The difference between flexbox and grid in css

The difference between flexbox and grid in css

Are we influenced by elements that don’t line up as expected? In this article we will delve into the layout of flexbox and grid in css. By understanding their main differences, we will discover how these layouts can change the style of our website.

Understanding CSS layout

css Layout is an important aspect of web design because it determines how elements on a web page are arranged and organized. flexbox and grid are two widely adopted methods for achieving layout flexibility in CSS. Although the purpose of both methods is to create reference and dynamic designs, there are significant differences between them.

flexbox layout

A flexible flex layout, often referred to as a flexbox layout, is a single-layer model designed to distribute space evenly among elements in a controller. This layout system promotes flexible and fluid design by adjusting, sorting, and sizing elements based on their content and available space. It provides an optimal way to implement versatile and dynamic web page layouts.

The main features of flexbox:

Provides versatile flexibility by allowing for horizontal or vertical arrangement of elements. This feature makes them ideal for creating dynamic layouts in any desired distribution.

Containers and their sub-items can be laid out flexbox by adding the display:flex attribute. This allows us to intuitively control their interaction and their distribution of the available space.

In terms of the arrangement of elements in the controller, flexbox provides powerful arrangement and rationality. These structures allow us to easily manage the dispersion of intervals, centers and additional spaces.

Flexible flex layout is ideal for managing single-size layout requirements. It provides greater control over elements, providing greater flexibility to meet specific design needs.

flexbox key attributes:

  • display:flex or dislay:inline-flex: Create a flexible container.
  • flex-direction: Set the direction of the main axis (row or column).
  • justify-content: Arrange items along the main axis.
  • align-items: Arrange items along the cross axis.
  • flex-wrap: Controls the packaging of flexible items.
  • flex: Defines how items grow or shrink relative to each other.



<div class=”flex-container”>
 <div class="item">1</div>
 <div class="item">2</div>
 <div class="item">3</div>
.flex-container {<!-- -->
 display: flex;
 flex-direction: row;
 justify-content: space-between;
 align-items: center;
.item {<!-- -->
 flex: 1;
 padding: 10px;
 border: 1px solid #0000FF;

In this example, three elements are arranged in a row, evenly spaced using flex.

Grid Layout

The css grid provides a binding two-part layout system. It enables designers to build grid-based designs without thinking, defining rows and columns in a single controller. With precise control over the placement and arrangement of elements, CSS Grid is ideal for complex, grid-based layouts.

Main features of CSS grid:

When we use the display:grid attribute, we can easily define the grid through grid-template-rows and grid-template-column structure. It’s worth noting that elements nested directly under a grid container automatically become grid items.

cssGrid provides various properties such as grid-column and grid-row that allow precise placement of elements in the grid. This gives complete control over element positioning, increasing layout flexibility.

Grid layout offers great adaptability to various screen sizes, allowing for responsive design without the need for media queries. CSS Grid provides an ideal solution for designing complex layouts with multiple columns and rows, while allowing creators to design unique and versatile visual experiences.

Key attributes of the grid:

display:grid: Create a grid container.

  • grid-template-columns and grid-template-row define the size and structure of the grid.
  • grid-gap or grid-row-gap/grid-column-gap: Set the spacing between grid items.
  • grid-template-areas: To create named grid areas.
  • grid-column and grid-row place elements in a grid.


<div class=”grid-container”>
 <div class="item">A</div>
 <div class="item">B</div>
 <div class="item">C</div>
 <div class="item">D</div>
.grid-container {<!-- -->
 display: grid;
 grid-template-columns: repeat(2, 1fr);
 grid-gap: 10px;
.item {<!-- -->
 padding: 10px;
 border: 1px solid #0000FF;

In this grid example, four items are arranged in a 2×2 grid with equal spacing between them.

The similarities and differences between flexbox and grid layout

When it comes to CSS layouts, designers often choose between two powerful options: flexbox and grid. These technologies provide reference and dynamic web design solutions, but with unique features and use cases. By exploring their similarities and differences, designers can decide which layout technique is appropriate for various scenarios.


  • flexbox and grid provide simple positioning options for elements within a controller. Using flexible boxes we can arrange items from a horizontal or direct perspective, while the grid can be arranged in two different positions, making it suitable for creating complex structures.
  • The redesign is achieved through flexible flexibility and grid layouts as they easily adapt to various screen sizes. This allows the design to make meaningless adjustments based on the device being used.
  • flexbox and grid are guaranteed to be cross-browser reliable as they are supported in modern browsers.


flexbox is ideal for creating layouts based on a single layer approach, with elements arranged horizontally or vertically along a single axis. In contrast, grid provides flexibility for two-dimensional layout, giving greater control over element positioning.

flexbox is a layout structure that uses flexible boxes in containers to partition and arrange elements, while grid provides a more organized grid-based layout, including rows and columns.

Nesting elements within content makes it a suitable choice for designing complex environments in layouts. Grids, on the other hand, offer more advanced capabilities to create nested grid structures.

flexbox allows the elements within the container to be rearranged using the “order” attribute. This allows for greater flexibility in printed content. On the other hand, grids don’t offer the same level of redefinition and vice versa when it comes to redefining content.

The grid demonstrates its powerful generative capabilities by allowing elements to expand across multiple rows or columns, providing a huge sense of flexibility in layout design. Simply put, flexbox lacks the same level of control.


flexbox and grid are two powerful CSS layouts that web designers can use to create more flexible and organized web pages. flexbox can create reference websites as a layout module, automatically adjusting the layout to the screen size. Grids, on the other hand, empower the creation of fixed-width or fluid-width layouts, resulting in easily digestible and visually relevant pages. Both flexbox and grid have several similarities. They provide the ability to create reference layouts while allowing for fixed or fluid widths.

Additionally, they facilitate the development of easy-to-read web pages. However, there are also obvious differences between them. flexbox offers more versatility as it supports search layouts, while grid is better suited for creating fixed-width designs. Another important feature is their learning ability: flexbox is easier to master due to its concise syntax.