Java uses poi and aspose to write word template data and convert pdf to add watermarks

All source code and dependent resources of this project are linked at the top of the article. You can download and use them if necessary.

1. Requirement description

  1. Read a word template from the specified location
  2. Obtain business data and write it into the word template to generate a new word document
  3. Convert newly generated word document to pdf format
  4. add watermark to pdf document

2. Effect preview

  1. word template
  2. Watermarked pdf document

3. Implementation ideas

  • Word template data writing: implemented using the poi-tl library
  • Word to pdf format: aspose-words library implementation
  • Add watermark to pdf: aspose-pdf library implementation

4. Implementation process

4.1 Dependent library preparation

poi-tl can be downloaded directly from the central warehouse using maven, but aspose cannot be downloaded. You need to download the jar package from the Internet and import it into the local warehouse.

  • poi-tl

  • aspose-word
    Import the jar package into the local warehouse

     mvn install:install-file \
          -DgroupId="com.aspose" \
          -DartifactId="aspose-words" \
          -Dversion="15.8.0" \
          -Dpackaging="jar" \

    Add dependencies to the project

  • aspose-pdf
    Import the jar package into the local warehouse

     mvn install:install-file \
          -DgroupId="com.aspose" \
          -DartifactId="aspose-pdf" \
          -Dversion="17.8" \
          -Dpackaging="jar" \

    Add dependencies to the project

  • license.xml
    Since the aspose library is divided into a free version and a paid version, the documents exported by the free version have a trial watermark, so license.xml needs to be added. The copyright relationship is not stated in the article. If necessary, you can download the complete source code package linked at the top of the article.

4.2 Core implementation method
public class Word2PDFApplication {<!-- -->

    public static void main(String[] args) {<!-- -->, args);

        // word template
        String wordTemplatePath = "src/main/resources/templates/resume template.docx";
        // word after writing data
        String wordOutputPath = "src/main/resources/templates/resume template-output.docx";
        // Convert word to pdf
        String pdfOutputPath = "src/main/resources/templates/resume template.pdf";
        // Add watermark to pdf
        String pdfWithMarkerOutputPath = "src/main/resources/templates/resume template-marker.pdf";

        // step 1: Encapsulate template data
        Map<String, Object> dataMap = getPersonDataMap();

        // step 2: Write data into word template
        writeDataToWord(dataMap, wordTemplatePath, wordOutputPath);

        // step 3: Convert word to pdf
        convertWordToPdf(wordOutputPath, pdfOutputPath);

        // step 4: Add watermark to pdf
        addMarkerToPdf(pdfOutputPath, pdfWithMarkerOutputPath);

// Encapsulate business data and use it to fill in the corresponding placeholders of the template
    private static Map<String, Object> getPersonDataMap() {<!-- -->
        Map<String, Object> personDataMap = new HashMap<>();
        personDataMap.put("name", "Zhang San");
        personDataMap.put("sex", "male");
        personDataMap.put("birthDate", "1998-12-02");
        personDataMap.put("id", "420202199812020011");
        personDataMap.put("phone", "18819297766");
        personDataMap.put("skills", "java Spring MySQL ...");
        return personDataMap;

//Write business data into word template and generate new word file
    private static void writeDataToWord(Map<String, Object> dataMap, String wordTemplatePath, String wordOutputPath) {<!-- -->

        XWPFTemplate render = XWPFTemplate.compile(wordTemplatePath).render(dataMap);
        File dest = new File(wordOutputPath);
        if (!dest.getParentFile().exists()) {<!-- -->
        try {<!-- -->
        } catch (IOException e) {<!-- -->
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

//Convert the newly generated word document with business data to pdf format
    private static void convertWordToPdf(String wordOutputPath, String pdfOutputPath) {<!-- -->
        // Verify License. If not verified, the converted pdf document will have a watermark.
        if (!getAsposeWordLicense()) {<!-- -->
        FileOutputStream os = null;
        try {<!-- -->
            long old = System.currentTimeMillis();
            File file = new File(pdfOutputPath);
            os = new FileOutputStream(file);
            Document doc = new Document(wordOutputPath);
  , SaveFormat.PDF);
            long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
            System.out.println("pdf conversion successful, total time taken: " + ((now - old) / 1000.0) + "seconds");
        } catch (Exception e) {<!-- -->
        } finally {<!-- -->
            if (os != null) {<!-- -->
                try {<!-- -->
                } catch (IOException e) {<!-- -->

//Add watermark effect to the converted pdf document
    private static void addMarkerToPdf(String pdfOutputPath, String pdfWithMarkerOutputPath) {<!-- -->
        // Verify License. If not verified, the pdf document after adding watermark will have trial watermark.
        boolean asposePdfLicense = getAsposePdfLicense();
        if (!asposePdfLicense) {<!-- -->

        com.aspose.pdf.Document pdfDocument = new com.aspose.pdf.Document(pdfOutputPath);

        TextStamp textStamp = new TextStamp("watermark text");

        //Set watermark spacing
        float xOffset = 100;
        float yOffset = 100;

        //Add watermark to each page
        for (Page page : pdfDocument.getPages()) {<!-- -->
            float xPosition = 0;
            float yPosition = 0;

            //Add watermark to the page until the page is covered
            while (yPosition < page.getRect().getHeight()) {<!-- -->

                xPosition + = xOffset;

                //If the watermark exceeds the page width, move it to the next line
                if (xPosition + textStamp.getWidth() > page.getRect().getWidth()) {<!-- -->
                    xPosition = 0;
                    yPosition + = yOffset;
        //Save the modified document;

//Verify the license, otherwise there will be a trial watermark
    private static boolean getAsposeWordLicense() {<!-- -->
        boolean result = false;
        InputStream is = null;
        try {<!-- -->
            ResourcePatternResolver resolver = new PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver();
  [] resources = resolver.getResources("classpath:license.xml");
            is = resources[0].getInputStream();
            License asposeLic = new License();
            result = true;
        } catch (Exception e) {<!-- -->
        } finally {<!-- -->
            if (is != null) {<!-- -->
                try {<!-- -->
                } catch (IOException e) {<!-- -->
        return result;

//Verify the license, otherwise there will be a trial watermark
    private static boolean getAsposePdfLicense() {<!-- -->
        boolean result = false;
        InputStream is = null;
        try {<!-- -->
            ResourcePatternResolver resolver = new PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver();
  [] resources = resolver.getResources("classpath:license.xml");
            is = resources[0].getInputStream();
            com.aspose.pdf.License asposeLic = new com.aspose.pdf.License();
            result = true;
        } catch (Exception e) {<!-- -->
        } finally {<!-- -->
            if (is != null) {<!-- -->
                try {<!-- -->
                } catch (IOException e) {<!-- -->
        return result;