Android file upload error timeout

 //Upload data
        public void upload_Data(String jsons) {<!-- -->
// String categoryNo = "";
// String CategoryName = "";
// String location_no = "";
// JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
// jsonObject.put("userNo", "003");
// jsonObject.put("categoryNo", "");
// jsonObject.put("categoryName", "");
// jsonObject.put("locationName", "Guangzhou");
// String json = "";

            showProgressDialog("Prompt", "Uploading, please wait...");

          // System.out.println("Test jsons:" + jsons);
            new Thread() {<!-- -->
                public void run() {<!-- -->
                    //Create the object requested by okhtto
                    try {<!-- -->
                        String result="";

                        String filePath =getSavePath() + "/data_task.txt";
                        // uploadTest1(jsons,"http://" + ipAddress + ":" + port + "/demo/uploadFileHandheldTxt",urls,"transcript.txt");

                        writeTxt(getSavePath() + "/data_task.txt",jsons);//Write data
                        // String filestrUrl=getSavePath() + "/transcript.txt";

                        // String path = "";
                        // String path = "http://" + ipAddress + ":" + port + "/demo/uploadFileHandheldTxt";

                        // For files to be uploaded on the mobile phone, you must first save the file that exists on your mobile phone.
                       // AsyncHttpClient httpClient = new AsyncHttpClient();

                        // RequestParams param = new RequestParams();

                        String SERVER_URL = "http://" + server_ipAddress + ":" + server_port + "/demo/uploadFileTaskHandheldTxt";

                        // Create OkHttpClient object
                        OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient().newBuilder().connectTimeout(60000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
                        // client.connectTimeoutMillis();
                        // client.callTimeoutMillis();
// String SERVER_URL = "http://" + ipAddress + ":" + port + "/demo/uploadFileScanningHandheld";
// Response response= FileUtil.getResponse(HomeBatchActivity.this,SERVER_URL,jsons);
                        MediaType mediaType=MediaType.Companion.parse("text/plain;charset=utf-8");
                        File file=new File(filePath);
                        RequestBody fileBody=RequestBody.Companion.create(file,mediaType);
                        RequestBody requestBody=new MultipartBody.Builder().setType(MultipartBody.FORM).addFormDataPart("file",file.getName(),fileBody).build();

                        //Create request object
                        Request request = new Request.Builder()

                        // send request
                        Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();

                       // System.out.println("Test to get the return result:" + response.code());
// // Get the return result
                        if (response.isSuccessful()) {<!-- -->
                            result= response.body().string();
                            System.out.println("Test to get the return result:" + result);
                        } else {<!-- -->
                            result= "";

                        // int code = response.code();
                        int code = 200;

                        // System.out.println("Get 2 return result test code:" + code);
                        if (code == 200) {<!-- -->
                             * If the obtained code is 200, it proves that the data acquisition is correct.
                             // */

                            // Get the return result
// if (response.isSuccessful()) {<!-- -->
// result= response.body().string();
// System.out.println("Get 2 return result test:" + result);
// } else {<!-- -->
// result="";
// }
// InputStream is = conn.getInputStream();
// String result = readMyInputStream(is);

                              System.out.println("Test:" + result);
                             * The sub-thread sends the message to the main thread and brings the obtained results to the main thread, allowing the main thread to update the UI.
                            Message msg = new Message();
                            msg.obj = result;
                            msg.what = SUCCESS_3;

                        } else {<!-- -->
                            Message msg = new Message();
                            msg.what = ERRORCODE;

                    } catch (SocketTimeoutException e) {<!-- -->
                         * If the acquisition fails or an exception occurs, the sub-thread sends a failure message (FAILURE) to the main thread, and the main thread displays a Toast to tell the user that the data acquisition failed.
                        Message msg = new Message();
                        msg.what = SocketTimeout;
                    }catch (Exception e) {<!-- -->
                         * If the acquisition fails or an exception occurs, the sub-thread sends a failure message (FAILURE) to the main thread, and the main thread displays a Toast to tell the user that the data acquisition failed.
                        Message msg = new Message();
                        msg.what = FAILURE;
