[Open Source] Design and implementation of domestic waste recycling system based on Vue.js


  • 1. Abstract
    • 1.1 Project introduction
    • 1.2 Project detailed screen recording
  • 2. Research content
  • 3. Interface display
    • 3.1 Log in and register
    • 3.2 Resource Type & Resource Category Module
    • 3.3 Recycling mechanism module
    • 3.4 Resource purchase/sale/transaction order module
    • 3.5 Customer service consultation module
  • 4. Disclaimer

1. Summary

1.1 Project Introduction

The domestic waste recycling system is a sustainable solution designed to encourage people to separate and recycle domestic waste and reduce environmental pollution and resource waste. The domestic waste recycling system covers the daily life of urban residents, including the collection, classification, processing and collection of waste. the complete process.

This article proposes a domestic waste recycling system based on Vue technology, which can support recycling records, recycling organizations, etc. through garbage collection and sales. Through experimental tests, the domestic waste recycling system has significantly improved the efficiency of waste recycling, increased user participation rate, and at the same time, the waste recycling rate has also increased. This article will provide practical solutions and technical support for the promotion and implementation of domestic waste recycling systems, and is expected to achieve wider application in the future.

  • Front end: Vue 2.7.10

  • Backend: Spring Boot 3.1.10

  • Database: MySQL 8.0.31

1.2 Project detailed screen recording


2. Research content

The design goal of this system is to develop a domestic waste recycling system. The system is divided into resource buyers, resource sellers, system customer service, and system administrator permissions. The permissions of each role are as follows:

  1. Resource Buyer: Can query resources posted by others, perform purchase and transaction operations, query own historical purchase records, and provide message consultation to system customer service.

  2. Resource Seller: Can publish idle household waste products, perform secondary confirmation operations on buyers’ purchases, can query their own historical sales records, and can leave messages for system customer service consultation.

  3. Customer Service: Can respond to inquiries from resource buyers and sellers.

  4. System Administrator: Has all permissions of the domestic waste management system, including user management, customer service configuration, role management, log management, etc.

The functional modules of the domestic waste recycling system are as follows.

  • Resource type module: Used to maintain type data of domestic waste products, and supports adding, deleting, modifying, querying, and exporting type data of domestic waste products.

  • Resource Category Module: Used to maintain category data of domestic waste products, and supports adding, deleting, modifying, querying, and exporting archive data of domestic waste products.

  • Recycling organization module: Used to maintain recycling organization data, supporting adding, deleting, modifying, querying, and exporting recycling organization data.

  • Resource purchase order module: Used to maintain purchase order data released by purchasers, and supports publishing, canceling, modifying, querying, and exporting resource purchase order data.

  • Resource Sales Order Module: Used to maintain sales order data released by sellers, and supports publishing, revoking, modifying, querying, and exporting resource sales order data.

  • Resource Transaction Order Module: Used to maintain transaction order data and support the generation of resource transaction order data from purchase orders or sales orders.

  • Resource customer service module: Resource buyers and sellers can use this module to initiate message-based consultation operations to the system customer service, and the customer service can reply.

  • System basic module: including user profile module, role management module, log management module

According to the project requirements, the front-end is implemented using Vue.js, the system back-end is implemented using springBoot, mybatisPlus is used to read and write the database, the database is MySQL, and Redis middleware is used as the data cache, ultimately realizing the design, development and testing of the domestic waste recycling system.

  • Resource category module

Resources have different category information, some are recyclable and some are non-recyclable. Different types of resources need to be managed in categories. The reason why the domestic waste recycling system requires the resource category module is to classify and distinguish the garbage collected by this module. , which facilitates statistics and management. By identifying the types of garbage, the domestic waste recycling system can automatically classify garbage into appropriate trash bins to achieve garbage separation and collection. By recording and counting data such as the quantity and weight of different types of waste, the domestic waste recycling system can monitor and analyze the recycling status in real time to evaluate the recycling effect. At the same time, this data information can provide valuable garbage collection data for government departments at all levels and guide the formulation and adjustment of relevant policies. By separating and separating different types of waste, it can provide clear and efficient information on the recovery of recyclable waste, etc. means to achieve waste recycling. As mentioned above, the resource category module not only realizes the convenience and efficiency of domestic waste recycling, but also promotes user participation and enthusiasm, helping to realize the reuse of discarded resources.

  • Recycling mechanism module

After the resources are collected, they need to be handed over to the recycling agency for further processing. The recycling agency module in the domestic waste recycling system is necessary because it can provide a platform to manage and coordinate each link to achieve high efficiency of waste. Standardize recycling. Recycling organizations can develop recycling plans based on the amount and type of garbage generated in the city, organize and manage garbage according to the plan, and ensure that recycling work is carried out in an orderly manner. According to the garbage collection plan, recycling organizations can build and arrange recycling points, such as installing smart trash cans. and signage. Regularly inspect and maintain recycling points to ensure the efficient operation of recycling facilities. Recycling agencies can train and manage recycling personnel, improve work standards and service awareness, and provide recycling services to users. Through Internet of Things technology and cloud computing technology, recycling agencies can It can analyze recycling data in real time, understand recycling situations and problems, and make appropriate adjustments and optimizations. As mentioned above, the recycling mechanism module provides a unified management and coordination platform for the domestic waste recycling system, which can achieve efficient and standardized recycling of garbage. , Promote the development of social resource conservation and environmental protection.

  • Resource order module

With resource category data and resource transaction data, users can trade resources on the system. The resource order module is used to maintain transaction orders for domestic waste. The domestic waste recycling system requires the resource order module, mainly to encourage users to participate in garbage collection. , a resource trading approach is used to recycle waste and maximize its value. Specifically, the resource order module can transform waste collection into a sustainable business model and promote the effective promotion and application of waste collection. This module allows users to participate in recycling activities through rewards and other methods. For example, if the user collects a certain amount of waste, They can get a certain amount of rewards. These rewards can be used to exchange household items, gift cards, etc. The resource order module can also be used to trade recycled waste in the form of a resource trading market. For example, old parts can be remanufactured and dismantled to produce new products with high added value. and components, thereby increasing the recycling value of used electrical appliances. Therefore, the resource order module can not only encourage users to participate in garbage collection activities, but also promote the reuse and value maximization of garbage, which is of great significance to the practical application and popularization of domestic waste recycling systems.

  • Customer service consultation module

In the domestic waste recycling system, the customer service consultation module can provide online customer service, allowing users to easily consult and solve problems when using the domestic waste recycling system. In the process of domestic waste recycling system, users may face various problems, such as improper operation and unclear collection rules. The customer consultation module provides users with immediate questions and support. The customer service consultation module can improve user satisfaction. Through online consultation services, the domestic waste recycling system can improve user interest and service quality, and improve user confidence and satisfaction with the system. The customer service consultation module can provide feedback channels, and the customer consultation module can provide feedback channels to users, so that users can solve problems and make suggestions and reflect problems to the system administrator, which can improve the domestic waste recycling system. The customer service consultation module can support data analysis, record users’ consultation status and feedback content, provide data analysis and support for the operation of the domestic waste recycling system, and provide users’ needs and feedback. As mentioned above, the customer service consultation module is a very important functional module in the garbage collection system. It can provide users with online customer service, solve user problems, and improve user satisfaction. The customer service consultation module of the domestic waste collection system can provide users with more information. Good service, constantly optimize and improve its functions and service quality.

3. Interface display

3.1 Login and register

3.2 Resource Type & Resource Category Module

@RequestMapping(value = "/getByPage", method = RequestMethod.GET)
@ApiOperation(value = "Query resource type")
public Result<IPage<ResourceType>> getByPage(@ModelAttribute ResourceType resourceType ,@ModelAttribute PageVo page){<!-- -->
    QueryWrapper<ResourceType> qw = new QueryWrapper<>();
    if(!ZwzNullUtils.isNull(resourceType.getTitle())) {<!-- -->
    IPage<ResourceType> data = iResourceTypeService.page(PageUtil.initMpPage(page),qw);
    return new ResultUtil<IPage<ResourceType>>().setData(data);

@RequestMapping(value = "/insert", method = RequestMethod.POST)
@ApiOperation(value = "New resource type")
public Result<ResourceType> insert(ResourceType resourceType){<!-- -->
    return new ResultUtil<ResourceType>().setData(resourceType);

@RequestMapping(value = "/update", method = RequestMethod.POST)
@ApiOperation(value = "Edit resource type")
public Result<ResourceType> update(ResourceType resourceType){<!-- -->
    return new ResultUtil<ResourceType>().setData(resourceType);

3.3 Recycling mechanism module

@RequestMapping(value = "/getByPage", method = RequestMethod.GET)
@ApiOperation(value = "Query resource recycling agency")
public Result<IPage<ResourceOrganization>> getByPage(@ModelAttribute ResourceOrganization resourceOrganization ,@ModelAttribute PageVo page){<!-- -->
    QueryWrapper<ResourceOrganization> qw = new QueryWrapper<>();
    if(!ZwzNullUtils.isNull(resourceOrganization.getTitle())) {<!-- -->
    if(!ZwzNullUtils.isNull(resourceOrganization.getAddress())) {<!-- -->
    IPage<ResourceOrganization> data = iResourceOrganizationService.page(PageUtil.initMpPage(page),qw);
    return new ResultUtil<IPage<ResourceOrganization>>().setData(data);

@RequestMapping(value = "/insert", method = RequestMethod.POST)
@ApiOperation(value = "New resource recycling agency")
public Result<ResourceOrganization> insert(ResourceOrganization resourceOrganization){<!-- -->
    return new ResultUtil<ResourceOrganization>().setData(resourceOrganization);

@RequestMapping(value = "/update", method = RequestMethod.POST)
@ApiOperation(value = "Edit Resource Recovery Organization")
public Result<ResourceOrganization> update(ResourceOrganization resourceOrganization){<!-- -->
    return new ResultUtil<ResourceOrganization>().setData(resourceOrganization);

3.4 Resource purchase/sale/transaction order module

3.5 Customer service consultation module

4. Disclaimer

  • This project is for personal study only. For commercial authorization, please contact the blogger, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences.
  • The blogger owns all content and independent intellectual property rights of the application system built by this software, and has the final right of interpretation.
  • If you have any questions, please leave a message in the warehouse Issue. We will reply as soon as possible after seeing it. Relevant opinions will be considered as appropriate, but there is no promise or guarantee that they will be adopted.

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