XML is associated with CSS, CSS attributes, floating positioning, and attribute selectors.

XML associated CSS

1) Call independent style files

An independent css style file is a text file with the extension “.css”.

XML must use preprocessing directives in order to use cascading style sheets.

2) Embed style statements into XML files

Another way is to use the “style” attribute within the tag to define the style.

3) Mixed method to specify style

Comprehensive application of internal css styles and external css styles.

4) Use multiple style files

An XML file can call multiple style sheet files at the same time.


When an XML file references multiple style sheet files at the same time, if the content in the style sheet files conflicts, the style defined in the later style sheet file shall prevail.

) The core of XML is to describe the organizational structure of data. Its element name is an abstraction of the meaning of the data content contained in the element, rather than the display format of the data.

) XML files display data through CSS or XSL, effectively separating the organizational structure and display appearance of the data.

Combining CSS with XML has the following three benefits:

1) Separate data and display methods and take advantage of XML.

2) Unify the display styles in CSS to facilitate unified management of display styles.

3) CSS has a simple grammatical structure, strong compatibility, and is applicable to a wide range of platforms.

HTML associated CSS

1) Embedded style sheet

Add css styles to the