vc++ calls winapi to adjust screen brightness

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Author: mohist

—- The errors in the article have been corrected. Time: 10/10/2020———

I encapsulated a class myself for easy use in the future.

I completed the test on win7 and found that it works. The blog post was written on a Mac. There may be errors in the code. Please forgive me and I will put pictures.

1. Include header files

#include <physicalmonitorenumerationapi.h>
#include <highlevelmonitorconfigurationapi.h>

2. Include system lib library files

#pragma comment(lib, "Dxva2.lib")

3. .h

#pragma once

#include <physicalmonitorenumerationapi.h>
#include <highlevelmonitorconfigurationapi.h>

class pm_monitor_brightness
    virtual ~pm_monitor_brightness();

    @brief: Increase brightness
    @param: const unsigned int offset - step size, the maximum is 100, if it exceeds 100, the brightness is set to the maximum
    @return: int
            0 - Success
            1 - Failed, setup failed
    int increase(const unsigned int offset = 10);

    @brief: Reduce brightness
    @param: const unsigned int offset - step size, maximum is 100, if it exceeds 100, set the brightness to low
    @return: int
            0 - Success
            1 - Failed, setup failed
    int decrease(const unsigned int offset = 10);


    //Set screen brightness
    void set_monitor_brightness(const unsigned int bright);

    void init();

        max_offset_100 = 100,


    struct pm_brightness_val
        //Current brightness value
        int _cur;
        //Display maximum brightness
        int _max;
        //Minimum value of display brightness
        int _min;

        void zero()
            memset(this, 0, sizeof(pm_brightness_val));


    BOOL _is_init_success;
    HANDLE _handle_cur_monitor;

    DWORD _physical_monitor_number;

    LPPHYSICAL_MONITOR _physical_monitor;
    pm_brightness_val _brightness_val;


4. .cpp

#include "pm_monitor_brightness.h"

    : _is_init_success(FALSE)
    , _handle_cur_monitor(NULL)
    , _monitor(NULL)
    , _physical_monitor_number(0)
    , _physical_monitor(NULL)

    if (NULL != _physical_monitor)
        DestroyPhysicalMonitors(_physical_monitor_number, _physical_monitor);

    if (NULL != _physical_monitor)
        _physical_monitor = NULL;

int pm_monitor_brightness::increase(const unsigned int offset/*=10*/)
    pm_brightness_val & amp;param = _brightness_val;

    // No initialization successful
    if (!_is_init_success)
        return 1;

    // The maximum value has been reached
    if (param._cur == param._max)
        return 0;
    param._cur = (max_offset_100 == offset) ? param._max : (param._cur + offset);
    if (param._cur > param._max)
        param._cur = param._max;


    return 0;

int pm_monitor_brightness::decrease(const unsigned int offset/* = 10 */)
    pm_brightness_val & amp;param = _brightness_val;

    // No initialization successful
    if (!_is_init_success)
        return 1;

    // The maximum value has been reached
    if (param._cur == param._min)
        return 0;
    param._cur = (max_offset_100 == offset) ? param._max : (param._cur - offset);
    if (param._cur < param._min)
        param._cur = param._min;


    return 0;

//Set screen brightness
void pm_monitor_brightness::set_monitor_brightness(const unsigned int bright)
    if (_is_init_success)
        SetMonitorBrightness(_handle_cur_monitor, bright);

void pm_monitor_brightness::init()
    _monitor = MonitorFromWindow(NULL, MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY);

    _is_init_success = GetNumberOfPhysicalMonitorsFromHMONITOR(_monitor, &_physical_monitor_number);

    if (_is_init_success)
        _physical_monitor = (LPPHYSICAL_MONITOR)malloc(_physical_monitor_number * sizeof(LPPHYSICAL_MONITOR));
        if (NULL != _physical_monitor)
            _is_init_success = GetPhysicalMonitorsFromHMONITOR(_monitor, _physical_monitor_number, _physical_monitor);
            if (_is_init_success)
                DWORD max_val = 0;
                DWORD cur_val = 0;
                DWORD min_val = 0;

                HANDLE ppp = _physical_monitor[0].hPhysicalMonitor;
                _is_init_success = GetMonitorBrightness(ppp, & amp;min_val, & amp;cur_val, & amp;max_val);

                _brightness_val._cur = cur_val;
                _brightness_val._max = max_val;
                _brightness_val._min = min_val;

                _handle_cur_monitor = ppp;

————— End————–

Attached code picture: