3.2 Linux Vim editor

vi is a powerful full-screen text editing tool that has always been the default document editor for UNIX-like operating systems. vim is an enhanced version of the vi text editor, which extends many practical functions based on the vi editor.

Enter “Vim file name”: if the file exists, Vim will open the file; if the file does not exist, Vim will create the file.

1. Command mode

In this mode, basic cursor movement and a large number of shortcut key operations can be achieved.

a. Turn page

ctrl+f/page down

Turn down one page

ctrl+b/page up

turn one page up


Turn down half a page


Turn up half a page

b. Cursor movement

The simplest way to move the cursor in Vi/Vim is to use the direction keys (up, down, left, right), but this method is inefficient. A more efficient way is to use shortcut keys. All shortcut keys are in command mode. Use directly.

Cursor movement between words:


Move cursor one word to the left


Move the cursor n words to the left


Move cursor one word to the right


Move the cursor n words to the right

Cursor movement in the current line:


Move the cursor to the beginning of the line where the cursor is located


Move the cursor to the end of the line where the cursor is


Move the cursor one position to the left


Move the cursor down one line


Move the cursor up one line


Move the cursor one position to the right


Move the cursor to the next x character in the current line


Move the cursor to the previous x character in the current line

Cursor movement on the current page:


Move the cursor to the first character of the first line of the current page


Move the cursor to the first character of the middle line of the current page


Move the cursor to the first character of the last line of the current page

Cursor movement in the current file:


Move the cursor to the beginning of the last line of the file


Move the cursor to the beginning of the first line of the file


Move the cursor to the beginning of the specified line

c. Shortcut key operation


Copy the line and paste it below the line where the cursor is.

The character is copied and pasted to the right of the character where the cursor is.


Copy the line and paste it above the line where the cursor is.

The character copied is pasted to the left of the character where the cursor is.


Undo the previous action


Cancel all edits made to the current row


Delete the character under the cursor


Delete the character before the cursor


Copy a line


Remove newline characters to merge two lines into one


Delete/cut a line


Delete the content from the cursor to the end of the line


Delete the content from the cursor to the beginning of the line


Delete n characters consecutively backwards


Copy n lines below the line under the cursor


Cut/delete n lines below the line under the cursor

y/d 1G

Copy/cut, delete the content from the line where the cursor is to the first line


Copy/cut, delete the content from the line where the cursor is to the last line

y/d $

Copy/cut, delete the content from the character where the cursor is to the end of the line

y/d 0

Copy/cut, delete the content from the character before the cursor to the beginning of the line

d. Search for matches

/keyword(search down) ?keyword(search up)


Repeat the previous operation (“/” downward, “?” upward) search


Use n as the basis and search in reverse direction by n

2. Insert mode

Basic text editing functions can be implemented in this mode.


Insert before the character currently under the cursor


Insert after the character currently under the cursor


Insert at the beginning of the line currently under the cursor


Insert at the end of the line where the cursor is currently located


Insert a new blank line below the current cursor line and start inserting


Insert a new blank line above the current cursor line and start inserting


Replace the character under the cursor once


Enter continuous replacement mode, press esc to exit

3. Last line mode

In this mode, specific functions can be implemented by entering specific commands, such as saving, exiting, etc.


force quit

:wq|:x|:x!|shift + zz

Save and exit



:w b.txt

Save as b.txt

:e /etc/passwd

Open new file for editing

:r /etc/passwd

Read the contents of other files in the current file to the current cursor

:set number | :set nu

Enter in command line mode

:set ignorecase

Enter in command line mode

Tip: When Vim prompts the error message E32: No file name, it means that you have not set a file name for the file, and you need to follow w with the file name.

Replacement: Enter command mode to complete the replacement function: [Replacement range] sub/old content/new content[/g]

  • Replacement range:
    • The replacement range is optional. By default, only the content of the current line is replaced.
    • % Find and replace in the entire file content
    • n,m searches and replaces the file content within the specified number of lines.
  • /g” will replace all matching content in each line within the replacement range. When “/g” is omitted, only the first matching content in each line will be replaced.
:s/root/admin/ # Replace the first occurrence of root in the current line under the cursor with admin, otherwise do not replace it.
:s/root/admin/g # Replace all root characters in the current line under the cursor with admin
:3,5 s/sbin/bin/g # Replace all sbin between lines 3 to 5 with bin
:% s/nologin/fault/g # Replace nologin with fault in all lines
4. Vi/Vim skills
a. Automatic completion
  • If the input content has appeared before, you can use the “Crtl + N” shortcut key to achieve automatic completion.
b. Execute shell command
  • Execute a shell command without exiting the Vim editor. This can be achieved through “:!{command}”, for example, “:!ls” to view the name of the file in the current directory .
c. Multi-viewport editing
  • Split windows are particularly important when editing multiple documents at the same time. Enter “:split” in command mode. This command splits the window horizontally. For vertical splitting, you can use the “:vsplit” command. Enter the “:close” command to close the current window.
    • :split second.txt: Split the window and open a new file.
    • Ctrl + w + h: Jump to a window on the left
    • Ctrl + w + l: Jump to a window on the right
    • Ctrl + w + j: Jump to the previous window
    • Ctrl + w + k: Jump to the next window