MySQL InnoDB storage engine uses B+ tree for indexing instead of B tree

Table of Contents

MySQL InnoDB storage engine uses B + tree for indexing instead of B tree

Introduction to B-Tree and B+Tree

Why Choose B+Tree

Application scenarios of B + tree


Sample code

MySQL InnoDB storage engine uses B + tree for indexing instead of B tree

MySQL is a commonly used relational database management system (RDBMS), and in MySQL, the storage engine plays an important role. Among them, InnoDB is a common storage engine of MySQL and is widely used in various application scenarios. In the InnoDB storage engine, B + tree is used as the index structure instead of B tree. This article will introduce why the InnoDB storage engine chooses B + tree as the index structure and compare it with B tree.

Introduction to B-Tree and B+Tree

B-tree is a commonly used balanced search tree used to implement indexes in databases. The B-tree ensures that the height of the tree is small through self-balancing, thereby providing fast search and insertion operation performance. However, there are some differences between B-trees and B+ trees. B + tree is also a balanced search tree, but in B + tree, all keywords appear in leaf nodes, and leaf nodes are connected using pointers. This design makes the B+ tree more suitable for range queries because all records can be traversed directly through the leaf nodes.

Why choose B+Tree

In the InnoDB storage engine, the B+ tree is chosen as the index structure for the following reasons:

  1. Higher query efficiency: Compared with B-tree, B+ tree has higher query efficiency in most query operations. Because B+ trees store all keys in leaf nodes and use pointers to connect, range queries and sequential access can be performed faster. The B-tree also stores keywords in leaf nodes, but since there are no connections between leaf nodes, it is difficult to perform efficient range queries.
  2. More suitable for large-scale data storage: In actual applications, data is usually very large. Compared with B-tree, B+ tree can better adapt to the storage of large-scale data. Because only keywords are stored on the leaf nodes of the B + tree and are connected using pointers, this can reduce the storage space overhead and increase the branching factor of the tree. The B-tree needs to store keywords and data on each node, so relatively speaking, it takes up more space.
  3. More suitable for disk IO operations: In the database, disk IO operations are very expensive operations and will seriously affect the performance of the database. Compared with B-tree, B+ tree can better reduce disk IO operations. Because the nodes of the B + tree only store keywords and not data, data can be found with fewer IO operations. The B-tree needs to store keywords and data on each node, and an IO operation is required every time it passes a node.

Application Scenarios of B+Tree

B+ trees are suitable for most practical application scenarios, especially in index structures in database systems, B+ trees are the preferred choice. The following are some common application scenarios of B+ trees:

  1. Database index: such as the index structure used in the MySQL InnoDB storage engine.
  2. File system: In a file system, files and directories can be quickly found using B+ trees.
  3. Routing table: In network routing, B+ trees can be used to efficiently select the best path.
  4. Range queries: B+ trees have advantages in range queries and are suitable for returning a continuous range of records in the query.


In the MySQL InnoDB storage engine, the B + tree is used as the index structure. Compared with the B tree, it has the advantages of higher query efficiency, more suitable for large-scale data storage, and more suitable for disk IO operations. Therefore, B+ trees are widely used in various practical application scenarios. When choosing an index structure, we should choose an appropriate data structure based on specific needs and actual scenarios to obtain better performance and effects.

Sample code

Suppose we have a student information management system and need to implement a range query function based on student names. We can use the B+ tree index of the MySQL InnoDB storage engine to implement this function. First, we create a table named students to store student information:

sqlCopy codeCREATE TABLE students (
  name VARCHAR(100),
  age INT,
  gender VARCHAR(10)

Then, we create a B+ tree index for the name field of the students table:

sqlCopy codeCREATE INDEX idx_name ON students(name);

Now, we can use the following sample code to demonstrate how to use a B+tree index to do a range query of student names:

pythonCopy codeimport mysql.connector
#Create database connection
conn = mysql.connector.connect(
#Create cursor object
cursor = conn.cursor()
# Search for students whose names start with the letter A
sql = "SELECT * FROM students WHERE name LIKE 'A%'"
result = cursor.fetchall()
#Print query results
for row in result:
# Close the cursor and database connection

In the above sample code, we first connect to the MySQL database using the ??mysql.connector?? module. Then, we create a cursor object, execute the SQL query statement through the cursor, and store the query results in the variable??result??. Finally, we iterate over ??result?? and print the query results. In this way, we can use the B + tree index to perform range queries on student names. Different from B-tree, the leaf nodes of B+ tree store all keys and use pointers to connect, which makes range query operations more efficient. Of course, the above is just a simple example, and more business requirements and database optimization techniques need to be considered in actual applications. However, using B + tree indexes can provide better performance and results for range queries, allowing the system to retrieve and process large amounts of data faster.

As a commonly used data structure, B + tree has many advantages when used to implement database indexes, such as efficient range queries, sequential access, and insertion/deletion operations. However, B+ trees also have some disadvantages. Disadvantages of B+tree indexes include:

  1. Index updates are expensive: When a node is inserted or deleted, the parent nodes along the entire path need to be updated, which may result in more disk I/O operations and affect performance.
  2. Unbalancedness: B+ tree index is not completely balanced. Insertion or deletion operations may cause the tree to be unbalanced, making the height of some nodes relatively high, thus affecting query performance.
  3. Index maintenance overhead: When a B+ tree index continues to undergo insertion and deletion operations, it may need to be rebalanced, including operations such as splitting and merging nodes, which will introduce additional write and move operations. , increasing the overhead of index maintenance.
  4. Storage space usage: B + tree index requires additional storage space to save index information, including pointers and metadata in nodes. For large data sets and long index fields, the storage overhead of B+tree indexes can be relatively high. Index structures similar to B + trees include B trees and LSM trees. B-tree is a variant of B+ tree, which is also used to implement database indexes. The difference between the B-tree and the B+ tree is that the leaf nodes of the B-tree contain both the value of the keyword and the corresponding data record, while the leaf nodes of the B+ tree only contain the value of the keyword, and the data record only exists between the leaf nodes. in external disk blocks. Because the leaf nodes of the B-tree contain data records, the B-tree can be used for data query operations, while the B+ tree is more suitable for operations such as range queries and sequential access. LSM tree (Log-Structured Merge Tree) is an index structure used in high-performance writing scenarios. It is commonly used in large-scale distributed storage systems such as HBase and Cassandra. The LSM tree divides data into multiple levels, and each level uses different data structures to store data. The LSM tree improves writing performance by writing logs and background merging operations, but queries require multi-level search and merging operations, which may introduce a certain reading delay. To sum up, the shortcomings of B + tree indexes mainly focus on the high cost of index update, imbalance, index maintenance overhead and storage space occupation. Similar index structures such as B-tree and LSM tree have different characteristics and application scenarios, and it is necessary to select a suitable index structure according to specific business needs.

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