Mybatis-plus code generator (old version below 3.5.1)

Table of Contents


1. Preparation work

2. Briefly introduce the official documents (you can skip to the code if you don’t want to read it)

3. Create a project and import dependencies with maven

4. Code Generator

5. Summary


I would like to introduce to you an artifact that is easy to develop. It is a code generator provided by mybatis-plus. As the name suggests, it is easy to develop and quickly complete repeated basic operations to save everyone’s time

1. Preparation work

1. Prepare database tables and data

2. Prepare maven dependencies

3. Are you ready? Let’s start! ! !

2. Briefly introduce the official documents (if you don’t want to read it, you can skip to the code)

Official documentation (old version) Official documentation (new version)

We can see that the official is very considerate and provides renderings and examples.

According to the official documentation, we can know that MyBatis-Plus has removed the default dependencies of the code generator and template engine since 3.0.3. We need to manually add relevant dependencies and the default engine template Velocity.

3. Create a project and import dependencies with maven

It is recommended that you create a springboot project. I used an empty maven project for testing here, which is more troublesome.

The code generator has two dependencies plus your database dependency and your springboot dependency

 <!-- mybatis-plus generator -->

        <!-- mysql -->

        <!-- velocity template engine -->


Add an episode

If you create an empty maven project, you must add this springboot dependency, otherwise an error will be reported.

4. Code Generator

Modify it according to your own configuration

Note: The mapper layer generated here does not have the @mapper annotation. If you use mybatis, you need to add this annotation manually. Because mybatis-plus automatically scans the mapper layer, this annotation is canceled.

import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.generator.AutoGenerator;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.generator.config.*;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.generator.config.rules.NamingStrategy;

public class Generator {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Code generator
        AutoGenerator mpg = new AutoGenerator();

        //Global configuration
        GlobalConfig gc = new GlobalConfig();
        String projectPath = System.getProperty("user.dir"); // Get the current user's working directory
        gc.setOutputDir(projectPath + "/src/main/java"); // Set the output directory for generated code
        gc.setAuthor("xiaoyu"); // Set author information
        gc.setOpen(false); // Whether to open the generated folder
        gc.setSwagger2(true); // Whether to enable Swagger2 annotations for entity attributes
        gc.setServiceName("%sService"); // Name format of Service interface

        //Data source configuration
        DataSourceConfig dsc = new DataSourceConfig();
        dsc.setUrl("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/curd?useUnicode=true & amp;useSSL=false & amp;characterEncoding=utf8"); // Database connection URL
        dsc.setDriverName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); // Database driver class
        dsc.setUsername("root"); // Database username
        dsc.setPassword("xiaoyu"); // Database password
        mpg.setDataSource(dsc); // Set data source configuration

        // package configuration
        PackageConfig pc = new PackageConfig();
        pc.setModuleName("curd"); //Module name
        pc.setParent("com.test"); // Parent package name
        pc.setController("controller"); // Controller package name
        pc.setEntity("entity"); // Entity class package name
        pc.setService("service"); // Service package name
        pc.setMapper("mapper"); // Mapper package name
        pc.setServiceImpl("serviceImpl"); // Service implementation class package name
        mpg.setPackageInfo(pc); // Set package configuration

        //Strategy configuration
        StrategyConfig strategy = new StrategyConfig();
        strategy.setNaming(NamingStrategy.underline_to_camel); // Naming strategy from database table name to entity class name
        strategy.setColumnNaming(NamingStrategy.underline_to_camel); // Naming strategy from database field name to entity class attribute name
        strategy.setEntityLombokModel(true); // Use Lombok to generate entity classes
        strategy.setRestControllerStyle(true); // Generate RestController controller
        strategy.setSuperEntityColumns("id"); // Super class fields
        strategy.setInclude(("user").split(",")); // The tables that need to be generated, separate multiple tables with,
        strategy.setControllerMappingHyphenStyle(true); // Use hyphen style in controller mapping path
        strategy.setTablePrefix(pc.getModuleName() + "_"); // Table name prefix
        mpg.setStrategy(strategy); // Set strategy configuration

        //Execute code generation

5. Summary

The above is the simple configuration of the code generator. Its functions are not only these, it can also help you complete the operations of adding, deleting, modifying and checking with one click. I have not written it here. You can check the documentation by yourself.