Java Reflective Entity Assembly SQL

Entity properties were previously defined in LIS.Core, and table properties, attribute properties, foreign key properties, etc. were added to the entity class in LIS.Model. In order for ORM to implement add, delete, modify, and query parent table information with foreign keys, it needs to parse the Model’s characteristics and entity information to assemble SQL for the database driver to implement the add, delete, modify, and query function.

To implement the tool class for obtaining SQL from entities, first implement an example to obtain query SQL

package LIS.DAL.ORM.Common;
import LIS.Core.CustomAttributes.*;
import LIS.Core.Dto.*;
import LIS.Core.Dto.ParamDto;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.List;
import LIS.DAL.ORM.Common.TableInfo;
import LIS.DAL.ORM.DBUtility.IDbFactory;

import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.*;
import LIS.DAL.ORM.Common.ColumnInfo;
import LIS.DAL.ORM.Common.TableInfo;
import LIS.Core.Util.ReflectUtil;
import LIS.Core.CustomAttributes.TableAttribute;

//Get the SQL tool class through the entity type
public class ModelToSqlUtil {<!-- -->
    //Get table information through entity object
    public static TableInfo GetTypeInfo(Object model) {<!-- -->
        if (model == null) {<!-- -->
            return null;
        try {<!-- -->
            //returned object
            TableInfo tableInfo = new TableInfo();
            Class c = model.getClass();
            //Get table properties
            Annotation[] annoList = c.getAnnotations();
            if (annoList != null & amp; & amp; annoList.length > 0) {<!-- -->
                for (int i = 0; i < annoList.length; i + + ) {<!-- -->
                    //table properties
                    if (annoList[i] instanceof TableAttribute) {<!-- -->
                        tableInfo.TableInfo = (TableAttribute) annoList[i];
                    // unique feature
                    else {<!-- -->
                        tableInfo.UniqueList.add((UniqueAttribute) annoList[i]);
            //Get column information
            Field[] declaredFields = c.getDeclaredFields();
            for (int i = 0; i < declaredFields.length; i + + ) {<!-- -->
                LIS.DAL.ORM.Common.ColumnInfo col = new LIS.DAL.ORM.Common.ColumnInfo();
                FrekeyAttribute fk = declaredFields[i].getAnnotation(FrekeyAttribute.class);
                col.FkInfo = fk;
                col.Name = declaredFields[i].getName();
                col.ColType = declaredFields[i].getType();
                col.Value = declaredFields[i].get(model);

            return tableInfo;
        } catch (Exception ex) {<!-- -->
        return null;

    //Assemble query SQL through table information and parameter list
    //factory: driver factory
    //tableInfo: table information
    //operList: Operator list corresponding to the parameter
    //linkList: operator for connecting multiple parameters and or this kind
    //orderBySql:Order By SQL statement
    //IsFk: Whether to assemble the SQL of foreign key query
    public static String GetSelectSqlByTableInfo(IDbFactory factory,TableInfo tableInfo, List<ParamDto> para,List<String> operList,List<String> linkList, String orderBySql,Boolean IsFk)
    {<!-- -->
        StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder();
        sb.append("select ");
        //Whether it contains a serial number column
        boolean HasSequence=false;
        boolean HasSeqNum=false;
        //Assemble query column
        for(int i=0;i<tableInfo.ColList.size();i + + )
        {<!-- -->
            //Save column name
            String columnName = tableInfo.ColList.get(i).Name;
            {<!-- -->
            else if(columnName=="SeqNum")
            {<!-- -->
            //Assemble query column
            {<!-- -->
            {<!-- -->
                sb.append("," + factory.DealPropertyName(columnName));
            //Assemble foreign key query information
            if(IsFk==true & amp; & amp;tableInfo.ColList.get(i).FkInfo!=null) {<!-- -->
                FrekeyAttribute fkAttr=tableInfo.ColList.get(i).FkInfo;
                String refTableName=factory.DealTableName(GetTableName(ReflectUtil.GetType("LIS.Model.Entity." + fkAttr.Name(), "LIS.Model")));
                sb.append("," + "(select " + factory.DealPropertyName(fkAttr.AssociaField()) + " from " + refTableName + " where ti." + factory.DealPropertyName(columnName) + "=" + refTableName + " ." + factory.DealPropertyName(fkAttr.RefColumnName()) + ") as " + factory.DealPropertyName(columnName + "_" + fkAttr.Name() + "_" + fkAttr.AssociaField()));
                //If there is pull field 1, query the pull field
                if (fkAttr.AssociaField1() != "")
                {<!-- -->
                    sb.append("," + "(select " + factory.DealPropertyName(fkAttr.AssociaField1()) + " from " + refTableName + " where ti." + factory.DealPropertyName(columnName) + "=" + refTableName + " ." + factory.DealPropertyName(fkAttr.RefColumnName()) + ") as " + factory.DealPropertyName(columnName + "_" + fkAttr.Name() + "_" + fkAttr.AssociaField1()));
                //If there is pull field 2, query the pull field
                if (fkAttr.AssociaField2() != "")
                {<!-- -->
                    sb.append("," + "(select " + factory.DealPropertyName(fkAttr.AssociaField2()) + " from " + refTableName + " where ti." + factory.DealPropertyName(columnName) + "=" + refTableName + " ." + factory.DealPropertyName(fkAttr.RefColumnName()) + ") as " + factory.DealPropertyName(columnName + "_" + fkAttr.Name() + "_" + fkAttr.AssociaField2()));
        sb.append(" from " + factory.DealTableName(tableInfo.TableInfo.Name()) + " ti ");

        //Assemble query parameters
        if(para!=null & amp; & amp;para.size()>0)
        {<!-- -->
            sb.append(" where ");
            for(int i=0;i<para.size();i + + )
            {<!-- -->
                String oper="=";
                if(operList!=null & amp; & amp;operList.size()>i)
                {<!-- -->
                String link="and";
                if(operList!=null & amp; & amp;operList.size()>i-1)
                {<!-- -->
                if(i==0) {<!-- -->
                    sb.append(factory.DealPropertyName(para.get(i).Key.toString()) + oper + factory.DealSqlPara(para.get(i).Key.toString()));
                {<!-- -->
                    sb.append(" " + link + " " + factory.DealPropertyName(para.get(i).Key.toString()) + oper + factory.DealSqlPara(para.get(i).Key.toString())) ;

        //Save assembled sort sql
        String strSort = "";
        //If the sort field is passed in, assemble the sort statement
        if (orderBySql != null & amp; & amp; orderBySql.length() > 0)
        {<!-- -->
            //Used to store the sorted string for processing
            String dealStr = "";
            //First split into multiple sorting conditions
            String[] strList = orderBySql.split(",");
            for (int m = 0; m < strList.length; m + + )
            {<!-- -->
                //Separate multiple sorting conditions
                if (m > 0)
                {<!-- -->
                    dealStr + = ",";
                //Separate field names and ascending and descending order
                String[] strSubList = strList[m].split(" ");
                //Process field names
                dealStr + = factory.DealPropertyName(strSubList[0]);
                //Assemble the processed string
                for (int n = 1; n < strSubList.length; n + + )
                {<!-- -->
                    dealStr + = " " + strSubList[n];
            //Assemble sort string
            strSort = " Order By " + dealStr;
        {<!-- -->
            {<!-- -->
                strSort = " Order By " + factory.DealPropertyName("Sequence") + " ASC";
            else if (HasSeqNum)
            {<!-- -->
                strSort = " Order By " + factory.DealPropertyName("SeqNum") + " ASC";
            {<!-- -->
                strSort = "";
        return sb.toString();

    //Get the entity table name through the entity type
    private static String GetTableName(Class c)
    {<!-- -->
        //save table name
        String strTableName = "";
        //Get table properties
        TableAttribute tableInfo = null;
        //Get table properties
        Annotation[] annoList = c.getAnnotations();
        if (annoList != null & amp; & amp; annoList.length > 0) {<!-- -->
            for (int i = 0; i < annoList.length; i + + ) {<!-- -->
                //table properties
                if (annoList[i] instanceof TableAttribute) {<!-- -->
                    tableInfo = (TableAttribute) annoList[i];
        return strTableName;

Defined table information entities
Parsed column information

package LIS.DAL.ORM.Common;
import LIS.Core.CustomAttributes.FrekeyAttribute;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;

//Column information
public class ColumnInfo {<!-- -->
    //Save foreign key information
    public FrekeyAttribute FkInfo=null;

    //Save column name
    public String Name;

    //Save column results
    public Object Value;

    //Type of storage column
    public Type ColType;

Parsed id information

package LIS.DAL.ORM.Common;

//Save primary key information
public class IdInfo {<!-- -->
    /// <summary>
    ///Key value ID
    /// </summary>
    public String Key;

    /// <summary>
    ///Key value data
    /// </summary>
    public Object Value;

Parsed table information

package LIS.DAL.ORM.Common;
import LIS.Core.CustomAttributes.*;
import java.util.*;
import LIS.DAL.ORM.Common.ColumnInfo;

//Save the parsed table new
public class TableInfo {<!-- -->
    //Save unique characteristics
    public List<UniqueAttribute> UniqueList=new ArrayList<UniqueAttribute>();

    //table properties
    public TableAttribute TableInfo=null;

    //Primary key information
    public LIS.DAL.ORM.Common.IdInfo ID=null;

    //Save column information
    public List<ColumnInfo> ColList=new ArrayList<ColumnInfo>();


Console test

//import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException;
//import org.apache.commons.configuration.PropertiesConfiguration;
import LIS.Model.Entity.SYSForm;
import LIS.Model.Entity.SYSUser;
import org.w3c.dom.*;
import javax.xml.parsers.*;

public class Main {<!-- -->

    public static void main(String[] args) {<!-- -->
        //Initialize the container with the container's configuration xml
        //ORM gets the database driver factory through the container
        LIS.DAL.ORM.EntityManager.EntityManagerImpl orm=new LIS.DAL.ORM.EntityManager.EntityManagerImpl();
        //Execute query test
        //Test to get the SQL statement through the entity
        orm.InsertSqlTest(new SYSForm());
        orm.InsertSqlTest(new SYSUser());

Test sql for querying foreign keys

select "RowID","Code","CName","SysCode","Sequence","Active","Url","Path","Remark","FormHelp","HelpWidth","HelpHeight ","HelpDoc","SystemSubDR",(select "RowID" from dbo.SYS_SystemSub where ti."SystemSubDR"=dbo.SYS_SystemSub."RowID") as "SystemSubDR_SYSSystemSub_RowID",(select "" from dbo.SYS_SystemSub where ti. "SystemSubDR"=dbo.SYS_SystemSub."RowID") as "SystemSubDR_SYSSystemSub_",(select "" from dbo.SYS_SystemSub where ti."SystemSubDR"=dbo.SYS_SystemSub."RowID") as "SystemSubDR_SYSSystemSub_" from dbo.SYS_Form ti Order By "Sequence" ASC

select "RowID","Code","CName","Password","HospitalDR",(select "CName" from dbo.BT_Hospital where ti."HospitalDR"=dbo.BT_Hospital."RowID") as "HospitalDR_BTHospital_CName", (select "" from dbo.BT_Hospital where ti."HospitalDR"=dbo.BT_Hospital."RowID") as "HospitalDR_BTHospital_",(select "" from dbo.BT_Hospital where ti."HospitalDR"=dbo.BT_Hospital."RowID" ) as "HospitalDR_BTHospital_","LanguageDR",(select "CName" from dbo.SYS_Language where ti."LanguageDR"=dbo.SYS_Language."RowID") as "LanguageDR_SYSLanguage_CName",(select "" from dbo.SYS_Language where ti. "LanguageDR"=dbo.SYS_Language."RowID") as "LanguageDR_SYSLanguage_",(select "" from dbo.SYS_Language where ti."LanguageDR"=dbo.SYS_Language."RowID") as "LanguageDR_SYSLanguage_","SecurityType"," PIN","Remark","Sequence","Active","PositionTitleDR",(select "CName" from dbo.BT_PositionTitle where ti."PositionTitleDR"=dbo.BT_PositionTitle."RowID") as "PositionTitleDR_BTPositionTitle_CName",(select "" from dbo.BT_PositionTitle where ti."PositionTitleDR"=dbo.BT_PositionTitle."RowID") as "PositionTitleDR_BTPositionTitle_",(select "" from dbo.BT_PositionTitle where ti."PositionTitleDR"=dbo.BT_PositionTitle."RowID") as "PositionTitleDR_BTPositionTitle_","UserType","UKeyNo","SignImage","Theme","MenuModel","PermissionDR",(select "CName" from dbo.SYS_Permission where ti."PermissionDR"=dbo.SYS_Permission."RowID ") as "PermissionDR_SYSPermission_CName",(select "" from dbo.SYS_Permission where ti."PermissionDR"=dbo.SYS_Permission."RowID") as "PermissionDR_SYSPermission_",(select "" from dbo.SYS_Permission where ti."PermissionDR"= dbo.SYS_Permission."RowID") as "PermissionDR_SYSPermission_" from dbo.SYS_User ti Order By "Sequence" ASC

The basic prototype to support SQL assembly is completed. The dependency on Maven is really dumb. After a while, when the IDE prompts that the code is not working, Maven can compile it. After a while, when the IDE prompts that it is OK, Maven fails to compile, and I can’t figure out the pattern. The project is changed to Jboss project, and project references waste a lot of time. After the Maven project is abandoned, the reference dependencies are stable.