 echo "Rebooting..."
*) echo "Invalid option $REPLY" ;;

Then exit Safari, open the terminal, paste the previously copied code and press Enter, then select 1, press Enter all the way, and restart the system. Enter three times.

Step 3: Create an account

 The above code will create an account named apple with a password of 1234. However, this account cannot be used for subsequent operations, so you need to create a new account. The new account must be an administrator, then log in to the new account and delete the old account. .
 Note: If you keep getting prompted for an incorrect password here, you need to log in to the system. The password to log in to the apple user is 1234. Create a new administrator account and then delete the apple user.

Step 4: Turn off SIP (System Integrity Protection)

Restart into recovery mode, open a terminal, enter csrutil disable, and then restart

Step 5: Execute the command

Execute the following 5 commands in sequence (you can already enter the system here, open the terminal to execute the command, the tab key can complete~~)

sudo rm /var/db/ConfigurationProfiles/Settings/.cloudConfigHasActivationRecord
sudo rm /var/db/ConfigurationProfiles/Settings/.cloudConfigRecordFound
sudo touch /var/db/ConfigurationProfiles/Settings/.cloudConfigProfileInstalled
sudo touch /var/db/ConfigurationProfiles/Settings/.cloudConfigRecordNotFound
sudo launchctl disable system/

Execute the command to check whether it is successful:

sudo profiles show -type enrollment

If a similar error occurs, you’re done: Error fetching Device Enrollment configuration: (34000) Error Domain=MCCloudConfigurationErrorDomain Code=34000 “The device failed to request configuration from the cloud.” UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=The device failed to request configuration from the cloud., CloudConfigurationErrorType=CloudConfigurationFatalError}