EchartsRose pie chart data interaction

In the process of learning the echarts rose pie chart, I learned three methods of data interaction. I would be happy if it is helpful to you.

1. Official website tutorial

(The tutorial data is in the code)

import * as echarts from 'echarts';

var chartDom = document.getElementById('main');
var myChart = echarts.init(chartDom);
var option;

option = {
  legend: {
    top: 'bottom'
  toolbox: {
    show: true,
    feature: {
      mark: { show: true },
      dataView: { show: true, readOnly: false },
      restore: { show: true },
      saveAsImage: { show: true }
  series: [
      name: 'Nightingale Chart',
      type: 'pie',
      radius: [50, 250],
      center: ['50%', '50%'],
      roseType: 'area',
      itemStyle: {
        borderRadius: 8
      data: [
        { value: 40, name: 'rose 1' },
        { value: 38, name: 'rose 2' },
        { value: 32, name: 'rose 3' },
        { value: 30, name: 'rose 4' },
        { value: 28, name: 'rose 5' },
        { value: 26, name: 'rose 6' },
        { value: 22, name: 'rose 7' },
        { value: 18, name: 'rose 8' }

option & amp; & amp; myChart.setOption(option);

2. Tutorials shared by netizens

1. http://?


(This tutorial uses push to put external values into an array)

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<!-- Introduce echarts.js -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src="//" type="text/javascript"></script>
<!-- Prepare a Dom with size (width and height) for ECharts -->
<div id="main" style="width: 600px;height:600px;"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var names = []; //Category array (used to store pie chart categories)

var brower = [];
url: "test.json",
data: {},
type: 'GET',
success: function(data) {
//Execute the content of this function when the request is successful, and the result is the json object returned by the server.
$.each(data, function(index, item) {
names.push(item.value); //Remove categories one by one and fill in the category array
name: item.jobName,
value: item.jobNum
// Based on the prepared dom, initialize the echarts instance
var myChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('main'));
function hrFun(param) {
legend: {
top: 'bottom'
toolbox: {
show: true,
feature: {
mark: {
show: true
dataView: {
show: true,
readOnly: false
restore: {
show: true
saveAsImage: {
show: true
legend: {
orientation: 'vertical',
x: 'right',
y: 'bottom',
textStyle: { //Style of legend text
color: '#0b2b5e',
fontSize: 12
data: ['online', 'offline']
series: [{
name: 'Area Mode',
type: 'pie',
radius: [50, 250],
center: ['50%', '50%'],
roseType: 'area',
label: {
normal: {
show: false,
labelLine: {
normal: {
show: false
itemStyle: {
borderRadius: 8
data: brower,
    "jobNum": 1,
    "jobName": "Equipment Manager"
}, {
    "jobNum": 1,
    "jobName": "Electrical Operation"
}, {
    "jobNum": 0,
    "jobName": "ERP Management"
}, {
    "jobNum": 1,
    "jobName": "Security Manager"
}, {
    "jobNum": 1,
    "jobName": "Production Manager"
}, {
    "jobNum": 1,
    "jobName": "FKM Workshop Director"
}, {
    "jobNum": 5,
    "jobName": "Operator"
}, {
    "jobNum": 1,
    "jobName": "Unloader"
}, {
    "jobNum": 2,
    "jobName": "Manager"
}, {
    "jobNum": 5,
    "jobName": "Finished Product Inspection"
}, {
    "jobNum": 2,
    "jobName": "Electrical Management"
}, {
    "jobNum": 0,
    "jobName": "Warehouse"
}, {
    "jobNum": 5,
    "jobName": "Director"
}, {
    "jobNum": 1,
    "jobName": "Vice President of Equipment"
}, {
    "jobNum": 0,
    "jobName": "Default identity"
}, {
    "jobNum": 2,
    "jobName": "Device Management"
}, {
    "jobNum": 1,
    "jobName": "Statistics"
}, {
    "jobNum": 1,
    "jobName": "Team Leader"
}, {
    "jobNum": 3,
    "jobName": "Instrument"
}, {
    "jobNum": 1,
    "jobName": "Public"
}, {
    "jobNum": 6,
    "jobName": "Forklift"
}, {
    "jobNum": 1,
    "jobName": "Administrative Management"
}, {
    "jobNum": 2,
    "jobName": "General worker"
}, {
    "jobNum": 1,
    "jobName": "Monitor"
}, {
    "jobNum": 2,
    "jobName": "Human Resources"
}, {
    "jobNum": 1,
    "jobName": "Sales"
}, {
    "jobNum": 1,
    "jobName": "Aggregation Technician"
}, {
    "jobNum": 1,
    "jobName": "Craft"
}, {
    "jobNum": 4,
    "jobName": "Analysis"
}, {
    "jobNum": 1,
    "jobName": "Accountant"
}, {
    "jobNum": 5,
    "jobName": "Cleaning"
}, {
    "jobNum": 1,
    "jobName": "Vice President of Technology"
}, {
    "jobNum": 2,
    "jobName": "Security Administrator"
}, {
    "jobNum": 1,
    "jobName": "Maintenance Management"
}, {
    "jobNum": 2,
    "jobName": "Purchasing"
}, {
    "jobNum": 2,
    "jobName": "Sales Backstage"
}, {
    "jobNum": 5,
    "jobName": "Shift Leader"
}, {
    "jobNum": 12,
    "jobName": "Post-processing"
}, {
    "jobNum": 1,
    "jobName": "Analysis Workshop Director"
}, {
    "jobNum": 1,
    "jobName": "FEP Workshop Director"
}, {
    "jobNum": 2,
    "jobName": "Process Management"
}, {
    "jobNum": 4,
    "jobName": "Electrician"
}, {
    "jobNum": 0,
    "jobName": "Measurement"
}, {
    "jobNum": 18,
    "jobName": "Aggregation"
}, {
    "jobNum": 1,
    "jobName": "Warehouse Management"
}, {
    "jobNum": 1,
    "jobName": "Logistics Management"
}, {
    "jobNum": 1,
    "jobName": "General Manager"
}, {
    "jobNum": 1,
    "jobName": "Public Works Director"
}, {
    "jobNum": 1,
    "jobName": "Safety Director"
}, {
    "jobNum": 6,
    "jobName": "Central Control Analysis"
}, {
    "jobNum": 1,
    "jobName": "Finished Product Inspection Team Leader"
}, {
    "jobNum": 2,
    "jobName": "Deputy Director"
}, {
    "jobNum": 1,
    "jobName": "Single Technician"
}, {
    "jobNum": 1,
    "jobName": "Cashier"
}, {
    "jobNum": 1,
    "jobName": "Technician"
}, {
    "jobNum": 2,
    "jobName": "Environmental Protection Manager"
}, {
    "jobNum": 2,
    "jobName": "Mechanical Repair"
}, {
    "jobNum": 2,
    "jobName": "Vice President of Production"
}, {
    "jobNum": 6,
    "jobName": "External Operation"
}, {
    "jobNum": 1,
    "jobName": "Assistant General Manager"
}, {
    "jobNum": 1,
    "jobName": "Measurement, ERP management"

3. Course video tutorial & amp;vd_source=841fee104972680a6cac4dbdbf144b50

(Receive data by setting echarts and axios)

Mainly involves the following 5 files:

1. three.json, one of the background data files, pay attention to the order of value and name!

        {"value":1000,"name":"A card"},
        {"value":2000,"name":"B Brand"},
        {"value":3000,"name":"C brand"},
        {"value":2500,"name":"D card"},
        {"value":1500,"name":"E card"}

2. three.js, one of the background configuration files

let express=require("express")
let router=express.Router()
let threeData=require("../mock/three.json")

    res.send({msg:"I am the routing address of three",chartData:threeData})


3. index.js, one of the background routing configuration files

let express=require("express")
let app=express();

//Set cross-domain
    res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers','Content-Type,Content-Length, Authorization, Accept,X-Requested-with , yourHeaderFeild');
    res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods','PUT,POST,GET, DELETE,OPTIONS');
//Reference routing file
let chartOne=require("./router/one")
let chartTwo=require("./router/two")
let chartThree=require("./router/three")
let chartFour=require("./router/four")

//Use middleware to configure routing


4. homePage.vue, front-end file, reference component

//The following only excerpts the script code, others are omitted
//reference component
import ItemPage from "@/components/itemPage.vue"

import ItemOne from "@/components/itemOne.vue"
import ItemTwo from "@/components/itemTwo.vue"
import ItemThree from "@/components/itemThree.vue"
import ItemFour from "@/components/itemFour.vue"
import MapPage from "@/components/mapPage.vue"
//reference inject
import {inject} from "vue"

export default{
        //Test using echarts
        let $echarts=inject("echarts")
        //Test using axios
        let $http=inject("axios")


5. itemThree.vue, front-end component file, obtains back-end data

        <h2>Chart 3</h2>
        <div class="chart" id="threeChart">
            Analysis chart
import{inject,onMounted,reactive} from "vue"
export default {
    //1. Set echarts, set axios, and create variables that accept requests.
        let $echarts=inject("echarts")
        let $http=inject("axios")
        //2. Get data
        async function getState(){
            data=await $http({url:"/three/data"});
        let data=reactive({})
        //Generate dynamic chart
        //1. Dynamically display the chart after the dom is loaded.
            //2. Send request
                console.log("pie chart",
                //Initialize echarts
                let myChart=$echarts.init(document.getElementById("threeChart"))
                        //Set legend
                        top:"bottom"//put it at the bottom
                            type:"pie",//pie chart
                            radius:[10,100],//inner radius, outer radius
                            center:["50%","45%"],//The center coordinates of the pie chart (horizontal, vertical)
                            roseType:"area",//Set to rose diagram
                                borderRadius:10//Inner and outer corner radius
    /*48 pixels*/
    height: 0.6rem;
    color: #fff;
    line-height: 0.6rem;
    text-align: center;
    font-size: 0.25rem;
    height: 4.5rem;
    background-color:rgba(191, 255, 0, 0.3);