Java file and folder encryption and decryption

Article directory

  • File encryption and decryption
    • encrypt documents
    • File decryption
  • Folder encryption and decryption
    • Encrypt files
    • Decrypt files

File encryption and decryption

Encryption and decryption using AES algorithm

AEC is the abbreviation of Advanced Encryption Standard. It is a symmetric key encryption algorithm commonly used for data encryption and privacy protection.

package com.sin.utils;

import javax.crypto.*;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;

 * @createTime 2023/10/18 11:24
 * @createAuthor SIN
 * @use file encryption and decryption
public class DocumentEncryptionUtil {<!-- -->
    // File encryption method
    private static final String ALGORITHM = "AES";

     * encrypt documents
     * @param secretKey file encryption key
     * @param sourceFilePath needs to encrypt the file address
     * @param destinationFilePath encrypted file address
    public static void encryptFile(String secretKey,String sourceFilePath, String destinationFilePath) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchPaddingException, InvalidKeyException, IOException {<!-- -->
        // Generate a secret key using the key string
        SecretKey secretKeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(secretKey.getBytes(), ALGORITHM);
        // Get an instance of the AES encryption algorithm
        Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(ALGORITHM);
        // Initialize the cipher cipher using the secret key, set to encryption mode
        cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, secretKeySpec);

        // Get the source file path
        Path sourcePath = Paths.get(sourceFilePath);
        // Get the target encrypted file path
        Path destinationPath = Paths.get(destinationFilePath);

        //Create an input stream and read the source file
        try (InputStream inputStream = Files.newInputStream(sourcePath);
             //Create an output stream and write the encrypted file
             OutputStream outputStream = Files.newOutputStream(destinationPath);
             // Create a cipher output stream, connect to the output stream, and encrypt using the password cipher
             CipherOutputStream cipherOutputStream = new CipherOutputStream(outputStream, cipher)) {<!-- -->
            // buffer size
            byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
            int bytesRead;
            //Read the source file content into the buffer
            while ((bytesRead = != -1) {<!-- -->
                //Write the encrypted data to the encrypted file
                cipherOutputStream.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);

     *File decryption
     * @param secretKey file decryption key
     * @param sourceFilePath The file address to be decrypted
     * @param destinationFilePath decrypted file address

    public static void decryptFile(String secretKey,String sourceFilePath, String destinationFilePath) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchPaddingException, InvalidKeyException, IOException {<!-- -->
        SecretKey secretKeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(secretKey.getBytes(), ALGORITHM); // Generate a secret key using the key string
        Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(ALGORITHM); // Get an instance of the AES encryption algorithm
        cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, secretKeySpec); // Initialize the password cipher using the secret key and set it to decryption mode

        Path sourcePath = Paths.get(sourceFilePath); // Get the source encrypted file path
        Path destinationPath = Paths.get(destinationFilePath); // Get the target decrypted file path

        try (InputStream inputStream = Files.newInputStream(sourcePath); // Create an input stream and read the encrypted file
             OutputStream outputStream = Files.newOutputStream(destinationPath); // Create an output stream and write the decrypted file
             CipherInputStream cipherInputStream = new CipherInputStream(inputStream, cipher)) {<!-- --> // Create a cipher input stream, connect to the input stream, and use the password cipher to decrypt
            byte[] buffer = new byte[4096]; // buffer size
            int bytesRead;
            while ((bytesRead = != -1) {<!-- --> // Read the contents of the encrypted file into the buffer
                outputStream.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead); //Write the decrypted data to the decrypted file


File encryption

The target file is the content
Please add image description

package com.sin.utils.test;

import com.sin.utils.DocumentEncryptionUtil;
import org.junit.Test;

import javax.crypto.NoSuchPaddingException;

 * @createTime 2023/10/18 11:28
 * @createAuthor SIN
 * @use
public class DocumentEncryptionUtilTest {<!-- -->

     * encrypt documents
    public void encryptFileTest(){<!-- -->
        try {<!-- -->
        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {<!-- -->
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
        } catch (NoSuchPaddingException e) {<!-- -->
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
        } catch (InvalidKeyException e) {<!-- -->
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
        } catch (IOException e) {<!-- -->
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

encrypted file

File decryption

     *File decryption
    public void decryptFileTest(){<!-- -->
        try {<!-- -->
        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {<!-- -->
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
        } catch (NoSuchPaddingException e) {<!-- -->
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
        } catch (InvalidKeyException e) {<!-- -->
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
        } catch (IOException e) {<!-- -->
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

Decrypted file

Folder encryption and decryption

package com.sin.utils;

import javax.crypto.*;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
import java.nio.file.DirectoryStream;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;

 * @createTime 2023/10/19 9:20
 * @createAuthor SIN
 * @use folder encryption and decryption
public class FileEncryptionUtil {<!-- -->

    //AES is the abbreviation of Advanced Encryption Standard. It is a symmetric key encryption algorithm commonly used for data encryption and privacy protection.
    private static final String ALGORITHM = "AES";

     * Remove file name extension
     * @param fileName the file to be operated on
     * @return
    private static String removeExtension(String fileName) {<!-- -->
        // Find the last point of the file
        int dotIndex = fileName.lastIndexOf(".");
        // Ensure that the points are not the first and last characters of the file name
        if (dotIndex > 0 & amp; & amp; dotIndex < fileName.length() - 1) {<!-- -->
            // Return a valid extension
            return fileName.substring(0, dotIndex);
        //Return to source file
        return fileName;

     * Folder encryption
     * @param secretKey folder encryption key
     * @param sourceFilePath The folder that needs to be encrypted
     * @param destinationFilePath encrypted folder address
    public static void encryptFile(String secretKey,String sourceFilePath, String destinationFilePath) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchPaddingException, InvalidKeyException, IOException {<!-- -->
        // Generate a secret key using the key string
        SecretKey secretKeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(secretKey.getBytes(), ALGORITHM);
        // Get an instance of the AES encryption algorithm
        Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(ALGORITHM);
        // Initialize the cipher cipher using the secret key, set to encryption mode
        cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, secretKeySpec);

        // Get the source file or folder path
        Path sourcePath = Paths.get(sourceFilePath);
        // Get the target encrypted file or folder path
        Path destinationPath = Paths.get(destinationFilePath);

        if (Files.isDirectory(sourcePath) & amp; & amp; !Files.exists(destinationPath)) {<!-- -->
            //Create target folder
            // Traverse the source folder
            try (DirectoryStream<Path> directoryStream = Files.newDirectoryStream(sourcePath)) {<!-- -->
                for (Path filePath : directoryStream) {<!-- -->
                    //Encrypted file name
                    String encryptedFileName = filePath.getFileName().toString() + ".enc";
                    //Encrypted file path
                    String encryptedFilePath = destinationPath.resolve(encryptedFileName).toString();
                    // Call the encryption method recursively to process sub-files or sub-folders
                    encryptFile(secretKey,filePath.toString(), encryptedFilePath);
        } else if (Files.isRegularFile(sourcePath)) {<!-- -->
            //Create an input stream and read the source file
            try (InputStream inputStream = Files.newInputStream(sourcePath);
                 //Create an output stream and write the encrypted file
                 OutputStream outputStream = Files.newOutputStream(destinationPath);
                 //Create a cipher output stream, connect to the output stream, and encrypt using the password cipher
                 CipherOutputStream cipherOutputStream = new CipherOutputStream(outputStream, cipher)) {<!-- -->
                // buffer size
                byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
                int bytesRead;
                //Read the source file content into the buffer
                while ((bytesRead = != -1) {<!-- -->
                    //Write the encrypted data to the encrypted file
                    cipherOutputStream.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);

     * @param secretKey folder decryption key
     * @param sourceFilePath The folder to be decrypted
     * @param destinationFilePath decrypted folder address
    public static void decryptFile(String secretKey,String sourceFilePath, String destinationFilePath) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchPaddingException, InvalidKeyException, IOException {<!-- -->
        SecretKey secretKeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(secretKey.getBytes(), ALGORITHM); // Generate a secret key using the key string
        Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(ALGORITHM); // Get an instance of the AES encryption algorithm
        cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, secretKeySpec); // Initialize the password cipher using the secret key and set it to decryption mode

        Path sourcePath = Paths.get(sourceFilePath); // Get the source encrypted file or folder path
        Path destinationPath = Paths.get(destinationFilePath); // Get the target decrypted file or folder path

        if (Files.isDirectory(sourcePath) & amp; & amp; !Files.exists(destinationPath)) {<!-- -->
            Files.createDirectories(destinationPath); // Create destination folder
            try (DirectoryStream<Path> directoryStream = Files.newDirectoryStream(sourcePath)) {<!-- --> // Traverse the source folder
                for (Path filePath : directoryStream) {<!-- -->
                    String decryptedFileName = removeExtension(filePath.getFileName().toString()); // Remove the extension of the file name
                    String decryptedFilePath = destinationPath.resolve(decryptedFileName).toString(); // Decrypted file path
                    decryptFile(secretKey,filePath.toString(), decryptedFilePath); // Recursively call the decryption method to process sub-files or sub-folders
        } else if (Files.isRegularFile(sourcePath)) {<!-- -->
            try (InputStream inputStream = Files.newInputStream(sourcePath); // Create an input stream and read the encrypted file
                 OutputStream outputStream = Files.newOutputStream(destinationPath); // Create an output stream and write the decrypted file
                 CipherInputStream cipherInputStream = new CipherInputStream(inputStream, cipher)) {<!-- --> // Create a cipher input stream, connect to the input stream, and use the password cipher to decrypt
                byte[] buffer = new byte[4096]; // buffer size
                int bytesRead;
                while ((bytesRead = != -1) {<!-- --> // Read the contents of the encrypted file into the buffer
                    outputStream.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead); //Write the decrypted data to the decrypted file


Files that need to be encrypted

Encrypted files

package com.sin.utils.test;

import com.sin.utils.FileEncryptionUtil;
import org.junit.Test;

import javax.crypto.NoSuchPaddingException;

 * @createTime 2023/10/19 9:32
 * @createAuthor SIN
 * @use test folder encryption and decryption
public class FileEncryptionUtilTest {<!-- -->

     * Encrypted files
    public void encryptFileTest(){<!-- -->
        try {<!-- -->
        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {<!-- -->
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
        } catch (NoSuchPaddingException e) {<!-- -->
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
        } catch (InvalidKeyException e) {<!-- -->
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
        } catch (IOException e) {<!-- -->
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

encrypted file

Decrypt files

 * Decrypt files
public void decryptFile(){<!-- -->
    try {<!-- -->
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {<!-- -->
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    } catch (NoSuchPaddingException e) {<!-- -->
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    } catch (InvalidKeyException e) {<!-- -->
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    } catch (IOException e) {<!-- -->
        throw new RuntimeException(e);

Decrypted file