[Data processing] python Matplotlib partially enlarges the figure; marks the local enlarged subfigure of interest

Foreword In data visualization, it is often necessary to partially enlarge the data in a certain interval to obtain a higher contrast visualization effect. The following uses the Matplotlib library of the Python language to implement a simple partial magnification effect. Dependent libraries matplotlib: plotting library numpy: an extended library that supports a large number […]

AI system source code ChatGPT website source code + ai painting system/support GPT4.0/support Midjourney partial editing and redrawing

1. AI creation system SparkAi creation system is an Ai intelligent question and answer system and Midjourney painting system developed based on OpenAI’s popular ChatGPT. It supports the full model of OpenAI-GPT + the full model of domestic AI. The overall test of the source code system in this issue is very perfect. It can […]

How AJAX uses get requests to submit data to the server and achieve partial data refresh——AJAX

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang=”en”> <head> <meta charset=”UTF-8″> <title>Title</title> </head> <body> <script type=”text/javascript”> window.onload = function () { document.getElementById(“btn”).onclick = function () { var ajax = new XMLHttpRequest(); ajax.onreadystatechange = function () { if(ajax.readyState === 4) { if(ajax.status === 200) { document.getElementById(“mySpan”).innerHTML = ajax.responseText; } else { alert(ajax.status); } } } //Open channel var username = […]

elementUI date type selector and partial date conversion

1. The date picker cannot select across years: <el-date-picker v-model=’timerange’ :picker-options=’rangeoption’ type=’daterange’ placement=’bottom-end’ size=’small’ :clearable=”false” style=’width: 260px;’ range-separator=’to’ placeholder=’Please select a date range’ start-placeholder=’Start date’ end-placeholder=’End date’ @change=’changeBytime’> </el-date-picker> When defined: choiceDate: ”, rangeoption: { onPick: ({ maxDate, minDate }) => { this.choiceDate = minDate.getTime() if (maxDate) { this.choiceDate = ” } }, disabledDate: (time) […]

The use and partial analysis of Assert in SpringBoot’s built-in tool class

2023.10.29 update: Disadvantages of using assert: 1. The assert keyword needs to be explicitly enabled at runtime to take effect, otherwise your assertion will be meaningless. Currently, mainstream Java IDE tools do not enable the -ea assertion checking function by default. This means that if you use IDE tools to code, you will have some […]

DASCTF-CBCTF-2023 Crypto partially reappears

Article directory ezRSA CB backpack I didn’t take part in the competition this time. I remembered the time wrongly. I took a look and found that if I tried it, I would probably only be able to solve those two simple questions. I’m still too good at it. EzRSA Topic description: from Crypto.Util.number import * […]

vue partially uses vue-quill-editor rich text editor

1. Install vue-quill-editor npm install vue-quill-editor -save 2. Introduce a rich text editor locally into the component <script> //Rich text editor import ‘quill/dist/quill.core.css’ import ‘quill/dist/quill.snow.css’ import ‘quill/dist/quill.bubble.css’ import {<!– –> Quill, quillEditor } from “vue-quill-editor”; export default {<!– –> data(){<!– –> return {<!– –> content:”, } } components: {<!– –>quillEditor}, } </script> 3. HTML <!–Rich […]

Partial implementation of DBSCAN (just find one of the classes)

code show as below: import math import cv2 import numpy as np #Binary method to find the location of data def finddata(d1,list1,i):#i=0,1 d1=d1[i] list_index_min = 0 list_index_max = len(list1) – 1 if d1<=list1[list_index_min][i]: return list_index_min elif d1>=list1[list_index_max][i]: return list_index_max else: s=-1 while list_index_min <= list_index_max: list_index_middle = (list_index_min + list_index_max) // 2 if list1[list_index_middle][i] < […]

Partial Least Squares Regression

1. There are problems Disadvantages of the earliest Linear Regression: If the number of samples is compared to the number of features< img alt="n" class="mathcode" src="//i2.wp.com/latex.csdn.net/eq?n"> is small, or there is a linear correlation between features, due to ( matrix) the rank is less than the number of features (i.e. Irreversible). Therefore the least squares […]