Intersection and complement operation of intervals: self-realization and interval source code


Distributed according to a leetcode topic, I want to realize the intersection and complement operation of the interval by myself, and then look at the source code of the related library (interval) to compare and learn


Regardless of opening/closing/list display version

By default, all intervals are closed intervals on both sides


def intersection(lis_one: list, lis_two: list):
    # if not isinstance(lis_one, list) or not isinstance(lis_two, list):
    # print("param_one and param_two should be list")
    # return
    # elif len(lis_one) != 2 or len(lis_two) != 2:
    # print("the length of param_one and param_two should be 2")
    # return

    left = max(lis_one[0], lis_two[0])
    right = min(lis_one[1], lis_two[1])
    if left <= right:
        return [left, right]
        return "empty"

print(intersection([1, 3], [2, 4])) # [2,3]
print(intersection([1, 4], [2, 3])) # [2,3]
print(intersection([1, 2], [3, 4])) # empty

Select the maximum value of the left value of two intervals and the minimum value of the right value. If there is an intersection, the intersection can be obtained directly; in the case of no intersection, the maximum value of the left value belongs to a larger interval, and the right value The minimum value of belongs to a small interval, then there will be left > right, which is used as the judgment standard


def union(list_one, list_two):
    left = min(list_one[0], list_two[0])
    right = max(list_one[1], list_two[1])

    other_left = max(list_one[0], list_two[0])
    other_right = min(list_one[1], list_two[1])

    if other_left > other_right:
        return [left, other_right], [other_left, right]
        return [left, right]

print(union([1, 2], [3, 4])) # ([1, 2], [3, 4])
print(union([1, 4], [2, 3])) # [1, 4]
print(union([1, 3], [2, 4])) # [1, 4]


def ComplementarySet(larger_list, smaller_list):
    # Verify that the second parameter is a subset of the first parameter
    if intersection(larger_list, smaller_list) != smaller_list:
        return '%s is not a subset of %s' % (repr(larger_list), repr(smaller_list))
    fisrt_left = larger_list[0]
    fisrt_right = smaller_list[0]
    second_left = smaller_list[1]
    second_right = larger_list[1]
    first = [fisrt_left, fisrt_right]
    second = [second_left, second_right]

    if fisrt_left == fisrt_right:
        first = None

    if second_left == second_right:
        second = None

    if first and second:
        return first, second
    elif first:
        return first
    elif second:
        return second
        return 'empty'

Implementation of interval library

The intersection of intervals is implemented by overloading the & amp; operator with __and__()

First judge whether the two objects to be intersected are the same, and if they are the same, return one directly

def __and__(self, other):
    if self == other:
        result = Interval()
        result.lower_bound = self.lower_bound
        result.upper_bound = self.upper_bound
        result.lower_closed = self.lower_closed
        result.upper_closed = self.upper_closed

Then use the built-in comes_before() function to determine the relative position, and then use the built-in overlaps() function to determine whether it overlaps. After clarifying the relative position and whether it overlaps, you can directly obtain the left and right boundaries of the intersection. The source code is as follows

 # Use comes_before() to make self always the left interval
    elif self. comes_before(other):
            # Usually consider overlapping
            if self. overlaps(other):
                # determine intersection left boundary
                if self.lower_bound == other.lower_bound:
                    lower = self. lower_bound
                    lower_closed = min(self.lower_closed, other.lower_closed)
                elif self.lower_bound > other.lower_bound:
                    lower = self. lower_bound
                    lower_closed = self.lower_closed
                    lower = other.lower_bound
                    lower_closed = other.lower_closed
                # determine intersection right boundary
                if self.upper_bound == other.upper_bound:
                    upper = self. upper_bound
                    upper_closed = min(self. upper_closed, other. upper_closed)
                elif self.upper_bound < other.upper_bound:
                    upper = self. upper_bound
                    upper_closed = self. upper_closed
                    upper = other. upper_bound
                    upper_closed = other. upper_closed
                result = Interval(
                    lower, upper,
                    lower_closed=lower_closed, upper_closed=upper_closed)
            # If there is no overlap, return an empty set directly
                result = Interval. none()
            result = other & self
        return result

If a similar idea is implemented in the form above, it is as follows:

def innersection(list_one, list_two):
    # Determine the relative position to the left
    left_list = []
    right_list = []
    left = 0
    if list_one[0] < list_two[0]:
        left_list = list_one
        right_list = list_two
    elif list_one[0] > list_two[0]:
        left_list = list_two
        right_list = list_one
        return [list_one[0], min(list_one[1], list_two[1])]
    # judge overlap
    if left_list[1] < right_list[0]:
        return "empty"
    # In case of overlap
        left = right_list[0]
        right = min(left_list[1], right_list[1])

    return [left, right]

print(innersection([1, 4], [2, 3])) # [2, 3]
print(innersection([1, 2], [3, 4])) # empty
print(innersection([1, 3], [2, 4])) # [2, 3]


Leetcode original question

252. Meeting Room – LeetCode

Given an array intervals of a meeting schedule, each meeting time will include the start and end time intervals[i] = [starti, endi] , please judge whether a person can participate in all the meetings in it.

Example 1:

Input: intervals = [[0,30],[5,10],[15,20]]
output: false
Example 2:

Input: intervals = [[7,10],[2,4]]
Output: true


0 <= intervals. length <= 104
intervals[i].length == 2
0 <= starti < endi <= 106