Export using easyExcel in springBoot

pom dependency


Controller layer

//The method return value is void when exported
    public void exportQAData(String startDate, String endDate, HttpServletResponse response) {<!-- -->
        qADataManageService.exportQAData(response, startDate,endDate);

Service layer

public class QADataManageService implements FileExportService<QADataManageVo> {<!-- -->
     * Declare and obtain dao layer instance
    private QADataManageDao qADataManageDao;
    private ExcelExportUtil excelExportUtil;

    public Boolean exportQAData(HttpServletResponse response, String startDate,String endDate) {<!-- -->
        Map<String, Object> maps = new HashMap<>();
        maps.put(QADataManageConstant.CUSTOMER_TIME, startDate);
        maps.put(QADataManageConstant.FORECAST_TIME, endDate);
        Integer qaDataTotal = qADataManageDao.getQADataTotal(maps);
        if (qaDataTotal > 0) {<!-- -->
            excelExportUtil.multiThreadExportExcel(response, qaDataTotal, QADataManageVo.class, this, maps, null);
            return true;
        return false;

    public List<QADataManageVo> queryPageExcel(Map<String, Object> map) {<!-- -->
        Integer pageNum = (Integer) map.get("page");
        Integer pageSize = (Integer) map.get("pageSize");
        List<QADataManagePo> qaDataManagePos = qADataManageDao.findAllList(pageNum, pageSize, map);
        return buildVoItem(qaDataManagePos);

Strategy Factory

  1. Interface level
public interface FileExportService<R> {<!-- -->

     * Description Universal paging interface
     * @date 2023/11/2 11:12
     * @param: map contains page size and current page data
    List<R> queryPageExcel(Map<String,Object> map);
  1. factory
public class FileExportFactory<R> {<!-- -->

    private FileExportService<R> fileExportService;

    public FileExportFactory(FileExportService<R> fileExportService){<!-- -->
        this.fileExportService = fileExportService;

    public List<R> queryPageExcel(Map<String,Object> map){<!-- -->
        return fileExportService.queryPageExcel(map);


public class ExcelExportUtil {<!-- -->

    private ThreadPoolTaskExecutor threadPoolTaskExecutor;

    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ExcelExportUtil.class);

     * @param response response
     * @param totalCount total number of records
     * @param clazz exported Excel object
     * @throwsException
    public <R> void exportExcel(HttpServletResponse response, int totalCount, Class<?> clazz, FileExportService<R> service, String fileName) throws Exception {<!-- -->
        //file name
        fileName = StrUtil.isNotEmpty(fileName) ? fileName : String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis());
        FileExportFactory<R> context = new FileExportFactory<>(service);

        OutputStream outputStream = null;
        try {<!-- -->
            //Each Sheet stores 5000 pieces of data
            int sheetDataRows = 5000;
            //The amount of data written each time is 3000, and each page is queried 3000
            Integer writeDataRows = 3000;
            //Calculate the number of Sheets required
            int sheetNum = totalCount % sheetDataRows == 0 ? (totalCount / sheetDataRows) : (totalCount / sheetDataRows + 1);
            //Calculate the number of times each Sheet needs to be written under normal circumstances (generally, the last sheet is not included, because the last sheet is not sure how many pieces of data will be written)
            int oneSheetWriteCount = sheetDataRows / writeDataRows;
            //Calculate the number of times the last sheet needs to be written
            int lastSheetWriteCount = totalCount % sheetDataRows == 0 ? oneSheetWriteCount : (totalCount % sheetDataRows % writeDataRows == 0 ? (totalCount / sheetDataRows / writeDataRows) : (totalCount / sheetDataRows / writeDataRows + 1));
            // Get the output stream
            outputStream = response.getOutputStream();
            //Must be placed outside the loop, otherwise the stream will be refreshed
            ExcelWriter excelWriter = EasyExcel.write(outputStream).build();
            //Cache written data
            List<R> dataList = new ArrayList<>();

            Map<String, Object> queryMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

            //Start batch query and write sheetNum in batches
            for (int i = 0; i < sheetNum; i + + ) {<!-- -->
                //Create Sheet
                WriteSheet sheet = new WriteSheet();
                sheet.setSheetName("Sheet" + i);
                //Number of loop writes: The auto-increment condition of j is that when it is not the last Sheet, the number of writes is the normal number of writes for each Sheet. If it is the last one, the calculated number of lastSheetWriteCount needs to be used.
                for (int j = 0; j < (i != sheetNum - 1 ? oneSheetWriteCount : lastSheetWriteCount); j + + ) {<!-- -->
                    // Clear the collection after each data write
                    //Get data from database and get data in paging

                    queryMap.put("page", i * sheetDataRows + j * writeDataRows);
                    queryMap.put("pageSize", writeDataRows);
                    dataList = context.queryPageExcel(queryMap);

                    //Save data in separate sheets
                    WriteSheet writeSheet = EasyExcel.writerSheet(i, "Sheet" + (i + 1)).head(clazz)
                            .registerWriteHandler(new LongestMatchColumnWidthStyleStrategy()).build();

                    excelWriter.write(dataList, writeSheet);
            // Download EXCEL and return to the front-end stream
            response.setHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment;filename*=utf-8''" + fileName + ".xlsx");
        } catch (Exception e) {<!-- -->
            logger.info("excel export exception", e);
            throw new ServiceException("excel export exception");
        } finally {<!-- -->
            if (outputStream != null) {<!-- -->

     * @param totalCount total number of records
     * @param clazz exported Excel object
     * @param service The service class that specifically implements query data
     * @param map query parameters
    public <R> void multiThreadExportExcel(HttpServletResponse response, int totalCount, Class<?> clazz, FileExportService<R> service, Map<String, Object> map, String fileName) {<!-- -->
        try{<!-- -->
            FileExportFactory<R> context = new FileExportFactory<>(service);
            //file name
            fileName = StrUtil.isNotEmpty(fileName) ? fileName : String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis());

            OutputStream outputStream = null;
            try {<!-- -->
                //Each Sheet stores 1w pieces of data
                int sheetDataRows = 100;
                //The amount of data written each time is 5000, and each page is queried 5000
                int writeDataRows = 50;
                //Calculate the number of Sheets required
                int sheetNum = totalCount % sheetDataRows == 0 ? (totalCount / sheetDataRows) : (totalCount / sheetDataRows + 1);
                //Calculate the number of times each Sheet needs to be written under normal circumstances (generally, the last sheet is not included, because the last sheet is not sure how many pieces of data will be written)
                int oneSheetWriteCount = sheetDataRows / writeDataRows;
                //Calculate the number of times the last sheet needs to be written
                int lastSheetWriteCount = totalCount % sheetDataRows == 0 ? oneSheetWriteCount : totalCount % sheetDataRows % writeDataRows == 0 ? totalCount % sheetDataRows / writeDataRows : (totalCount % sheetDataRows / writeDataRows) + 1;

                outputStream = response.getOutputStream();

                //Must be placed outside the loop, otherwise the stream will be refreshed
                ExcelWriter excelWriter = EasyExcel.write(outputStream).build();

                Map<Integer, List<R>> pageMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(Math.toIntExact(sheetNum));

                CountDownLatch countDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(Math.toIntExact(sheetNum));
                //Multi-threaded query parameter Map
                Map<Integer, Map<String, Object>> queryMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

                //Start batch query and write sheetNum in batches
                for (int i = 0; i < sheetNum; i + + ) {<!-- -->
                    //Create Sheet
                    WriteSheet sheet = new WriteSheet();
                    sheet.setSheetName("Sheet" + i);
                    int finalNum = i;
                    threadPoolTaskExecutor.submit(() -> {<!-- -->
                        ConcurrentHashMap<String, List<List<String>>> dataListMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
                        //The number of loop writes, the auto-increment condition of j is that when it is not the last Sheet, the number of writes is the normal number of writes for each Sheet. If it is the last one, the calculated number of lastSheetWriteCount needs to be used.
                        for (int j = 0; j < (finalNum != sheetNum - 1 ? oneSheetWriteCount : lastSheetWriteCount); j + + ) {<!-- -->
                            int finalJ = j;
                            queryMap.put(finalNum, new HashMap<String, Object>() {<!-- -->
                                {<!-- -->
                                    put("page", finalNum * sheetDataRows + finalJ * writeDataRows);
                                    put("pageSize", writeDataRows);
                                    if (CollectionUtil.isNotEmpty(map)) {<!-- -->
                                        // Pass other query parameters
                            // Strategy mode call query
                            List<R> dataList = pageMap.get(finalNum);
                            if (CollectionUtil.isEmpty(dataList)){<!-- -->
                                dataList = new ArrayList<>();
                            //Storage paging data
                            pageMap.put(finalNum, dataList);
                try {<!-- -->
                } catch (Exception e) {<!-- -->
                    logger.info("Multi-thread startup exception");
                    throw new ServiceException("Multi-thread startup exception");

                pageMap.forEach((k, v) -> {<!-- -->
                    //Save data in separate sheets
                    WriteSheet writeSheet = EasyExcel.writerSheet(k, "Sheet" + (k + 1)).head(clazz)
                            .registerWriteHandler(new LongestMatchColumnWidthStyleStrategy()).build();
                    excelWriter.write(v, writeSheet);
                // Download EXCEL and return to the front-end stream
                response.setHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment;filename*=utf-8''" + fileName + ".xlsx");
            } catch (Exception e) {<!-- -->
                logger.info("Data export exception",e);
            } finally {<!-- -->
                if (outputStream != null) {<!-- -->
        } catch (Exception e) {<!-- -->
            logger.info("Multi-threaded export data exception");
            throw new ServiceException("Multi-threaded export data exception");
