Microcontroller experiment (ADC experiment-potentiometer LCD display)

#include <msp430.h>
#include "stdint.h"
//#include "HAL_UCS.h"
/* Private define -------------------------------------------------- ---------------*/
#defineNumOfResult 8
#define Max_Volt 3.3
#define Accu_Adc 4095
uint32_t results[NumOfResult + 1];
uint16_t average;
uint16_t index = 0;
#define XT2_PORT_SEL P7SEL
#define XT2_ENABLE (BIT2 + BIT3)
// LCD segment definitions.
#define d 0x01
#define c 0x20
#define b 0x40
#define a 0x80
#define dp 0x10
#define g 0x04
#define f 0x08
#define e 0x02
uint8_t con[10], trans_v[10];
const char char_gen[] = { // As used in 430 Day Watch Demo board
 a + b + c + d + e + f, // Displays "0"
 b + c, // Displays "1"
 a + b + d + e + g, // Displays "2"
 a + b + c + d + g, // Displays "3"
 b + c + f + g, // Displays "4"
 a + c + d + f + g, // Displays "5"
 a + c + d + e + f + g, // Displays "6"
 a + b + c, // Displays "7"
 a + b + c + d + e + f + g, // Displays "8"
 a + b + c + d + f + g, // Displays "9"
 a + b + c + e + f + g, // Displays "A"
 c + d + e + f + g, // Displays "b"
 a + d + e + f, // Displays "c"
 b + c + d + e + g, // Displays "d"
 a + d + e + f + g, // Displays "E"
 a + e + f + g, // Displays "f"
 a + b + c + d + f + g, // Displays "g"
 c + e + f + g, // Displays "h"
 b + c, // Displays "i"
 b + c + d, // Displays "j"
 b + c + e + f + g, // Displays "k"
 d + e + f, // Displays "L"
 a + b + c + e + f, // Displays "n"
 a + b + c + d + e + f + g + dp // Displays "full"
const char char_gen_dp[] = { // As used in 430 Day Watch Demo board
 a + b + c + d + e + f + dp, // Displays "0"
 b + c + dp, // Displays "1"
 a + b + d + e + g + dp, // Displays "2"
 a + b + c + d + g + dp, // Displays "3"
 b + c + f + g + dp, // Displays "4"
 a + c + d + f + g + dp, // Displays "5"
 a + c + d + e + f + g + dp, // Displays "6"
 a + b + c + dp, // Displays "7"
 a + b + c + d + e + f + g + dp, // Displays "8"
 a + b + c + d + f + g + dp, // Displays "9"
 a + b + c + e + f + g, // Displays "A"
 c + d + e + f + g, // Displays "b"
 a + d + e + f, // Displays "c"
 b + c + d + e + g, // Displays "d"
 a + d + e + f + g, // Displays "E"
 a + e + f + g, // Displays "f"
 a + b + c + d + f + g, // Displays "g"
 c + e + f + g, // Displays "h"
 b + c, // Displays "i"
 b + c + d, // Displays "j"
 b + c + e + f + g, // Displays "k"
 d + e + f, // Displays "L"
 a + b + c + e + f, // Displays "n"
 g, // Displays "-"
 dp, // Displays "dp"
 a + b + c + d + e + f + g + dp // Displays "full"
/* Private functions -------------------------------------------------- -----------*/
*Function: configure LCD segment output function
*Input parameters: none
*Return value: None
void Init_lcd(void)
  + LCDS9 + LCDS10 + LCDS11 ;
 P5SEL = 0xfc;
/****************************************************** ****************************
Turn LCD on or off
1: open 0: closed
*************************************************** ***************************/
void LcdGo(unsigned char doit)
//Open LCD display
else if(doit==0)
//Close LCD display
/****************************************************** ***************************
Show or hide display content
doit: 0: blanking 1: display
*************************************************** ******************************/
void LcdBlink(unsigned char doit)
else if(doit==1)
void LCD_Clear(void)//clear screen
 unsigned char index;
 for (index=0; index<12; index + + )
 LCDMEM[index] = 0;
/*port function select*/
void Init_TS3A5017DR(void)
 // Configure TS3A5017DR IN1 and IN2
 P1DIR |= BIT6 + BIT7; //P3.4 : IN1 ; P3.5 : IN2 set as output
 P1OUT & amp;= ~BIT7; //IN1 = 0
 P1OUT |= BIT6; //IN2 = 1
*Function: LCD segment backlight enable
*Input parameters: none
*Return value: None
void Backlight_Enable(void)
 P8DIR |= BIT0;
 P8OUT |= BIT0;
int16_t Trans_val(uint16_t number,uint16_t system, uint8_t *output)
 // quotient, remainder and mark
int16_t Quotient, Balance, i = 0, j , k;
 int32_t caltmp;
 uint16_t Curr_Volt;
 caltmp = number;
 caltmp = (caltmp << 5) + number; //caltmp = Hex_Val * 33
 caltmp = (caltmp << 6) + (caltmp << 5) + (caltmp << 1); //caltmp = caltmp * 100
 Curr_Volt = caltmp >> 12; //Curr_Volt = caltmp / 2^n=4096
 Quotient = Curr_Volt;
 Balance = Quotient % system;
 output[i + + ] = Balance;
 } while (Quotient /= system);
 //Convert to char type
 for(j = 0; j < i; j + + )
 if(output[j] > 9)
 output[j] = output[j] + 55;
 else output[j] + = 48;
 // Negate the string
 for(k = 0; k < i / 2; k + + )
 char tmp;
 tmp = output[k];
 output[k] = output[i - k - 1];
 output[i - k - 1] = tmp;
 return i;
int16_t Conversion(uint16_t number,uint16_t system, uint8_t *output)
 // quotient, remainder and mark
int16_t Quotient, Balance, i = 0,j,k;
 Quotient = number;
 Balance = Quotient % system;
 output[i + + ] = Balance;
 } while (Quotient /= system);
 //Convert to char type
 for(j = 0; j < i; j + + )
 if(output[j] > 9)
 output[j] = output[j] + 55;
 else output[j] + = 48;
 // Negate the string
 for(k = 0; k < i / 2; k + + )
 char tmp;
 tmp = output[k];
 output[k] = output[i - k - 1];
 output[i - k - 1] = tmp;
 return i;
void main(void)
WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Stop watchdog timer
Init_TS3A5017DR(); // Configure TS3A5017DR IN1 and IN2
Init_lcd(); // lcd initialization
LcdGo(1); //Open the LCD module
LCD_Clear(); //Clear the screen
P6SEL |= BIT6; // Enable A/D channel
ADC12CTL0 = ADC12ON + ADC12SHT0_15 + ADC12MSC ; // Turn on ADC12, set sampling time
 // set multiple sample conversion
ADC12CTL1 = ADC12SHP + ADC12CONSEQ_2 + ADC12SSEL_1; // Use sampling timer, set
//mode,set clock ACLK
ADC12MCTL0 |= ADC12INCH_6; //change
ADC12IE = ADC12IE0; // Enable ADC12IFG.0
ADC12CTL0 |= ADC12ENC; // Enable conversions
ADC12CTL0 |= ADC12SC; // Start conversion
_EINT(); // Enable all interrupt
_BIS_SR(LPM4_bits + GIE); // Enter LPM4, Enable interrupts
__no_operation(); // For debugger
#pragma vector=ADC12_VECTOR
__interrupt void ADC12ISR (void)
results[index + + ] = ADC12MEM0; // Move results
if(index == NumOfResult)
uint16_t i;
average = 0;
for(i = 0; i < NumOfResult; i + + )
average + = results[i];
results[i] = 0;
average >>= 3; //divide by 8
Conversion(average, 10, con);
Trans_val(average, 10, trans_v);
index = 0;
LCDMEM[5] = char_gen[con[3]-48];
LCDMEM[4] = char_gen[con[2]-48];
LCDMEM[3] = char_gen[con[1]-48];
LCDMEM[2] = char_gen[con[0]-48];
for(i=0;i < NumOfResult;i + + )
con[i] = 0;
trans_v[i] = 0;
