Using Selenium automation framework in python

selenium is a tool for web application testing. Selenium tests run directly in the browser, just like real users.

By writing Selenium scripts that imitate user operations, you can drive the browser to perform specific actions from the end user’s perspective. This feature is very friendly for us to crawl pages dynamically rendered by JavaScript.

Because the JavaScript on pages dynamically rendered by JavaScript is usually compiled and packaged, all you see are shortcodes, which are very difficult to read.

1. Selenium basics

Official documentation:


Selenium automated testing tool: can drive the browser to perform specific actions (for example: click, drop-down, etc.). At the same time, you can also obtain the source code of the page currently rendered by the browser.

1. Install Selenium

pip install selenium

Commonly used package imports: ?

from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver import ActionChains
from import By
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
from import expected_conditions as EC
from import WebDriverWait
import time

2. Install Google Chrome and ChromeDriver

ChromeDriver mirror website:[1]

ChromeDriver installation steps: ① Download chromedriver.exe (note that the browser version must be consistent) ② Configure chromedriver.exe to the system environment variable Path (it is recommended to directly copy the Python installation directory Scripts directory)



First write a simple small function to demonstrate (the browser automatically opens Baidu search for “Zeng Qinglin”):

from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys

browser = webdriver.Chrome()
# Get Google Chrome
# Open Baidu
input = browser.find_element_by_id('kw')
# Find the search box with id kw
input.send_keys('Zeng Qinglin')
# Set search text
# Send the Enter key
# Get the current address of the browser
# Get browser page cookies
# Get the browser page source file

Code execution results


3. Create a browser object?

from selenium import webdriver
browser = webdriver.Chrome()

Or use PhantomJS (a “headless” browser based on Webkit)?

browser = webdriver.PhantomJS()

4. Load the web page?


2. Browser operation

1. Load the web page?


2. Execute js?

browser.execute_script(js code string)

3. Screenshot?


4. Forward and backward?

# Page back
# Page forward

5.Tab switching?



# Close the current tab or window
# Close all tabs or windows

3. Node selection

1. Single node selection?

browser.find_element_by_id('kw') # Native syntax
browser.find_element_by_css_selector('#kw') # CSS syntax
browser.find_element_by_xpath("//*[@id='kw']") # XPath syntax

The element types obtained by the above three methods are all WebElement types. The following two methods are equivalent: ?

browser.find_element(By.ID, 'kw')

2. Multi-node selection

Similar to single node selection, just change element to elements. ?


3. Obtain the page source code?


4. Extract node data

Syntax Data
element.get_attribute(attribute name) Get node attribute value
element.text Get node text content Get node ID
element.location Get node location
element.tag_name Get node tag
element.size Get node size

5. Action

1. Get nodes

?Direct method?

element = browser.find_element_by_XXX(value)

?Use By type (need to import By)?

from import By
element = browser.find_element(By.ID, value)

2. Operations on node elements

Action Description Click
element.submit() Submit
element.send_keys (data) Enter data into the input element
element.clear() Clear the data in the input element

6. Action chain

Used to simulate mouse dragging, mouse button pressing and other operations.

1. Create an action chain object?

from selenium.webdriver import ActionChains
actions = ActionChains(browser)

2. Action

(1) Mouse operation

Action Description Click
actions.double_click(on_element) Double-click
actions .context_click(on_element) Right click
actions.click_and_hold(on_element) Click and hold
actions.drag_and_drop(source, target) Drag and drop
actions.drag_and_drop_by_offset(source, target, xoffset, yoffset ) Drag to the relative position of the element
actions.move_by_offset(xoffset, yoffset) Move the cursor
actions.move_to_element(to_element) Move the cursor to the element
actions.move_to_element_with_offset(to_element, xoffset, yoffset) Move the cursor to the relative position of the element

(2) Keyboard operation

Action Description
actions.send_keys(data) Send information to the currently focused element
actions.send_keys_to_element(element, data) Send information to the element
actions.key_down(value, element) Press the key
actions.key_up(value, element) Release button

3. Execute action chain?


7. Delayed waiting

1. Fixed waiting (forced waiting)

Waits for a fixed amount of time, regardless of page loading. ?


2. Implicit waiting

When the page is loaded or times out, proceed to the next step. ?


3.Show waiting

The next step will be executed only when the condition is met. If it times out, a TimeoutException will be thrown. ?

from import expected_conditions as EC
wait = WebDriverWait(browser, timeout)
element = wait.until(EC.condition)

4. Waiting conditions

Waiting conditions Meaning
title_is The title is some content
title_contains The title contains some content
presence_of_element_located When the node is loaded, the positioning tuple needs to be passed in (for example: (By.ID, ‘q’))
visibility_of_element_located Node courseware, pass in the positioning tuple
visibility_of The incoming node object is visible
presence_of_all_elements_located All nodes visible
text_to_be_present_in_element A node contains a certain text
element_to_be_clickable Node can be clicked
staleness_of To determine whether a node is still in the DOM, you can determine the page Whether it has been refreshed
alert_is_present Determine whether the warning box pops up

8. Cookie operation

1. Get cookies?


2. Add cookie?

browser.add_cookie({"name": name, "value": value})

3. Delete cookies?



Take action, it’s better to be on the road than to wait and see. In the future, you will definitely thank yourself for working hard now! If you want to learn and improve but can’t find the information and there is no one to answer your questions, please join the group in time: 786229024. There are various test and development materials and technologies in which you can communicate together.

Finally: The complete software testing video tutorial below has been compiled and uploaded. Friends who need it can get it by themselves[Guaranteed 100% Free]

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