Wrap Ajax classes using ES6

1. Set constant

You can set some constants as needed

// constant
export const HTTP_GET = 'GET';
export const CONTENT_TYPE_FORM_URLENCODED = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
export const CONTENT_TYPE_JSON = 'application/json';

2. Encapsulation tool class

Mainly used for data conversion and URL processing

// Serialize the array into a string in URLEncoded format
const serializeURLEncoded = param => {<!-- -->
    const results = [];
    for (const [key, value] of Object. entries(param)) {<!-- -->
        results.push(`${<!-- -->encodeURIComponent(key)}=${<!-- -->encodeURIComponent(value)}`);
    return results. join(' & amp;');

// Serialize the array into a string in JSON format
const serializeJSON = param => {<!-- -->
    return JSON.stringify(param);

// Get the parameter string in legal format
const addURLData = (url, data) => {<!-- -->
    if (!data) {<!-- -->
        return '';
    const mark = url.includes('?') ? ' & amp;' : '?';
    return `${<!-- -->mark}${<!-- -->data}`;

export {<!-- --> serializeURLEncoded, serializeJSON, addURLData };

3. Set default parameters

When the user does not specify an argument, the default argument will be used

// import constant
import {<!-- --> HTTP_GET, CONTENT_TYPE_FORM_URLENCODED } from './constants.js';

// set default parameters
const DEFAULTS = {<!-- -->
    // request method
    method: HTTP_GET,
    // request header parameters
    params: null,
    // request body parameters
    data: null,
    // Content-Type type
    // Response-Type type
    responseType: '',
    // overtime time
    timeoutTime: 0,
    // Whether to carry Cookie
    withCredentials: false,
    // method to execute on success
    success() {<!-- --> },
    // The method executed when the status code is abnormal
    httpCodeError() {<!-- --> },
    // method to execute on failure
    error() {<!-- --> },
    // method to execute on termination
    abort() {<!-- --> },
    // method to execute on timeout
    timeout() {<!-- --> }

export default DEFAULTS;

4. Design Ajax class

// import constant
import {<!-- --> HTTP_GET, CONTENT_TYPE_JSON, CONTENT_TYPE_FORM_URLENCODED } from './constants.js';

// import function
import {<!-- --> serializeURLEncoded, serializeJSON, addURLData } from './utils.js';

// import default parameters
import DEFAULTS from './defaults.js';

// define the Ajax class
class Ajax {<!-- -->

    // Constructor
    constructor(url, options) {<!-- -->
        this.url = url;
        this.options = Object.assign({<!-- -->}, DEFAULTS, options);

    // initialization method
    init() {<!-- -->
        // Initialize XMLHttpRequest
        const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
        this.xhr = xhr;
        // bind event
        this. bindEvents();
        // configuration request
        xhr.open(this.options.method, this.url + this.addParam(), true);
        // Set Response-Type
        this. setResponseType();
        // Set whether to carry cookies across domains
        this. setCookie();
        // set timeout
        this. setTimeout();
        // send request
        this. sendData();

    // method to bind event
    bindEvents() {<!-- -->
        const xhr = this. xhr;
        const {<!-- --> success, httpCodeError, error, abort, timeout } = this.options;
        // load event
        xhr.addEventListener('load', () => {<!-- -->
            if (this.isReady()) {<!-- -->
                success(xhr. response, xhr);
            } else {<!-- -->
        }, false);
        // error event
        xhr.addEventListener('error', () => {<!-- -->
        }, false);
        // abort event
        xhr.addEventListener('abort', () => {<!-- -->
        }, false);
        // timeout event
        xhr.addEventListener('timeout', () => {<!-- -->
        }, false)

    // Method to determine whether the request received the correct response
    isReady() {<!-- -->
        const xhr = this. xhr;
        return (xhr.status >= 200 & amp; & amp; xhr.status < 300) || xhr.status === 304;

    // Method to add parameters to the URL
    addParam() {<!-- -->
        const {<!-- --> params } = this.options;
        if (!params) {<!-- -->
            return '';
        return addURLData(this.url, serializeURLEncoded(params));

    // Method to set Response-Type
    setResponseType() {<!-- -->
        this.xhr.responseType = this.options.responseType;

    // Method to set whether to carry cookies across domains
    setCookie() {<!-- -->
        if (this. options. withCredentials) {<!-- -->
            this.xhr.withCredentials = true;

    // How to set the timeout period
    setTimeout() {<!-- -->
        const {<!-- --> timeoutTime } = this.options;
        if (timeoutTime > 0) {<!-- -->
            this.xhr.timeout = timeoutTime;

    // method to send request
    sendData() {<!-- -->
        const xhr = this. xhr;
        // If there is no need to transfer data, send directly
        if (!this.isHasData()) {<!-- -->
            return xhr. send(null);
        let resultData = null;
        const {<!-- --> data } = this.options;
        // Sort by data type
        if (this.isFormData()) {<!-- -->
            resultData = data;
        } else if (this.isURLEncodedData()) {<!-- -->
            resultData = serializeURLEncoded(data);
        } else if (this.isJSONData()) {<!-- -->
            resultData = serializeJSON(data);
        } else {<!-- -->
            this. setContentType();
            resultData = data;

    // Method to determine whether data needs to be transferred
    isHasData() {<!-- -->
        const {<!-- --> data, method } = this.options;
        if (!data) {<!-- -->
            return false;
        if (method.toLowerCase() === HTTP_GET.toLowerCase()) {<!-- -->
            return false;
        return true;

    // Method to determine whether the data type is FormData
    isFormData() {<!-- -->
        return this.options.data instanceof FormData;

    // Method to determine whether the data type is URLEncoded
    isURLEncodedData() {<!-- -->
        return this.options.contentType.toLowerCase().includes(CONTENT_TYPE_FORM_URLENCODED);

    // Method to determine whether the data type is JSON
    isJSONData() {<!-- -->
        return this.options.contentType.toLowerCase().includes(CONTENT_TYPE_JSON);

    // Method to set Content-Type
    setContentType(contentType = this.options.contentType) {<!-- -->
        if (!contentType) {<!-- -->
        this.xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', contentType);

    // Get the XMLHttpRequest object
    getXMLHttpRequest() {<!-- -->
        return this. xhr;


export default Ajax;