Detailed steps for virtual machine creation and connection


Article directory

    • What is a virtual machine?
    • Step 1: Choose virtualization software
      • 1.1 VirtualBox
      • 1.2 VMware Workstation
      • 1.3 VMware Player
      • 1.4 Hyper-V
    • Step 2: Create a virtual machine
      • 2.1 Open the virtualization software
      • 2.2 Create a new virtual machine
      • 2.3 Configure the virtual machine
      • 2.4 Install operating system
      • 2.5 Start the virtual machine
    • Step 3: Connect to the virtual machine
      • 3.1 Graphical User Interface (GUI)
      • 3.2 Remote Desktop Connection
      • 3.3 SSH or remote login
    • Step 4: Operate the virtual machine
    • Step 5: Shut down and manage the virtual machine
    • Step 6: Export and share the virtual machine
    • Step 7: Security and Backup

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Virtual machine technology has become a key technology in modern computing, allowing multiple independent operating systems to run on a single physical computer. Creating and connecting virtual machines is important for developing, testing, and deploying applications. In this article, we’ll dive into the detailed steps of creating and connecting a virtual machine, including commonly used virtualization software like VirtualBox and VMware. Additionally, we will provide some sample code to help you better understand and implement these steps.

What is a virtual machine?

Virtual machine is a virtualization technology that allows the creation of multiple virtual computing environments on a physical computer. These virtual machines can run independent operating systems and are isolated from the physical computer. Virtual machine technology helps achieve resource isolation, application isolation and rapid deployment.

Step 1: Select virtualization software

First, you need to choose virtualization software that suits your needs. Here are some common virtualization software:

1.1 VirtualBox

VirtualBox is a free, open source virtualization software available for multiple operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and macOS. You can download and install VirtualBox from its official website.

1.2 VMware Workstation

VMware Workstation is feature-rich virtualization software for Windows and Linux. It offers many advanced features but requires purchasing a license.

1.3 VMware Player

VMware Player is a free version of VMware Workstation for individual users. You can download and install VMware Player from its official website.

1.4 Hyper-V

Hyper-V is a virtualization technology provided by Microsoft for Windows. It is usually available as part of Windows 10 Pro and Windows Server.

When choosing virtualization software, you should consider your operating system, hardware requirements, and need for advanced features.

Step 2: Create a virtual machine

Creating a virtual machine is the first step in the virtualization process. Different virtualization software provides different interfaces and steps, but generally, you need to do the following:

2.1 Open virtualization software

First, open the virtualization software of your choice. In this example, we will use VirtualBox as the virtualization software.

2.2 Create a new virtual machine

Click the New or Create Virtual Machine button to start the wizard to create a new virtual machine.

2.3 Configuring virtual machines

In the wizard, you need to configure various parameters of the virtual machine, including:

  • Virtual machine name: Choose a descriptive name for the virtual machine.
  • Operating system type: Select the type of operating system to install in the virtual machine, such as Windows, Linux, or other.
  • Operating system version: Select the specific version of the operating system.
  • Memory (RAM): The amount of memory allocated to the virtual machine.
  • Virtual Hard Disk: Create a virtual hard disk to store the virtual machine’s files and data.

2.4 Install operating system

After completing the virtual machine configuration, you need to install the operating system. This can be done by loading the operating system’s installation disc or ISO file. Depending on the virtualization software, the steps for installing the operating system may vary.

2.5 Start the virtual machine

Once the operating system installation is complete, you can start the virtual machine. Virtualization software will simulate a computer so you can

How to operate virtual machine.

Step 3: Connect to the virtual machine

Connecting to a virtual machine is a critical step where you can operate the virtual machine. Methods for connecting to virtual machines vary depending on the virtualization software, but here are some common methods:

3.1 Graphical User Interface (GUI)

Virtualization software typically provides a graphical user interface in which you can view and operate virtual machines. In VirtualBox, you can double-click a virtual machine to open its graphical user interface.

3.2 Remote Desktop Connection

Some virtualization software allows you to connect to a virtual machine through Remote Desktop Protocol. This allows you to view the virtual machine’s desktop on the remote computer. For example, Windows virtual machines can use Windows Remote Desktop Connection.
Once the virtual machine is connected, here are some possible instructions and code examples for configuring and managing the virtual machine. Note that the specific instructions and code depend on the virtual machine’s operating system and requirements.

  1. Operating system settings:

    • View and change the system time and time zone:

      timedatectl set-timezone [timezone]
    • Change system language and regional settings:

      localectl set-locale [locale]
  2. Network configuration:

    • View network settings:

      ip addr show
    • Configure a static IP address (Linux):

      sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces
      #Add the following lines
      iface eth0 inet static
      address [IP address]
      netmask [subnet mask]
      gateway [gateway]
  3. Updates and software installation:

    • Update package list (Debian/Ubuntu):

      sudo apt update
    • Install new software (Debian/Ubuntu):

      sudo apt install [package]
  4. Security settings:

    • Disable root login (Linux):

      sudo passwd -l root
    • Configure SSH key authentication (Linux):

      ssh-copy-id [username]@[virtual machine IP address]
  5. User and permission management:

    • Create new user (Linux):

      sudo useradd -m [username]
    • Change user password (Linux):

      sudo passwd [username]
  6. Firewall and port management:

    • Configure firewall rules (Linux):

      sudo ufw enable
      sudo ufw allow [port/service]
  7. Share files and folders:

    • File transfer using SCP (Linux to local):

      scp [local file] [username]@[virtual machine IP address]:[target directory]
  8. Backup and recovery:

    • Create a backup (Linux, using tar):

      tar -czvf backup.tar.gz [directory to be backed up]
  9. Monitoring and performance tuning:

    • Check system resource usage:

    • Adjust virtual machine resource allocation:

      VBoxManage modifyvm [virtual machine name] --memory [memory size]

These instructions and code examples are for reference only and may vary depending on the virtual machine’s operating system and specific needs. Before making any changes, make sure you understand their impact and customize them as needed.

3.3 SSH or remote login

For Linux virtual machines, you can use SSH (Secure Shell) or other remote login tools to connect to the virtual machine through the command line. You will need the virtual machine’s IP address and credentials to connect.

Here is an example of SSH connecting to a Linux virtual machine:

ssh username@virtual machine IP address

Step 4: Operating the virtual machine

Once connected to the virtual machine, you can operate the virtual machine just like a physical computer. You can install applications, configure the operating system, manage files, and more.

Step 5: Shut down and manage the virtual machine

When shutting down a virtual machine, make sure you follow proper shutdown procedures. Do not force shut down the virtual machine as this may cause data corruption.

Step 6: Export and share the virtual machine

If you need to run the virtual machine on a different computer, you can export the virtual machine as a virtual hard disk file (usually in OVA or OVF format). You can then import the virtual machine and run it on other computers.

Here are an example steps to export a virtual machine:

  1. Select the virtual machine in the virtualization software.
  2. Click File > Export Application or a similar option.
  3. Select the export format and location.
  4. Export is complete.

Step 7: Security and Backup

Virtual machines also require security and backup. Make sure you regularly back up your virtual machines’ data and protect them from malware and security vulnerabilities.

Virtual machine technology provides users with a convenient way to create and manage multiple operating systems on one physical computer. Whether you are using a virtual machine in a development, test, or production environment, it is important to understand the steps to create and connect a virtual machine. I hope this article helps you understand virtual machine technology and how to create, connect, and manage virtual machines. If you want to explore virtual machine technology further, you can check out the documentation and tutorials for more information.

Postscript ?The wonderful day ends here, keep working hard next time! For further information, please read the breakdown in the next chapter. Writing is not easy. Thank you for your support! !