SpringDataRedis uses

  • 1. Features of Spring Data Redis
  • 2. Steps using SpringDataRedis
  • 3. Customize RedisTemplate serialization
  • 4. SpringDataRedis operation object

1. Features of SpringDataRedis

  • Provides integration with different Redis clients (Lettuce and Jedis)
  • Provides RedisTemplate unified API to operate Redis
  • Support Redis publish-subscribe model
  • Support for Redis Sentinel and Redis Cluster
  • Support for Lettuce-based reactive programming
  • Supports data serialization and deserialization based on JDK, JSON, strings, and Spring objects
  • Support for Redis-based JDKCollection implementation

The RedisTemplate tool class is provided in SpringDataRedis, which encapsulates various operations on Redis. And the operation API of different data types is encapsulated into different types:

API Return value type Description
redisTemplate.opsForvalue() valueOperations Operate String type data
redisTemplate.opsForHash() HashOperations Operate Hash type data
redisTemplate.opsForList() ListOperations Operate List Type data
redisTemplate.opsForSet() SetOperations Operation Set type data
redisTemplate.opsForZSet() ZSetOperations Operate SortedSet type data

2. Steps to use SpringDataRedis

1. Create a project

Pay attention to the version 2 here

2. Introduce dependencies


3. Configure Redis

    port: 6379
    password: 123456
        max-active: 8
        max-idle: 8
        min-idle: 0
        max-wait: 100ms

4. Inject RedisTemplate and write test cases

    private RedisTemplate redisTemplate;

    void testString() {<!-- -->
        //Write a string data
        redisTemplate.opsForValue().set("name","Li Si");
        //Get string data
        Object name = redisTemplate.opsForValue().get("name");
        System.out.println("name = " + name);

But we found that there is no storage in redis

Take a look with the visualizer:

This is a serialization problem. RedisTemplate can receive any Object as a value and write it to Redis, but it will serialize the Object into bytes before writing. The default is to use JDK serialization.

3. Customize RedisTemplate serialization

Introduce Jackson dependency first:

public class RedisConfig {<!-- -->

    RedisConnectionFactory connectionFactory;

    public RedisTemplate<String, Object> redisTemplate(){<!-- -->
        // create RedisTemplate object
        RedisTemplate<String, Object> template = new RedisTemplate<>();
        // set up the connection factory
        // create JSON serializer
        GenericJackson2JsonRedisSerializer jsonRedisSerializer =
                new GenericJackson2JsonRedisSerializer();
        // Set the serialization of Key
        // Set the serialization of Value
        // return
        return template;

This can be read:

But the value is still garbled on the server:

We start the server command and add --raw to the end.

redisTemplate can operate on different data types, and the api is the same as our instructions.
opsForValue: operation string -> String
opsForList: Operation List -> List
opsForSet: Operation Set -> Set
opsForHash: Operation Hash
opsForZSet: Operation ZSet
opsForGeo: Operation Geospatial
opsForHyperLogLog: operate HyperLogLog
In addition to basic operations, our commonly used methods can be directly operated through redisTemplate, such as transactions, and basic CRUD.

4. SpringDataRedis operation object

If you do not use the no-argument construction method here, you will report an error. Note:

Here JSON serialization is used instead of the default JDK serialization:

The overall readability has been greatly improved, and Java objects can be automatically serialized into JSON strings, and JSON can be automatically deserialized into Java objects when querying. However, it records the corresponding class name during serialization, in order to realize automatic deserialization when querying. This introduces additional memory overhead.

Therefore, in order to save memory space, we can use the String serializer uniformly instead of using the JSON serializer to process the value, requiring only the key and value of the String type to be stored. When Java objects need to be stored, the serialization and deserialization of the objects is done manually.

In this way, the serialization and deserialization when we store and read are implemented by ourselves, and SpringDataRedis will not write class information into Redis.

This kind of usage is more common, so SpringDataRedis provides a subclass of RedisTemplate: StringRedisTemplate, the serialization method of its key and value is String by default.

    private StringRedisTemplate stringRedisTemplate;
    // JSON serializer
    private static final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();

    void testSaveUser2() throws JsonProcessingException {<!-- -->
        // create object
        User user = new User("Zhang San", 22);
        // manual serialization
        String JSON = mapper. writeValueAsString(user);
        // data input
        stringRedisTemplate.opsForValue().set("user", JSON);

        // retrieve data
        String jsonUser = stringRedisTemplate.opsForValue().get("user");
        // manual deserialization
        User user1 = mapper. readValue(jsonUser, User. class);
        System.out.println("user1 = " + user1);