Network connection between k8s pods

k8s cluster: linode k8s cluster, one master and two slaves.

The test takes busybox using wget to access nginxindex as an example.

Kubectl connects k8s cluster

Import configuration file information into local kubectl

export KUBECONFIG=/path/to/your/kubeconfig.yaml

Test 1. Access between pods in the same namespace

Create busybox in the default namespace

kubectl run -it –image busybox:1.28.4 dns-test /bin/sh

# Enter next time

kubectl exec -it dns-test /bin/sh

# View pod

kubectl getpod

Create nginx-deploy and edit nginx-deploy.yaml

apiVersion: apps/v1 # deployment api version

kind: Deployment #The resource type is deployment

metadata: # Meta information

  labels: # label

    app: nginx-deploy # Specific key: value configuration form

  name: nginx-deploy # deployment name

  namespace: default # The namespace where it is located


  replicas: 1 # Expected number of replicas

  revisionHistoryLimit: 10 # The number of historical versions retained after rolling updates

  selector: # Selector, used to find matching RS

    matchLabels: # Match according to labels

      app: nginx-deploy # Matching tag key/value

  strategy: # Update strategy

    rollingUpdate: # Rolling update configuration

      maxSurge: 25% # When performing a rolling update, the number of updates can exceed the number/proportion of the expected number of copies at most.

      maxUnavailable: 25% # When performing a rolling update, the maximum unavailable update ratio indicates the maximum number of unavailable updates among all replicas.

    type: RollingUpdate #Update type, using rolling update

  template: # pod template

    metadata: # pod meta information

      labels: # pod labels

        app: nginx-deploy

    spec: # pod expected information

      containers: # container of pod

      - image: nginx:1.9.1 # Mirror

        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent # Pull policy

        name: nginx # Container name

      restartPolicy: Always # Restart policy

      terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30 # Maximum grace time for deletion operation

#Create deploy

kubectl create -f nginx-deploy.yaml

# View pod details

Kubectl get pod -o wide

# Enter busybox

kubectl exec -it dns-test /bin/sh

Since there is no curl command, for convenience, use wget to directly access nginx.

At this time, the index.Html file can be directly downloaded through the pod IP, but the pod life cycle is very short, and it will be very troublesome to change it after the IP is programmed.

Create service

apiVersion: v1

Kind: Service


  name: nginx-svc


    app: nginx-svc



  - name: http # Service port configuration name

    protocol: TCP # Port binding protocol, supports TCP, UDP, SCTP, default is TCP

    port: 80 # service own port

    targetPort: 80 # The port of the target pod

  - name: https

    port: 443


    targetPort: 443

  selector: # Select which pods the current service matches and proxy the east-west traffic of which pods

    app: nginx-deploy

In the above deploy configuration file, you can see that the label of the pod template in the deploy is app=nginx-deploy. At this time, configuring selector app=nginx-deploy in the service configuration file can match the pod under this deploy.

Create a service, view svc (abbreviation for service), and view ep (abbreviation for endpoint).

At this time, you can directly use the svc name in busybox to access the pod service.

Test 2. Access between pods in different namespaces

The above is the access between pods in the same NS. To access the pods between different NSs, just add NS after the service name.

To create a deploy with NS as nginx, just modify the namespace to nginx. For comparison, add the -ng flag to some name information. Deploy or pod in other namespaces in front of the window need to create post-NS in advance.

#Create an NS named nginx

kubectl create ns nginx

deploy configuration file under nginx namespace

apiVersion: apps/v1 # deployment api version

kind: Deployment #The resource type is deployment

metadata: # Meta information

  labels: # label

    app: nginx-deploy-ns # Specific key: value configuration form

  name: nginx-deploy-ns # deployment name

  namespace: the namespace where nginx# is located


  replicas: 1 # Expected number of replicas

  revisionHistoryLimit: 10 # The number of historical versions retained after rolling updates

  selector: # Selector, used to find matching RS

    matchLabels: # Match according to labels

      app: nginx-deploy -ng# matching tag key/value

  strategy: # Update strategy

    rollingUpdate: # Rolling update configuration

      maxSurge: 25% # When performing a rolling update, the number of updates can exceed the number/proportion of the expected number of copies at most.

      maxUnavailable: 25% # When performing a rolling update, the maximum unavailable update ratio indicates the maximum number of unavailable updates among all replicas.

    type: RollingUpdate #Update type, using rolling update

  template: # pod template

    metadata: # pod meta information

      labels: # pod labels

        app: nginx-deploy-ng

    spec: # pod expected information

      containers: # container of pod

      - image: nginx:1.9.1 # Mirror

        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent # Pull policy

        name: nginx # Container name

      restartPolicy: Always # Restart policy

      terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30 # Maximum grace time for deletion operation

At this time, kubectl get pod does not see the newly created pod, because kubectl uses the default namespace by default.

Just add -n NS after the command.

Create an svc within the nginx namespace.

apiVersion: v1

Kind: Service


  name: nginx-svc

  namespace: nginx


    app: nginx-svc



  - name: http # Service port configuration name

    protocol: TCP # Port binding protocol, supports TCP, UDP, SCTP, default is TCP

    port: 80 # service own port

    targetPort: 80 # The port of the target pod

  - name: https

    port: 443


    targetPort: 443

  selector: # Select which pods the current service matches and proxy the east-west traffic of which pods

    app: nginx-deploy-ns

Later, I used wget in busybox to request the index page of nginx. I found that using the svc name directly did not work. Adding “.nginx” after the name can request it normally. At this time, the east-west traffic of the same namespace and different namespaces under the same node has been opened.