Android Compose implements number selector

Android Compose implements number selector Preface Blogs to learn from The text is here Use process Conclusion Foreword I haven’t written a blog for a long time. Now let’s write an article about how to implement a numerical scrolling selector in compose. This is because a component in my company’s project uses a similar function. […]

Resource Groups And Selector of Presto Resource Management

Article directory Preface Resource group configuration Selector Rules Selector Rules Global Configuration Global Properties selector properties Configuration case Configuration prestoDb Foreword Resource groups limit resource usage and can enforce queuing policies on queries that run within them, or allocate resources to subgroups. The query belongs to a single resource group and consumes resources from that […]

XML is associated with CSS, CSS attributes, floating positioning, and attribute selectors.

XML associated CSS 1) Call independent style files An independent css style file is a text file with the extension “.css”. XML must use preprocessing directives in order to use cascading style sheets. 2) Embed style statements into XML files Another way is to use the “style” attribute within the tag to define the style. […]

CSS Basics – Syntax Using Position/Selector

CSS basics 1. Basic knowledge of CSS 1. CSS meaning: CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) cascading style sheet 2. The role of CSS: modifying the structure of HTML pages 3. CSS basic syntax Selector {attribute: attribute value; attribute: attribute value; attribute: attribute value} (1) Selector: A way to find page elements. There are many methods, so […]

Clever use of attribute selectors to simplify puppeteer front-end automated test code development

For information on how to use Puppeteer to build automated testing projects, you can refer to the Getting Started Guide: Using Puppeteer for Front-end Automated Testing. This article is intended to share a simplifying technique when writing test code. Applicable scenarios It is suitable for B-side system pages with many form operations and relatively uniform […]

elementUI date type selector and partial date conversion

1. The date picker cannot select across years: <el-date-picker v-model=’timerange’ :picker-options=’rangeoption’ type=’daterange’ placement=’bottom-end’ size=’small’ :clearable=”false” style=’width: 260px;’ range-separator=’to’ placeholder=’Please select a date range’ start-placeholder=’Start date’ end-placeholder=’End date’ @change=’changeBytime’> </el-date-picker> When defined: choiceDate: ”, rangeoption: { onPick: ({ maxDate, minDate }) => { this.choiceDate = minDate.getTime() if (maxDate) { this.choiceDate = ” } }, disabledDate: (time) […]

CSS selector, CSS properties related

CSS selector CSS attribute selector Find tags by their attributes. Tags all have attributes. <div class=”c1″ id=”d1″></div> The id value and class value are attributes that come with each tag. There is another type: custom attributes. <div class=”c1″ id=”d1″ username=’kevin’ password=’123′></div> For username=’kevin’ password=’123′ attribute is the custom attribute of div tag Grouping and nesting […]

Kubernetes Label && Selector

Author:rab Directory Preface 1. Labels 1.1 Definition 1.2 Case 1.2.1 Node label 1.2.2 Object tags 2. Selector 2.1 Node Selector 2.2 Service Selector 2.3 Deployment Selector 2.4 StatefulSet Selector 2.5 DaemonSet Selector 2.6 HorizontalPodAutoscaler Selector 2.7 NetworkPolicy Selector 2.8 Pod Affinity and Anti-Affinity Rules Summarize Foreword In Kubernetes, Label and Selector are two key concepts […]

Become a CSS selector master and instantly enhance the taste of your web pages!

Jiangcheng Cheerful Pea: Personal homepage Personal column :《VUE》《javaScript》 Personal website : “Jiangcheng Cheerful Pea” The ideal of life is for an ideal life! Table of Contents ? Column introduction Article introduction 1. Selector 2. Priority 3. Inherited attributes No inherited properties ?Write at the end ? Column Introduction Welcome to the front-end entry journey! This […]

[Various special effects that front-end must know] 01. Number selector code implementation of sliding display effect

Foreword This article will introduce a sliding display effect, implemented through HTML and CSS. This effect can display a set of numbers in a web page and create an interactive effect when the mouse is hovered or focused. We will use an unordered list (ul) to hold the numbers and create a list item (li) […]