Solve the Undefined function or variable “B” encountered by Matlab

Table of Contents

Solve the Undefined function or variable “B” encountered by Matlab



1. Check the declaration and assignment of variables

2. Import related functions or scripts

3. Solve the problem of variable scope

in conclusion

Solve the Undefined function or variable “B” encountered by Matlab

While programming with Matlab, sometimes you may encounter the error message “Undefined function or variable” which mentions an undefined function or variable. This error usually occurs where you try to use a function or variable that is not declared or assigned a value incorrectly. In this article, we will cover some common causes and solutions to help you solve this problem.


1. Undeclared or incorrectly assigned variables: When you use a variable in the code without explicitly declaring or assigning it a value, Matlab will report “Undefined function or variable\ “mistake. This can be caused by misspellings, incorrect variable names, or missing assignment statements. 2. Missing related functions or scripts: If you use a function or script in your code but do not import it correctly into the current workspace or path, Matlab will not be able to recognize it and report an error\ “Undefined function or variable”. 3. Variable scope issue: In Matlab, the scope of a variable determines its visibility and usable range. If you define a variable inside a function, it will only be used inside that function. If you try to use the variable in another function, Matlab will throw an “Undefined function or variable” error.


1. Check the declaration and assignment of variables

Make sure you explicitly declare and assign a variable in your code before using it. Check that the variable name is spelled correctly and that the variable is within its scope.

If you use an external function or script in your code, make sure you import it correctly. You can use the ??addpath?? command to add the folder where the function is located to Matlab’s search path, or use the ??cd?? command to change the current working directory. Contains required functions or scripts.

3. Solve the problem of variable scope

If you define a variable inside a function and want to use it in another function, then you need to extend the scope of the variable into the other function or pass it as a parameter to the other function. You can use the ??global?? keyword to declare a variable as global, making it visible throughout the program. Another way is to pass the variable as a parameter to the function that needs to use it. The following is a sample code that demonstrates how to resolve the “Undefined function or variable” error:

matlabCopy code% sample code
function main()
    % Define variable A and assign value
    A = 5;
    % Call the sum_and_print function, passing A as a parameter to it
function sum_and_print(B)
    % Calculate the square of A
    C = B^2;
    % print results

In this example, we first define the variable ??A?? in the ??main?? function and assign it a value of 5. We then called the sum_and_print function and passed it the A function as a parameter. In the ??sum_and_print?? function, we named the passed parameter ??B?? and calculated ??B? ?squared. Finally, we use the ??disp?? function to print the results. This way we can pass variables correctly between functions and no “Undefined function or variable” errors will occur.


When programming with Matlab, it is common to encounter “Undefined function or variable” errors. This article provides some ways to solve this problem, including checking variable declarations and assignments, importing related functions or scripts, and solving variable scope issues. By following these methods, you can better manage and use variables and avoid these types of errors. Remember, correct code writing and standardized variable use are the keys to ensuring the normal operation of the program.

The following is a sample code of a practical application scenario, involving a function that solves common problems in the field of machine learning:

matlabCopy code% Sample code: Solving linear regression problems
function main()
    % Generate sample data
    X = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]'; % input features
    y = [2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5, 6.5]'; % target value
    % Use linear regression model for fitting
    weights = linear_regression(X, y);
    % Print fitting results
    fprintf('Fitting result:\\
    fprintf(' slope: %.3f\\
', weights(2));
    fprintf(' intercept: %.3f\\
', weights(1));
function weights = linear_regression(X, y)
    % Add offset column
    X = [ones(size(X, 1), 1), X];
    % Calculate weight
    weights = inv(X' * X) * X' * y;

In this sample code, we use a linear regression model to fit a set of sample data. First, we generated the input features ??X?? and the target value ??y??, and then we called ??linear_regression? ? function to perform linear regression fitting. In the ??linear_regression?? function, we will input the feature matrix ??X?? and add a bias column with all 1s, and then calculate it by the least squares method The weights??weights??. Finally, we print out the fitting results, including slope and intercept, in the ??main?? function. This sample code solves the common “Undefined function or variable” error in practical applications by introducing a function ??linear_regression?? that encapsulates the linear regression fitting logic. It also demonstrates how to pass variables as function parameters and share and use these variables in multiple functions.

In Matlab, variables can be declared and assigned through direct assignment. Matlab is a dynamically typed language that allows variables to automatically determine their type when assigned. The following is a detailed introduction to Matlab variable declaration and assignment:

  1. Variable declaration: In Matlab, you do not need to declare the type of the variable in advance. You can use a variable directly anywhere without declaring or defining it beforehand. When you assign a value to a variable for the first time, Matlab will automatically determine the type of the variable based on the type of the assigned value.
  2. Variable assignment: Variable assignment is performed using the equal sign (=). You can assign a value to a variable and store the value in the variable. For example, ??x = 5?? assigns the value 5 to variable x. In Matlab, it also supports the operation of assigning values to multiple variables at the same time. For example,??x = y = 5??Assign the value 5 to variables x and y.
  3. Multi-line assignment: In Matlab, multi-line assignment can be implemented using comma separation. For example, ??x = [1, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6]?? assigns a matrix of 2 rows and 3 columns to the variable x. In this example, each row of the matrix represents an assignment operation, and commas separate the values in different rows.
  4. Automatically resize arrays: Arrays in Matlab can be automatically resized based on assignments. If you assign a value to a variable and the size of the variable does not match the size of the assigned array, Matlab will automatically adjust the size of the variable to fit the assigned array. This makes it easier for us to assign values based on actual data without having to determine the size of the variable in advance.
  5. Variable type: Variables in Matlab can be scalars, vectors, matrices, or higher-dimensional arrays. A scalar is a single value, a vector is a matrix containing multiple elements, a matrix is a two-dimensional array, and higher-dimensional arrays can have three, four, or even more dimensions. In short, there is no explicit variable declaration statement in Matlab. You can directly use variables for assignment operations, and Matlab will automatically determine the type of the variable based on the type of the assigned value. This flexible method of variable declaration and assignment makes Matlab very convenient and efficient in the fields of scientific computing and data analysis.