,Multiple data sources + Mybatisplus + Sharding JDBC split tables in the same database

Horizontal table sharding is to split the data of the same table into multiple tables according to certain rules in the same database. Multiple data sources use the dynamic-datasource of mybatis-plus. The sharding-jdbc database and table sharding are used. The database connection pool management is alibaba’s druid-spring-boot-starter

Tables in the same database

Table of Contents

1. Database table


3.Introduced jar package

4. Database operations

5.The following is a runnable example


1. Database table


Table Structure

CREATE TABLE `t_order_4` (
  `order_id` bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'order id',
  `price` decimal(10,2) NOT NULL COMMENT 'order price',
  `user_id` bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Order user id',
  `status` varchar(50) CHARACTER SET utf8mb3 COLLATE utf8mb3_general_ci NOT NULL COMMENT 'Order Status',
  `create_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL,

Split tables when configuring multiple data sources:

2. Configuration

application.yaml configuration:

--- #################### Database related configuration ####################
  #Data source configuration items
      - com.alibaba.druid.spring.boot.autoconfigure.DruidDataSourceAutoConfigure # Exclude Druid’s automatic configuration and use dynamic-datasource-spring-boot-starter to configure multiple data sources
# allow-bean-definition-overriding: true
    druid: # Druid [monitoring] related global configuration
        enabled: true
        enabled: true
        allow: #Set a whitelist, if left blank, all access will be allowed.
        url-pattern: /druid/*
        login-username: #Console management username and password
          enabled: true
          log-slow-sql: true # Slow SQL logging
          slow-sql-millis: 100
          merge-sql: true
            multi-statement-allow: true
    dynamic: #Multiple data source configuration
      druid: # Druid [Connection Pool] related global configuration
        initial-size: 5 # Initial number of connections
        min-idle: 10 # Minimum number of connection pools
        max-active: 20 #Maximum number of connection pools
        max-wait: 600000 # Configure the waiting timeout for obtaining a connection, unit: milliseconds
        time-between-eviction-runs-millis: 60000 # Configure how often to detect idle connections that need to be closed, unit: milliseconds
        min-evictable-idle-time-millis: 300000 # Configure the minimum survival time of a connection in the pool, unit: milliseconds
        max-evictable-idle-time-millis: 900000 # Configure the maximum survival time of a connection in the pool, unit: milliseconds
        validation-query: SELECT 1 FROM DUAL # Configure to check whether the connection is valid
        test-while-idle: true
        test-on-borrow: false
        test-on-return: false
      primary: master
          name: ruoyi-vue-pro
          url: jdbc:mysql://${spring.datasource.dynamic.datasource.master.name}?allowMultiQueries=true & amp;useUnicode=true & amp;useSSL=false & amp;characterEncoding=UTF -8 & amp;serverTimezone=Asia/Shanghai & amp;autoReconnect=true & amp;nullCatalogMeansCurrent=true # MySQL Connector/J 8.X connection example
          # url: jdbc:mysql://${spring.datasource.dynamic.datasource.master.name}?useSSL=false & amp;allowPublicKeyRetrieval=true & amp;useUnicode=true & amp;characterEncoding= UTF-8 & amp;serverTimezone=CTT # MySQL Connector/J 5.X connection example
          # url: jdbc:postgresql://${spring.datasource.dynamic.datasource.slave.name} # Example of PostgreSQL connection
          # url: jdbc:oracle:thin:@ # Example of Oracle connection
          # url: jdbc:sqlserver://;DatabaseName=${spring.datasource.dynamic.datasource.master.name} # SQLServer connection example
          username: root
          password: root
        # username: sa
        # password: JSm:g(*%lU4ZAkz06cd52KqT3)i1?H7W
        slave: # Simulate slave library, which can be modified according to your own needs
          name: ruoyi-vue-pro
          url: jdbc:mysql://${spring.datasource.dynamic.datasource.slave.name}?allowMultiQueries=true & amp;useUnicode=true & amp;useSSL=false & amp;characterEncoding=UTF -8 & amp;serverTimezone=Asia/Shanghai & amp;autoReconnect=true & amp;nullCatalogMeansCurrent=true # MySQL Connector/J 8.X connection example
          # url: jdbc:mysql://${spring.datasource.dynamic.datasource.slave.name}?useSSL=false & amp;allowPublicKeyRetrieval=true & amp;useUnicode=true & amp;characterEncoding= UTF-8 & amp;serverTimezone=CTT # MySQL Connector/J 5.X connection example
          # url: jdbc:postgresql://${spring.datasource.dynamic.datasource.slave.name} # Example of PostgreSQL connection
          # url: jdbc:oracle:thin:@ # Example of Oracle connection
          # url: jdbc:sqlserver://;DatabaseName=${spring.datasource.dynamic.datasource.slave.name} # SQLServer connection example
          username: root
          password: root
          # username: sa
          # password: JSm:g(*%lU4ZAkz06cd52KqT3)i1?H7W
  #shardingsphere related configurations
  # Sub-database and sub-table configuration
  #shardingsphere related configurations
      names: m1 #The name of the configuration library, optional
      m1: #Configure the data source information of the current m1 library
        type: com.alibaba.druid.pool.DruidDataSource
        driverClassName: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
        url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/ruoyi-vue-pro?useUnicode=true & amp;characterEncoding=UTF-8 & amp;useSSL=false
        username: root
        password: root
        system_dept: # Specify the data distribution of the t_order table and configure the data node
          actualDataNodes: m1.system_dept_$->{1..8}
          tableStrategy: #Table splitting strategy, options are inline, standard, complex, hint, none
            inline: # Specify the sharding strategy of the t_order table. The sharding strategy includes the sharding key and the sharding algorithm. #inline (row expression sharding strategy) - precise sharding based on a single sharding key.
              shardingColumn: id
              algorithmExpression: system_dept_$->{id % 8 + 1}
    # keyGenerator: # Specify the primary key generation strategy of the t_order table as SNOWFLAKE
    # column: order_id #Specify the primary key
    # type: SNOWFLAKE #The primary key generation strategy is SNOWFLAKE

    default-data-source-name: m1 #Data source that does not use the sub-table and sub-database strategy
        show: true

3.Introduced jar package

 <-- Put this jar in front of the mybatisjar package -->

4. Database Operation

Normal operation is enough, no need to add @DS to specify the data source

5. The following is a runnable example

springboot2.7.17, mybatisplus3.5.3.1, dynamic-datasource3.5.1

Source code:


  1. 6. Reference

[Sharding-JDBC] (1) Integrate mybatis-plus horizontal table_mybatisplus horizontal table-CSDN blog

Multiple data sources + database sub-database and sub-table_Multiple data sources, sub-database and sub-table_Amarone’s blog-CSDN blog

Cause: java.sql.SQLFeatureNotSupportedException: getObject with type-CSDN Blog

The new version of SpringBoot integrates sharding-jdbc and reports shardingsphere.shardingjdbc.jdbc.unsupported.AbstractUnsupportedOperationConnection.isValid solution – Laeni – Blog Park (cnblogs.com)