Python+Appium+Pytest+Allure practical APP automated testing!

Pytest is just a separate unit testing framework. To complete app test automation, you need to integrate pytest and appium, and use allure to complete the output of test reports.

The specific steps for writing a conventional linear script are as follows:
1. Design automated test cases for the APP to be tested
2. Create a new app test project
3. Configure the file, etc.
4. Write the overall app test case running file
5. Convert the designed automated test cases into scripts. Notes:
In order to ensure the stability of the script and apply the common functions of pytest, the following examples use the android calculator as an example.

Complete code on Gitee:

Prerequisite: Download third-party library

1. Download appium-python-client

2. Download pytest

3. Download allure-pytest

1. Design automated test cases for the APP to be tested

2. Create a new APP test project

3. Configuration file information

1. First configure the outer file

import pytest

# Configure various connection information of the app
def android_setting():
    des = {
        'automationName': 'appium',
        'platformName': 'Android',
        'platformVersion': '6.0.1', # Fill in the system version number of the android virtual machine/real machine
        'deviceName': 'MuMu', # Fill in the device name of the Android virtual machine/real machine
        'appPackage': '', # Fill in the package name of the app under test
        'appActivity': '.JisuanjizixieActivity', # Fill in the entrance of the app under test
        'udid': '', # Fill in the udid viewed through the command line adb devices
        'noReset': True, # Whether to reset the APP
        'noSign': True, # Whether not to sign
        'unicodeKeyboard': True, # Whether to support Chinese input
        'resetKeyboard': True, # Whether to support resetting the keyboard
        'newCommandTimeout': 30 # Disconnect if no new command is sent for 30 seconds
    return des

2. Configure the file of the use case layer

import time
from appium import webdriver

# Start the calculator app in Android system
def start_app(android_setting):
    global driver
    driver = webdriver.Remote('',android_setting)
    return driver

# Close the calculator app in Android system
def close_app():
    yield driver

3. Configure the pytest.ini file for group settings

4. Write the test execution entry file

import os

#Current path (use the abspath method to execute through the dos window)
current_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
# json report path
json_report_path = os.path.join(current_path,'report/json')
# html report path
html_report_path = os.path.join(current_path,'report/html')

# Execute the use case under pytest and generate a json file
# Convert json file into html report
os.system('allure generate %s -o %s --clean'%(json_report_path,html_report_path))

5. Writing test cases

There are two business sub-modules test_add_sub_module and test_mul_div_module under the testcases layer;

1. The file under the test_add_sub_module module

code show as below:

import allure
from appium.webdriver.webdriver import By

@allure.epic('Android computer project')
@allure.feature('V1.0 version')
class TestAddSub():
    @allure.story('Addition operation')
    @allure.title('[case01] Verify whether the computer can complete the addition function normally')
    # @pytest.mark.add_basic
    def test_cases01(self,start_app,close_app):
        with allure.step('1. Start the computer app in Android system'):
        with allure.step('2, press 9, +, 8, =' in sequence):
            driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//android.widget.Button[@resource-id=""]').click()
            driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//android.widget.Button[@resource-id=""]').click()
            driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//android.widget.Button[@resource-id=""]').click()
            actual_result = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//android.widget.EditText[@resource-id=""]').text
        with allure.step('3. Verify whether the actual result is correct'):
            # Assert actual result == 17.0
            assert actual_result == '17.0'

2. The file under the test_add_sub_module module

code show as below:

import allure
from appium.webdriver.webdriver import By

@allure.epic('Android computer project')
@allure.feature('V1.0 version')
class TestAddSub():
    @allure.story('Subtraction operation')
    @allure.title('[case01] Verify whether the computer can complete the subtraction function normally')
    def test_cases01(self,start_app,close_app):
        with allure.step('1. Start the computer app in Android system'):
        with allure.step('2, press 6, -, 2, =' in sequence):
            driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//android.widget.Button[@resource-id=""]').click()
            driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//android.widget.Button[@resource-id=""]').click()
            driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//android.widget.Button[@resource-id=""]').click()
            actual_result = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//android.widget.EditText[@resource-id=""]').text
        with allure.step('3. Verify whether the actual result is correct'):
            # Assert actual result == 4.0
            assert actual_result == '4.0'

3. file under test_mul_div_module module

code show as below:

import allure
from appium.webdriver.webdriver import By

@allure.epic('Android computer project')
@allure.feature('V1.0 version')
class TestAddSub():
    @allure.title('[case01] Verify whether the computer can complete the multiplication function normally')
    def test_cases01(self,start_app,close_app):
        with allure.step('1. Start the computer app in Android system'):
        with allure.step('2, press 3, *, 4, =' in sequence):
            driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//android.widget.Button[@resource-id=""]').click()
            driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//android.widget.Button[@resource-id=""]').click()
            driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//android.widget.Button[@resource-id=""]').click()
            actual_result = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//android.widget.EditText[@resource-id=""]').text
        with allure.step('3. Verify whether the actual result is correct'):
            # Assert actual result == 12.0
            assert actual_result == '12.0'

4. file under test_mul_div_module module

code show as below:

import allure
from appium.webdriver.webdriver import By

@allure.epic('Android computer project')
@allure.feature('V1.0 version')
class TestAddSub():
    @allure.story('Division operation')
    @allure.title('[case01] Verify whether the computer can complete the division function normally')
    def test_cases01(self,start_app,close_app):
        with allure.step('1. Start the computer app in Android system'):
        with allure.step('2, press 8, *, 4, =' in sequence):
            driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//android.widget.Button[@resource-id=""]').click()
            driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//android.widget.Button[@resource-id=""]').click()
            driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//android.widget.Button[@resource-id=""]').click()
            actual_result = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//android.widget.EditText[@resource-id=""]').text
        with allure.step('3. Verify whether the actual result is correct'):
            # Assert actual result == 2.0
            assert actual_result == '2.0'

6. Generate test report from running results

Finally, I would like to thank everyone who read my article carefully. Reciprocity is always necessary. Although it is not a very valuable thing, if you can use it, you can just take it away:

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