Solving AttributeError: module tensorflow has no attribute reset_default_graph

Table of Contents

Solving AttributeError: module tensorflow has no attribute reset_default_graph

wrong reason


Step 1: Check TensorFlow version

Step 2: Replace obsolete methods or properties

Step 3: Update code

Step 4: Manually reset the default map (if applicable)

in conclusion

Solve AttributeError: module tensorflow has no attribute reset_default_graph

When using TensorFlow for deep learning tasks, you sometimes encounter error messages similar to “AttributeError: module ‘tensorflow’ has no attribute ‘reset_default_graph'”. This error is usually caused by code trying to call a TensorFlow method or property that has been removed. This article explains how to resolve this error.

Error reason

TensorFlow is a fast machine learning library that is constantly being updated and iterated upon. Sometimes, new versions of TensorFlow remove obsolete methods or properties and introduce new alternatives. “AttributeError” errors occur when we use older versions of code or use methods that are incompatible with the TensorFlow version we installed. In this particular error, the error message says “module ‘tensorflow’ has no attribute ‘reset_default_graph'”, meaning we are trying to call a method “reset_default_graph” that no longer exists.


To resolve this error we need to take the following steps depending on the situation:

Step 1: Check TensorFlow version

First, check the currently installed TensorFlow version. You can use the following code to check:

pythonCopy codeimport tensorflow as tf

Make sure your version of TensorFlow is newer, or at least compatible with the version of the code you’re using. If the version is too low, it is recommended to upgrade to the latest version.

Step 2: Replace obsolete methods or properties

Check whether the “reset_default_graph” method is called in your code. In newer TensorFlow versions, this method has been removed. If you have similar calls in your code, you’ll need to find alternatives. In the latest version (TensorFlow 2.x), there is no reset_default_graph() method, because TensorFlow now uses eager execution (immediate execution mode) by default, and there is no need to manually reset the default graph. If you have a similar call in your code, consider removing it or adapting it to an alternative that is compatible with the new version.

Step 3: Update code

Depending on the TensorFlow version, update your code to adapt to the latest API. Check out the official TensorFlow documentation or related tutorials for information on changes and updates introduced in new versions. This way, you can update your code and resolve the error.

Step 4: Manually reset the default map (if applicable)

In some cases, you may need to manually reset the default plot. In older versions of TensorFlow, the default graph can be reset to its initial state using the following code:

pythonCopy codeimport tensorflow as tf

Please note, however, that this method has been removed in newer versions of TensorFlow, so only use it where applicable.


“AttributeError: module ‘tensorflow’ has no attribute ‘reset_default_graph'” errors usually arise from trying to call methods or attributes that have been removed in TensorFlow. You can resolve this error by querying the current TensorFlow version and updating your code. Remember, TensorFlow has an ever-evolving technology ecosystem, and it’s important to check the official documentation and community tutorials to stay up to date on the latest changes and updates.

Here’s an example of running into this error using code from an older version of TensorFlow:

pythonCopy codeimport tensorflow as tf
# Define a simple neural network model
def my_model():
    # Define model structure, parameters, etc.
    #Reset default image
    # Build model
    #Train model
# Call model

In this example, we define a simple neural network model and try to reset the default graph by calling tf.reset_default_graph() at the beginning of the model. However, since this method has been removed in newer TensorFlow versions, the error “AttributeError: module ‘tensorflow’ has no attribute ‘reset_default_graph'” will appear. Here’s a modified example that works with new versions of TensorFlow:

pythonCopy codeimport tensorflow as tf
# Define a simple neural network model
def my_model():
    # Define model structure, parameters, etc.
    # Build model
    #Train model
# Call model

In this example, we removed the tf.reset_default_graph() call from the old version of the code. In newer versions of TensorFlow, resetting the default graph is no longer necessary, so we can delete this part of the code directly. In this way, you can avoid the error “AttributeError: module ‘tensorflow’ has no attribute ‘reset_default_graph'”. In actual application scenarios, select the code suitable for the current TensorFlow version according to the specific situation. You can learn more about code updates by consulting the latest TensorFlow documentation and related tutorials.

??tf.reset_default_graph()?? is a method in TensorFlow used to reset the default calculation graph. The default calculation graph is a globally unique calculation graph in TensorFlow, which stores all operations and tensors we define. By resetting the default computation graph, we can clear the previously defined computation graph and rebuild a new computation graph. In older versions of TensorFlow, it is common to use tf.reset_default_graph() to reset the default graph. Resetting the default calculation graph is useful when we need to run the model repeatedly or define different models multiple times in the same code file. When calling a model repeatedly, if the default computation graph is not reset, previously defined operations and tensors will continue to exist in the default computation graph, leading to naming conflicts or confusing results. However, in newer TensorFlow versions (TensorFlow 2.x), resetting the default computational graph is no longer necessary. TensorFlow 2.x uses eager execution (immediate execution mode) by default, and there is no need to manually reset the default calculation graph. In eager execution mode, each operation is executed immediately and no longer relies on the calculation graph. Therefore, the tf.reset_default_graph() method has been removed in TensorFlow 2.x. In actual use, we need to decide whether to use ??tf.reset_default_graph()?? according to the TensorFlow version, or refer to TensorFlow’s official documentation and related tutorials to understand the correct usage. If you are using TensorFlow 2.x version and the “AttributeError: module ‘tensorflow’ has no attribute ‘reset_default_graph'” error appears in your code, it is most likely because you are trying to call a method that has been deleted. . At this point, you can consider removing or adjusting the code to adapt to the new version of TensorFlow.

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